January 2021 #Dailyroots


The New Year always brings the mojo for setting new goals and the ambition for getting after those goals. Goal-setting is a great thing, but sometimes our expectations of how it all should be can end up crashing our process. I know we talk about this in nearly everything we do in my lessons, but I find this to be a continuing root problem (I speak for myself as well). I constantly have to remind myself experience over expectations. Progress is often presented like a staircase, pyramid, or linear process, but in reality the hike up the mountain can include a lot of unexpected side trails. It can be intimidating and may take more time, but sometimes this is where you find what you need, discover an astounding view, or find a different way to still eventually meet your goal. Therefore, today, rather than encouraging you to set goals, I am reminding you to allow life to flow. Set your goals, reset daily goals as life unfolds. Try not to become too attached to timelines and other forms of expectations. Be present in the process.

What’s your process plan for 2021? What are your goals? What is a mantra you will use to help you keep your goals in sight when life starts throwing curveballs or the expectations are becoming challenging?

There are many ways to do vision boards. You can do it with online resources like Pinterest or organizing your pics into files. A few of my favorite ways are: bulletin boards, journals, or my index card system.

Bulletin Boards:

I do a big one for my big, overall life dreams. I do mini bulletin boards for my yearly goals, my weekly recipe goals, etc.


I do different types of journals for processing my life and planning my steps as I go. Examples: Wellness journal, project journal, dream/energy work journal.

Index card system:

I write my thoughts and visions on index cards and then organize them into categories. I try to review them weekly/monthly.

I have not done this at all for 2021 (I am quite behind), but when I get around to it, I will try to make it a tutorial thing on social media.

What’s your favorite way to do a vision board?


Vibes are everywhere when we open our minds and spirits. #crystalsandcoffee does not always include coffee and crystals, but it’s about those vibes that warm us up, enchant us; the energy flow of life! This feature tries to focus on lifestyle concepts of cruelty-free, conscious living, chakra healing, compassion, and creativity. Little moments of magic can be found in the air nearly everywhere when we do the energy work with our perceptions. (Bruce was amazed by the light in this picture and was learning how to pull the cord to turn it on.) What warms you up and helps you in your energy work practices? It may be wearing a special necklace, lighting your favorite candle, sipping your favorite coffee, etc.


It is easier to feel at peace when life is going according to plan or well. Peace naturally flows when things are tranquil. Our state of mind, peace, patience, and perseverance are tested when life is chaotic, overwhelming, and challenging. These are the times we must dig deep to find the strength and will to continue the paths that will help us create peace; we must Calm the Sea Within.

With the New Year I am sure the nutrition goals are flowing, but as the year goes on sometimes meeting those goals loses momentum. Therefore, the Root Detox is about how to make the process a constant in your lifestyle flow vs the seesaw of cleansing. Sometimes we need a good cleanse to recalibrate, but when we allow ourselves to be loose with our habits and only regulate our choices when doing a cleanse can keep us from nurturing a daily healthy relationship with food. The Root Detox is about how to apply the “cleansing” concept to daily life. The detox is not about products or kits, it is simply about getting back to the roots of essential nutrition. It is the minimalist approach yet believing in quality and abundance. Example: The smallest food items are often a powerhouse of nutrients. A bag of lentils can last you months, be cooked so many ways, and provide you with so many important nutrients.


The Root Detox is about exploring different items. Sometimes to get back to the roots of creating meals we need to re-establish our relationships with ingredients and take it one item, one day at a time. Today, I encourage you to make a list of items you do not cook with often, but would like to or need to get back into your meal plans. Organize those items by day and create a plan of how you would like to use them for that day. If you would like to make it a reoccurring ingredient, explore all the different ways you can prepare it to get the most out of it. Here’s a simple format to set the intention of an ingredient you would like to focus on each day.

What are some items you would like to add to your days?


Here’s a Detox Planner to help you Root then Rise!


✨Let Yourself Be vs Be yourself✨ What's the difference? 🤔

"Be yourself" (still a good quote), but it can trigger questions like:

“Who am I”?

“Who do I want to be"?

"How do I show who I am in this moment"?

For us over-thinkers "Be yourself" can be attached to so many questions in our mind. The definition and understanding of self is always evolving.

Therefore, my mantra for 2021 is: "Let Yourself Be" !

Let yourself be fully present in the moment. You may not fully understand yet or feel comfortable yet, but let yourself feel all of it. Don't immediately react to the moment. Give it time to sit with you. Is it a moment worth becoming a part of your soul? Is it something you feel called to express? After sitting with it and it's something you still feel strongly about, then "let yourself be"! Pursue action, resolution, or deeper understanding by being true to your intentions, truth, and needs. Don't feel like you have to prove or explain yourself: "Let Yourself Be"! Those who see or know the real you will understand the roots of it. If not, but they want to, then they will make the effort to gain that perspective. If not, "let IT be"! You know you! You know your intentions, experiences, efforts, etc! After sitting with the moment, if it's something you no longer feel matters or connected to: release it! "Let IT be"!


