
Next month, we will get into recipes. Today, is just a food for thought. Pizza night does not have to blow your path to wellness. A healthy diet is about sustainable nutrition. It should be a journey rather than a see-saw. When we commit to short-term diets rather than a long-term relationship with food, we often sabotage our own journey of self-care. Short-term diets CAN be a way to get a boost into your wellness goals, but often, it does not get to the roots of why you are making certain self-care choices. Eating well is an intrinsic motivation; a desire that must come from deep within. It is a commitment to self-improvement. It is a marathon of learning to eat better. It is a hike up the mountain of winding paths that are not always going up, but around to discover what can be found. It is a relationship dancing its way through the universe. Sometimes it may feel like you are dancing with two left feet, because you may not be meeting the goals you want or are struggling to break the habits formed by years of programming. It is okay for it take time and be all over the map. You are re-defining your self-worth and re-discovering and developing the roots and flow of self. It is not easy, but the key to keeping the positive motivation is to have fun!!! Pizza night can fit into your new nutrition goals, whether it be clean-eating, home-made food, plant-based, etc. Cooking at home is not just about eating well, but it is also about creative play, which we talk about in Core Care lessons. Creative play is important at any age. It is an essential part of emotional and mental wellness. Creativity keeps the mind open and the mood light.

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New moon in Cancer tonight. Above is a quick look at some vibes to help you tap into the Cancer Cosmic energy.

Decluttering is not always a physical act, sometimes its mental. Mental work is a powerful tool for wellness. Sometimes our brains and the baggage of our life become so full, it feels like a heavy mountain full of fog. Therefore, you need to get in your brain often and do the work to climb the mountain, find clarity through the fog, clear-out the cobwebs, shake off the dust, and sweep out the dirt. Today, we are going to establish a visualization technique to help conduct this process. Our brains do the work with our without us being a co-pilot. If you do not establish boundaries or techniques with your brain, then your unwanted thoughts and emotions will flood your system or be too deep to reach, because we have often been taught by the world around us to let it flow or push it down or hand it over. All of which shape our sub-conscious rather than our consciousness. When we do not directly deal with our thoughts and emotions or create the time and methods for doing so, then they are the driving forces of our stress, because they often come out in ways we were unaware of or spill out at the worst of times. When we create the time and methods for directly facing all of our baggage of thoughts and emotions, then we create the opportunity to become more self-aware. The more we elevate into self-awareness, the easier it is to find clarity in the fog of stress. However, the key factor is taking accountability for self-awareness; education from life experiences must come from within. You have the power within you to constructively de-clutter what invades your space, your peace. The activity: create a power-switch for when you want your brain to process vibes or rest. We are creatures of habit, so an important part to handling difficult and turbulent matters is to create dependable methods. Dependability often features the factors of set-times and practiced strategy. Therefore, your brain needs to know when it is okay to navigate through the waters or when it needs to drop anchor and rest or wait for instruction.

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Respect and Honor the Roots

July 4th, much like any day in my identity and relationship to the roots of this country, I do my best to celebrate independence and freedom, honor the sacrifices, and remember the journey thus far. I love my country and I am grateful for my place on this Earth, but as an Empath and a mindful, loving human that values the roots of all things, I also feel great sorrow on this day for how this country came to be and for those who are still suffering injustice. This land was not free! However, as much as we honor and respect those who worked and fought to create a free land, we should equally honor and respect the roots of how it came to be, which was not always through good intentions or for just causes. Sometimes, the cost was and is too high. When we sell our soul to get ahead or have to follow inhumane actions for the “greater good” or self-perseverance, the cost is too high. Everything in life has negative and positive properties; this is balance. However, we as humans, have a habit of turning a blind eye to the negative; we often avoid or deny the dark roots of how things came to be or what is happening to make things “good”. When we do not dig to ALL of the roots, we may be overlooking the source of what is actually depriving our tree of life and contributing to its fall. We are all connected and all share an accountability of how things were done. We cannot change or rewrite the past, but we can be present. We can be present and mindful of how our country has a long history of causing many of our own problems through our local and global relationships in the past and present. Sometimes, we have a bad habit of biting off more than we can chew and using others for our needs, then when it all becomes too much or falls apart, we point fingers. We often put ourselves in the position of being a global power and icon. With that, comes the burden of living up to that promise. A promise that often gets broken to those who are making sacrifices or are truly feeling the full force of this burden. There are some who are happy to do so and will do it again and again, but sometimes enough is enough. Sometimes it gets to a point where you realize how unappreciated you are, how little your needs are being taken into consideration, and how the “big picture” is not worth it; how mistakes of the past are steadily being repeated at the cost of lives and livelihoods, and most of all, the very thing we stand for; FREEDOM FOR ALL!

This is still a love letter to America, but love goes through hardship. I have a great sense of pride for all the things we, as Americans, have done to aid this world, but I have an equal amount of sorrow for the pain we caused when we made poor choices in the past and in the present. Many people believe because they were not directly responsible for those choices, then it is okay to wipe the hands clean. However, as an Empath, such a thing is impossible. Empaths are part of the collective energy and can feel the vibrations of everything that was done and is being done; all the acts against nature and humanity that were and ARE WRONG for the “greater good”, because sometimes a few people’s definition of the “greater good” is not everyone’s definition and belief in what is truly good. Do I have an answer on how to fix any of it? No. Humanity is complex. It is a collection of so many roots and paths, and SO MUCH unresolved history. All I know is, it is in each one of our hands to work at becoming more accountable and mindful of all that has been done in the past and to be more present for all that is happening. We must really dig to all that is happening and not follow only what we have been taught to follow or what is streaming through the headlines. It has become easier to hide in the shadows, because we are so divided. The shadows are no longer shadows, with the age of media, it is all out in plain sight and it depends on the individual power of perception and judgement to decide what to recognize as wrong or false. Because we have become accustom to mass flows of media and have become more and more desensitized to what is wrong; there are lines divided between those who depend on media to know what is wrong and those who depend on the internal map, the ancient human gut feelings of knowing through the vibrations of nature and human consciousness when energy in something or someone is not right. There is good in all things, but there is also bad; this is the balance of life. It is up to each one of us to make those choices in our own actions and in what we choose to believe in the world around us.

Therefore, today, America I celebrate you for all the good you have done. I am grateful for all the positive opportunities. I am proud of my deep-rooted history. I will dance, sing, and be amazed by the fireworks. I honor the sacrifices my family has made in this land and I will remember, respect, and honor the sacrifices of all American families. However, I will also have a private ceremony with sage and my own rituals to respect, be mindful, and grieve for all the injustices that were done and are still being done to nature and humanity. I will grieve and feel the pain of how so many voices were not and are not being heard or understood. Even many of our own citizens; elderly, children, veterans, poor, homeless, minorities, and animals are an after-thought. When there are special days or parades they become the face of a movement, but then must return to suffering the prices of “big agendas”. Political power is a nasty game. One I often lose faith in. Sometimes I struggle with my faith in humanity, because no one of us are perfect, we are only made up of the positive and negative properties of life. However, I do believe in the power of choice. Therefore, I do my best to not just follow sides or headlines. I do my best to make choices from moment to moment, issue to issue, person to person. I do my best to not just take something for-granted or take it at surface-value; I try to do the work to keep digging to the roots of things to try to study what really happened or is going on. I too am on a journey of trying to be a good human. My faith is restored when I think about how people have overcome and come-together to create positive change no matter how many negative forces are against them. My faith is restored when I see acts of unconditional love; a love and respect for life in all things. America, I have an unconditional -deep-rooted love for you, but this does not mean I will always agree with where you stand. However, it is a relationship and as someone in this relationship, I will do my best to “be the change I wish to see in the world”.