Wild Little Saplings is the feature in Daily Roots dedicated to kiddos. Most all content is constructed to be inclusive for the whole family, but in this we cover topics specific to our little ones.

What are some topics you would like to explore?


This is a feature I really hope to grow #rootandread for book lovers of all ages. Everything from kid books to cook books, novels, inspirational guides, etc. I hope to connect book worms near and far and inspire a love for reading. I’ll be getting this in flow in doses. Meanwhile, what are your favorite things to read? Share some titles or categories!


An important part of energy work is mantras. Enjoy this free art therapy printable, color it, and share it with us by using the hashtags printed on the bottom!


Sea Turtles are ancient. They have persevered through many things in Earth’s history. Reflect on their energy and share with us how they inspire you.


Sometimes life has a way of piling it all on at once. This can create such a thick, overwhelming fog. However, the fog does not just creep in at difficult times. The fog can come rolling in even when the day seems to be going well. Humans are very emotional beings with layers of consciousness; some we are aware of and some we detach from or have not rooted deep enough to uncover it. Many internal and external things can trigger our anxiety, stress, and exhaustion. When we dip into those states, the fog can feel so heavy. It can be difficult to see, even if it is right in front of us. Through energy work, day in and day out, moment by moment, the fog will clear. It takes time. Sometimes we have to sit with the fog. Talk with it. There are moments it completely clears and there are times when we only get a glimpse. There is beauty through the fog. However, even the fog can be quite beautiful. It is a matter of perception. We must be patient and present in the process of it all.


To explore more about the different phases of the moon, check it out: here

The new moon is in Capricorn. Use the chart below to help you connect with this energy.

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Sometimes changing one thing in your space can help you renew or transform the energy to open up room for new goals, new inspiration, or new vibes. Example: I moved the bassinet that was next to our bed that Bruce had outgrown into his room for his toys. It was beginning to collect random clothing as it was so easy to just “temporarily” place them there. I would see that and be reminded of: “Oh my goodness, where is the time going, he is growing so fast, and look at all these clothes, I need more time to put them away, we need to break this habit of placing them there, etc, etc.”. My point is certain things that are no longer serving us can trigger the anxiety of all the racing thoughts and the never-ending battle against time and tasks. That’s when you have to stop battling it, surrender to it, and create a course correction. New energy. New space. New moments. Cherish what was, but don’t get lost in it. I moved the bookcase here of mementos that have special stories and help me connect to certain realms of my energy. It seems like such a small thing, but in a back to the roots lifestyle; it is the little things, it is the details, the moments, the little victories. Today, create some space for new energy to flow. Whether it is rearranging all the furniture in your house or just one item, it can help you create space in your spirit for new light, new inspiration, and new things to grow. Everything is energy. The more we do all the little things that help our energy flow, the more things will grow. When we get lost in dwelling on all the things we have to do, do not have time to do, feel like we missed an opportunity for, etc. etc., we are fighting the current and roadblocking the energy from flowing. New moon. New day. New moment. Release the roadblocks or if it is a road you are no longer meant to be on, find or create a new road.

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Following up yesterday’s vibes, finding or creating new roads for your spirit to feel renewed is not easy. Moving a bookcase is simple and a small victory in the many facets of tending to life matters. The deeper stuff is a little harder, heavier to deal with. Therefore, it needs more than moving one bookcase, and more than one new moon. It is a dance with the darkness. We have to dig into those roots that are holding us in place. Those things that have such a hold on us can make it feel like it is pushing us further and further below the ground. It gets harder to breathe, harder to rise to the surface. It gets harder to see through the fog. The more resist facing it or owning it, the tighter the tension becomes. Sometimes life has a way of pushing us so close to the edge. “The darkness” is often pushed as such a negative thing, but all of us have “dark” times and feelings. Life is not just about the daylight. We have to live through the night, every night. Darkness is a reality. People often assume, “the darkness” represents being evil, having a bad attitude, weakness, etc. In reality, it takes strength to survive dark things, deal with it, dance with it, do the energy work with, and learn how to cope with it and rise from it. Every night we have to dance with the darkness to find our rhythm of sleep and rise to the morning light. If we resist the darkness, then we may struggle with sleep. There are many ways in which people find ways to resist understanding the darkness of their life experiences and feelings. Often, because we have been taught fear or to feel is “weak”, just “stay calm and carry on”. No. Life is not that simple. Carrying on often comes with a heavy price or reoccurring costs. We will be exploring this topic more. Today’s take away though is: Darkness is not always about evil. Darkness is night. Night can be quite beautiful. Darkness is a part of reality. Life is not always bright. Many of our life experiences and feelings can be difficult, heavy, and dark. What matters is how we dance with it, how we work through it, and how we rise from it. It is not a one time process. The darkness will always be a part of our life, but as we continue to actively address it and practice our “dance moves”, the more we learn how to cope with it and the more we gain resources for dealing with the darkness ahead.