Roots of Love,


HAPPY BIRTHDAY MA!!! This woman is a courageous, strong fighter of a woman and care-taker with a wise old soul and spirit of an inner-child. She takes life seriously, but knows how to have a good time. Sometimes, as a Cancer Sign, the serious-side of life can send her into deep waves of emotion or rabbit-holes of over-thinking. As the crab energy of the zodiac, she can ride the waves of the ocean and take the world by storm or need a little time to be introverted and recover in the shell and sand. I bring this point up, because she did not always see or believe in herself as a force of nature. She has always placed others above herself and burned the candles at all ends to try to keep up with it all. However, on our journey of embracing the power of self over the last several years, together, we have worked on a lot of creative healing to work towards the practice of being selfless is to put less on ourselves. This does not mean we have to give up our responsibilities or unplug from what matters, but we have to pick the matters of most importance, prioritize, set boundaries, speak our peace, and most importantly; live without judgement. We have always believed in authentically and bravely living our life in the best ways we see fit, but that does not come without the burden of caring what others think. We often took harsh judgement or uninvited “two cents” straight to the soul-crushing chambers of the heart. With a care-taking personality, it is an open-door to become people-pleasers. When you want people to feel love and supported, sometimes that comes at the cost of self. However, we have learned it does not have to, and we have done a lot of self-work over the years to restore our boundaries and strength of self. It is still a journey, but one that no matter how deep or dark it got or can get, we do our best to keep bringing the light and the party to it! “Laughter is the best Medicine”! Learn more at the Laugh with Carol Blog: here !


The Power of a Good Drink can set the mood of the moment, sometimes, even the whole day. It can even have the power to restore our commitment to wellness. It can even contribute to natural healing. Food is medicine. Making good nutritional choices is to take control of your life flow. Many good drinks you can make right in your own blender or kettle with few ingredients. Nature’s supply of berries, nuts, herbs, and spices can go a long way!!!!! I believe in DIY as much as possible. However, sometimes we need those quick and easy pre-made things to turn to that are not going to harm us. Knowing what those things are can be difficult due to the marketing and consumer world, but that is why we are on a journey of discovery and development.

In those post, we are not going to be going over brands or recipes. This is a food for thought post of how choosing the right drink can make or break the day, sometimes, even the moment. Drinks are some of the most addictive substances, whether it be; soda, coffee, alcohol, or sugary supplements. They can instantly change our energy and chemistry, which often creates an addictive dependency. Some of these things are still okay in moderation and balance, but if it is a controlling force of your life flow, then it may need a stronger approach, like a detox, to reduce or eliminate the dependency. However, once you have crossed that bridge or if you already have, then you will need to fill that space with something else; something that will truly give you what you need. I love my coffee and wine, but due to my health issues, these are not always good choices for me, so I had to work very hard at finding the right balance and flow. It has been a 10+ year journey, but one well worth it.

Hours of Power Challenge: Create your workout around town or on a local trail. Get out and explore the sights. Even if it is somewhere you go frequently, take time today to really engage in the surroundings to see what you can discover or do differently to further develop in your exercise goals & flow.

The 4 C’s of Core Care

This is a food for thought post. These are my 4 C’s, my guidelines for Core Care. These are vital roots of self-care. Each Core Care lesson is grown from these roots.

Today, establish this as a Core Care Mantra:

All things should be done with:


2. Creativity

3. Consciousness

4. Confidence

When 1-3 are in a mindful flow, 4 will naturally bloom in the right way when it is time.

If 4 is too low or too strong, then the life flow is out of a healthy sync and balance and 1-3 need work; self-care work. This is when it is time to get into the Core of Self to release, rest, manifest, or restore. However, balance only last a moment. Life is always in flow; to keep the sync it is always a work in progress. Therefore, each week we do Core Care work; follow the Root & Flow Calendars.

Today, clean and green may not mean what you are thinking. Often, this expression is related to healthy eating, but today it applies to the process of understanding a healthy, abundant flow.

Abundance means something different to each one of us based on our perceptions and priorities. Sometimes this term is used to note negative associations, like when something is over-the-top or when someone has too much of something they do not truly value or appreciate with greed or gluttony as the driving forces.