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Devin captured the picture of the Ospreys on one of our kayaking adventures. We laughed that day as we narrated the relationship between the parent and baby osprey and we are now happy to apply those narrations to our own nest. Parenting can be challenging, but the more you focus on the roots of compassion and laughter, the more it feels the nest with love and makes even the difficult moments easier to dance through. The Wild Little Sapling Blog is where we will share some of our vibes and tips. We are not experts, but we do have a lifetime of working fields of wellness and childhood development, and I am gratefully getting to finally apply those things to parenting. I am not a perfect parent, I am just a mama that tries her best.

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Today’s lesson is simple in thought, but not in effort: Everything is a relationship. Everything is a vibe. Relationships may have naturally occurring vibes, but those vibes need nurturing. Otherwise, the vibes can be a consuming, swirling universe of chaos within us and all around us. We must garden our relationships; create the process and adapt as we go through the seasons and phases.

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Vibes for today: Everything we do is our art. You are the artist of your life. Every moment is a moment to create something that feels right with your soul. It is a process of development and discovery. It is important to strive to do your best, but also do your best to allow yourself to be free in the process. Sometimes expectations or the fear of not meeting those expectations can keep us from trying things that we may fall in love with. I use to absolutely stink at cooking. Still not always great, but those experiences are not wasted. They are lessons for moments of reflection and potential growth. Today, I encourage you to try to look at everything you do like your art. Think of each moment as a creative process. Sometimes, it may get a little messy, but did it nurture your soul?

This Matcha donut recipe is one I am quite happy with. Find it on social media and hopefully the blog soon.

Also, check out this awesome candle (that was in the Daily Roots pic) by a dear friend: here It is so well crafted with mindful ingredients and love.


Quick look at some things about Reiki on Rootin’: here

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Everything is energy. How we feed our mind, body, and soul is energy. It is important to nurture these relationships and plant these seeds from Day 1. As we have grown as a civilization we have learned a lot about wellness. However, a lot of the mainstream norms in order to be “successful” and meet the demands of living have pressured so many into believing in certain means of measuring up and steadily produce concepts and products that keep us detached from our energy roots. Everyone has to do what is best for them, but this topic is important, because “success” is not worth suffering. We only have one chance at this life. A chance to nurture our relationships, to soak up the moments with the ones we love, to pursue our passions, etc. Many of the mainstream things that fit into the definition of “success” are in regards to status vs the TRUE quality of living; the art of living. Sometimes success is about upholding certain monetary value vs momentary value. Is it about the $ or the moments? We are often pressured to believe; “I am working to get more $, because with more $ I can create more valuable moments”. However, all the moments of the present are steadily slipping away and it can become a constant chase of trying to get to that “better place”, that next moment. Are the things in your present life suffering in order to continue the chase. Success and value is measured in so many other ways than the almighty dollar. It is important to have goals and to pursue a life of means. It is okay to believe in that financial abundance and pursue it, but at what cost? If it is not nurturing the soul and the other things in your life that matter, then maybe it is time to reexamine the path. It may just need a few tweaks to create a better flow and balance or it may be time for an entire course correction.

Successful and valuable moments can also be measured in smiles, healthy bites, enriching walks, etc. If $ is such a matter, sometimes it is also important to do the math on how much you are saving by creating the moments vs how much you are trying to make to keep up the chase of expenses and making more. Sometimes it takes longer to meet your goals, but if you were happier doing it and in a place where you could create more moments with the things and people that matter, then in the long run, it was worth so much more than that big pay check!

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I drew this while dancing with a baby on my hip (so don’t judge my “art” lol!) The purpose of this lesson anyway is our lives are not perfect, but that’s okay. Life would be mighty boring if it was perfect. So… dance with the baby on your hip while sipping out of your favorite mug. Light the candles. Smell the flowers. Forget the list for a minute or the entire day if you need to. Create your own Sunshine!!! Those things will be there, if not, then they were not meant to be for what truly brings you peace, love, and happiness. This little doodle is in my Rootin’ binder as a reminder to Create my own Sunshine when I start feeling the winter blues, the overwhelming aches of trying to juggle all the life things, etc. In the sunshine, I wrote a few of my go to things to help me feel the warmth of good vibes. When we get in those stressed, foggy moments it can be challenging to even remember the things that help us. Therefore, I have a little section in my binder to go to when I need some reminders. Feel free to use the blank printable below. Color it. Write in it or all around it. Share it with us by using #rootinsdailyroots & #lwcarttherapy (all the art therapy things are also featured in Laugh with Carol as I get to them).