However, in the meta-physical world, it is most often used as a positive term, especially with how to manifest positive abundance. Abundance is not a bad thing, when things are appreciated, and most of all, when the means to achieving such is through positive and mindful actions that do not cause harm or consequences to others. Who, what, when, where, and how are always important questions to know the answers to when making choices, whether it be choosing an item to purchase, a job, an activity or movement to participate in, etc.

Thoughts for the day:

Something as simple as buying a shirt, can be more complex, because who, what, when, where, and how was the shirt made can be and SHOULD be a game changer. Sometimes, we have more power in this world than we realize. Something as simple as buying a shirt, could be supporting and promoting something we do not actually believe in or agree with. Some people rather not know how things are made. I hate being the Debbie Downer of dark realities, but I feel it is important to know the answers to these questions, so I can truly feel good about the shirt I am wearing. If a shirt is made through slave labor or harsh humane conditions, then it is not something I want. The hard part though is knowing the answer to this question. Knowing the truth behind an item is not always easy. Thankfully, there is more access to such knowledge, however some regulations have been cut loose and/or are still in need of work. This is why it is important to shop local, handmade business or from brands you know are regulated through fair trade or conscious consumer movements you believe in, ex: cruelty - free. This may mean buying a lot less shirts, wearing the same clothes over and over again, etc, and having to scrape together money to support higher costs with mindfully made goods, but so be it. I am grateful to have clothes on my back, because I know many do not have the freedom of choice. However, many, many consumers do and many have more financial freedom than others to be able to make more mindful choices. Living a mindful life with quality goods does not always mean financial wealth. Sometimes buying the more expensive, consciously made health foods, cleaning products, clothing, and etc. comes from the wealth in spirit and most of all, patience. A lot of times being able to buy those items and support those causes means shopping less, saving and scraping together more spare change, working harder to manifest positive abundance, and not always getting what is needed or wanted. It is about being able to truly feel good in how you live by knowing what you are supporting. It is knowing that your voice and power is in every item you eat, every outfit you where, etc. However, sometimes, we are all just doing our best to survive. In that process, a lot of lines can become blurred and it can be difficult to find a meal, much less make a positive decision about one. Therefore, this post is not intended to make someone feel bad or less than, because I too, have been on the long, long road of waking up to how everything matters and I am still very much so still in a work in progress to manifesting positive abundance to be able to support what matters to me. Right now, it is scraping together spare change to shop from small or local vendors I believe in, but I dream of a world where we all support one another more and more in trying to ensure humane conditions.

Tonight, is a challenge or suggestion: eat outside in the fresh air, on the lawn or on a porch. Food for thought: The air we breathe when we eat can make a difference. The setting of the atmosphere can also make a difference. For example, if we are in crowded spaces, it could trigger social anxiety, even if only on a sub-conscious level. You may find yourself eating faster. This could be because of our survival instincts of ensuring our food from competition or the fast-paced nature of being out and about. Eating out has its charm and convenience, but sometimes we need our own time and space to really breathe in and feel the meal.


First, read Through the Fog there is Beauty to learn more about Shadow Energy: here .

Today’s meditation focuses on embracing the shadows as a source of insight. The difficult part is rooting through perception and illusion. Shadows can be deceiving, but there is also great truth to be found. Play around with shadows today. Get outside and explore any shadows from you or around you; study literal shadows and see where your mind wonders to. You can also create shadows inside with lighting. Make shadow puppets or dance around with the shadows while allowing your mind to meditate and wonder through the natural pathways it opens.


The Crown Chakra, reminder of this energy is below. This energy center is the top of our head; the stream of vibes to and from our world within and all around. It is the highest center for perception and understanding. Sometimes what we wear on the surface of our “crown” is a symbol of our identity or a form of our expression. Hats, literal crowns, hairstyles, hair accessories, and cultural or religious attire all have something to say about who we are, how we feel about our place in the world, and how we perceive the world. The suggestion for today is to think about how this concept is relative to the crown chakra and how what you wear can be channeling or projecting energy. Is it inviting and open to understanding? Is it an ode to your favorite character, team, or cause? Is it a symbol of your religious identity or cultural status? Is it free and flexible to adapting your energy as your perceptions and identity evolves? Is it a permanent honor to your roots? There are no right or wrong answers, this is a food for thought activity. Simply meditate on how what you wear on your head has meaning and energy, and why each culture has particular items that are important to their existence and identity. Sometimes what we wear can inspire unity and sometimes it can trigger tension. It can be as simple as wearing a rivel team’s logo on your hat or it may be more complex like wearing something that clearly identifies your political or religious beliefs. Everything is energy. Energy is made-up of positive and negative properties. Energy also depends greatly on individual perception. Therfore, sometimes what we wear will be perceived as positive and sometimes it will be perceived as negative, so how do we brave a world where there is so much potential for misunderstanding, judgement, and even harm? We work harder to be more mindful of what matters to one another. Embracing what is different is not always about being united or agreeing; it is about committing to the journey and doing the work to try to better understand one another. We each shine our light in different ways!

Boomer was our beautiful, rescue lab. He was also our healer and our spirit guide. He is the one that helped us find our way back to our dreams, helped us face our fears, and helped restore our faith in life. 3 years ago, he tragically passed. He came into life with a “Boom”. He was rescued by my father-in-law that witnessed him getting hit by a transfer truck. He rushed him to the vet. We had been on the look out for a dog for awhile. With living at the beach at the time we really wanted a lab. We had it in our hearts that we wanted a black lab, the day we committed to becoming serious about finding one to adopt is the day we got the phone call from my father-in-law on his way to the vet. This dog came into our lives with purpose. I truly believe everything crosses paths for a reason and sometimes that reason will do whatever it takes to find you. Boomer became our reason for continuing our fight to live. He helped us dig deeper and deeper to find the will and the strength to carry on, and to not only carry on, but to create joy out of the struggles. He brought so much joy to our lives and reminded us “it’s not the years in life, but the life in the years” - Abe Lincoln. He left this Earth way too soon, but the magic in the years he was here will never be forgotten. For more on his story, which is a major root in the inspiration behind Rootin’ for your Life, check out the Seeds of our Soul Blog: Full Circle


Full Moons are about full circles; things coming to light. This is a time when things come to fruition or an opportunity to manifest. It can also be an indicator of coming closer to the end of a cycle, because it is a time when clarity is closer to the surface. It can also be a chaotic time, because life is in a more extroverted state; things are out and about and flowing full throttle.

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Sometimes, through death and grief we cross the bridge and open the doorways to a greater sense of clarity or higher-consciousness or connection to energy. Times of such are extremely difficult, but when we Calm the Sea Within and do the work of Through the Fog there is Beauty we discover new layers of energy and life. We rediscover and further develop how we are connected to all things flowing through energy.


Sometimes animals are looked at only as a source of food or entertainment or are used as a tool, but animals are a powerful source of conscious energy. Animals do have a consciousness; it may operate at different levels, but they feel the vibes and many are consciously aware of feelings. Animals are the most powerful at sensing energy. They know the truth of a person’s intentions. They often come into our life to teach us this, but our own level of awareness and consciousness determines the message and/or experience.

We talk a lot about the Power of Perception. Check out this concept first on Through the Fog there is Beauty.

Today’s thoughts and activity = perceptions shift as energy shifts. Example: right now we are shifting from Cancer season to Leo season, even though they are both ruled by the Third Eye Chakra, they differ in many other properties and perceptions. Cancer signs are ruled by the moon and the element of water. Leos are ruled by the sun and the element of fire. These are polar opposite traits. Therefore, your mood, energy, vibes, and perceptions may experience dramatic shifts. Sometimes we feel these dramatic shifts in our energy and life, but do not understand it. Understanding how our world within is relative to the world all around through elements, cosmic energy, etc. is very important. This can help ease the changes in our flow. Today’s activity suggestion is to read up on the traits of Cancer and Leo signs. Brainstorm how this may influence your energy. Do your best to center yourself in these shifts.


July 22: LEO FOOD

Leos crave luxurius, rich, savory food: meat, wine, heat, chocolate, spice, and everything nice. They love heavy, saucy foods with bold, rich flavors. However, Leos are ruled by the Third Eye Chakra, which craves light, flowing, and refreshing foods to help keep the energy opened, flowing, and balanced. See the chart above for a quick look. For recipes, stay tuned to upcoming sessions, workshops, posts.


Check out the yoga poses and sequence in the chart above for a quick look at Roots & Rhythms of how to inspire your Leo Spirit to Roar.


Leos are ruled by the sun. It may take you a while to charge your energy in the mornings. You are most likely at your prime in the evening when the sun peaks. During sundown, you may feel more of a natural calming come over you. You may enjoy watching the sun go down. However, after it goes down your anxiety may rev up and you may experience some insomnia or need a ritual to help you relax before sleeping. The thought for this, is: give yourself enough/extra time in the mornings to charge your batteries and tune into the day. Give yourself time to gradually rise into your energy.


Astro-biology: The energy of the stars can influence the biological energy of our bodies. The Leo Constellation is connected to the flow of the heart. The heart chakra is very important for Leos, because it is the bridge between their firey instincts and third eye intuition. They are strong kings and queens of the jungle; they often put their heart on the line and go above and beyond to ensure the circle of life. Because of this, they often take a lot to heart. The stress of responsibilities and life can heavily weigh on their heart. They often internalize this as an automatic coping method for protecting their heart. Leos do not mind coming out in the open, because they love soaking in the spotlight and sunlight. However, because they are so tough and charismatic, it is often misunderstood or underestimated how deeply sensitive, thoughtful, and intuitive they really are. Leos are better at expressing their truth through their mediums of art or by taking on or relating to characters. They are very stealthy, but when they want to be seen or heard - you will know it.


Leos are fire signs. They need the air spirits to help spark their energy, earth signs to kindle it, and water spirits to help keep it in check. All elements work together. The hard part is creating a balanced flow. Life is in motion and it is very temperamental, therefore, being conscious of our elemental energy is very important for knowing when and what to channel. Leos when you feel your fire over-blazing, check out: Calm the Sea Within and be sure to read about elemental energy in our Inner Power pages.


Check out the graphic above for a quick look at crystals that help channel and balance Leo energy.


Leos may be most successful with meditation in the sunlight or by being near fire, whether it be a campfire, candle, or incense. Leos are ruled by the sun and by the element of fire. This is the natural flow and charge of their spirit; life-force properties and traits. If meditating in the sun or near fire - BE SAFE!


With the new moon energy in the air, tonight’s Wine & Root theme is: Try Something New! Step outside of your comfort zone and create a dinner with new, healthy ingredients. Try to release the mindset that holds you back from trying new, healthy things. Try to open the mind and give a fresh start to planting new seeds of wellness into your life. It does not have to be major changes. It is okay to start small. Maybe you never thought you would eat tofu or maybe you had it before and did not like it, but maybe you have never had it cooked in a way that makes it delicious! So tonight is about try something new or giving something a second chance. It could be a whole meal, a vegetable, a restaurant, etc.

New moon energy is an important time to deal with the deeper, darker layers of wellness. It is a time to pull back to root through and release heavy vibes. It is important to have constructive methods for rooting through this energy. When we open the doors to the deep, darker layers it can be intimidating and overwhelming; just like how walking outside at night during the times of a new moon, especially in rural areas with limited lighting, can feel. It can be eerie and difficult to see anything. It is important to deal with the deeper, heavier layers of self in doses. Think of it like a cycle, like the moon cycle. This is what Rootin’ is all about. Achieving and maintaining whole wellness in every moment is impossible, because life is in motion; it is a journey. We travel through the seasons and cycles of life. The more we honor the vibes of our nature within and all around, the more we are in tune with our garden of life.


New moons are a time to root through what is deep within. It is important to work towards releasing what is not serving your wellness. This is a time to allow the leaves to fall to return to the roots. Pull back into an introverted state. Self-care is especially important during this time. Use the chart below to help channel the Leo Energy.