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Aquarius folks are the visionaries in so many ways. The vibes and visions can shift from wanting to start a revolution to being very detail oriented. Some Aquarius folks are blazing trails with their wild, rebellious spirits while others are taking the time to carefully curate something with precision and detail. Most Aquarius spirits feel all of this energy and try their best to blend it into everything they do. They can go through long extroverted phases to shifting into long introverted phases based on what their vibes are telling them about how to deal with the past and prepare for the future. An Aquarius has a very authentic way of expressing themselves when they are able to find or cultivate their right environment. They are very humanitarian driven. The things they create or pursue are often in the hopes of making the world a better place, but let’s remember, everyone is still an individual. Therefore, this is a generic description and someone else’s “better world” can look very different than what another sees.

I could ramble on about Aquarius for days, especially since these last few years we have been entering the Age of Aquarius and this 2021 marked a time when many planets are aligning in the house of Aquarius (very rare events for this world). This is a big part of why I have been tucked away for years tending to my visions and cultivating my personal paths and world goals to meet those vibes and moments. When we do not listen to the energy and nurture it, then it leads to tensions and fractures in our lives. Astrology is an important method for understanding energy.

To get a quick look at some important aspects of Aquarius wellness, check out the chart below.

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The vibes are everywhere. Our little saplings are especially sensitive to vibes in this world. Some are more sensitive than others, just like big humans. Therefore, we will be talking a lot about the topic of understanding energy and vibes in the Wild Little Sapling Blog.

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Be Groovy. Get Creative. Get your hands in it. Allow yourself and others to be. We are each responsible for our choices. There is power in decisions. Sometimes, when so many things in our life seem to be out of our control, it can feel like we have no power. This is especially how children feel, which can be overwhelming. It is important to nurture and empower their decision making process. It is important to nurture this within us every moment, every day. Some things may be out of our control, but how we cope through it and navigate from it is our power.

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See the chart for Aquarius Wellness tips.

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An Aquarius is always in their ahead. Sometimes they may appear very aloof, but it is often because they are observing all the details others do not notice or having deep thoughts or visions about each moment. They are also time travelers in their mind. Therefore, something they are experiencing (even a word) can trigger a vivid vision about their or the world’s past or future. Reiki can be a powerful tool to help an Aquarius translate their visions. Learn more in future lessons, but just wanted to share this little fact about Aquarius peeps.

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With our food choices we try to choose things that not only serve our bodies, but serve our minds and spirits. Like this Rice Love bag recycled from Rice bags. Not a sponsored ad, just a fan!!!! Check them out: here

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Others may not always understand how you create your peace, your choices, your vibes, but you are the visionary of your path. You know your roots and rhythms. Don’t let the judgement break your heart. The world can be quite cold and cruel at times. The world is full of assumptions and quick fire methods, but you have to keep believing in what matters to you and do your best to keep moving towards it, so long as it is well for your mind, body, and soul.

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This is exactly why I did not launch yet, because this energy was causing me to be fully present with my Aquarius, Leo tribe. My husband is Leo. My son is a cancer/leo SUN on the cusp and a Leo Moon. I am a Leo moon and rising and an Aquarius Sun. This energy is potent and as much as I want to share it all with the world; all the things I have been squirrelling away to share, it was important to be present in it before the moments slip away. I will find a way to eventually relaunch this content, but for now, these are the moments I can never get back and I want to soak them up.

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….. and boy were those moments special!!!! Check out my little story about seeing the Full Moon Rise on my Ig @thewildrootedflow

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Small biz spotlight: (not an ad, just a fan) Agate & Indigo

I ordered these awesome earrings crafted with such light and love by a lovely maker / mom, check her out: here


Didn’t get to this recipe. Oh well, another time! So instead, a thought for today: sometimes you set goals, expectations, you try super hard to make it happen, you are juggling all the things, and you have to prioritize what matters. Even though this is my business, it is the Free resource aspect of it, which I put a lot of love, time, and effort to, and because most of my work has been offline, I often feel like my online efforts are me talking to the wind, but that’s okay, I see the path, I know I am giving it my all, I know by all my intuitive vibes - I am on the right path. Devin and I have worked hard creating this little life of ours, so we could best serve the needs of our life, family, and goals. (So many updates to eventually share). As I want to keep pouring energy into creating free resources to help create a hub for those in need of wellness inspo, tonight I choose to be present with family vs make snowballs (I had planned to do a video), but instead here is a quick recipe:

-put dates, coconut butter, a little almond or coconut flour, dash of vanilla in a food processer, roll into balls, cover in little powdered sugar and shredded coconut of choice.

My other little note: Sometimes the expectations are causing you to stress, staying motivated to keep reaching the high standards and big goals you make for your life are important, but listen to the moments - unplug & be present when you need to be.

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Today is the perfect day to follow up yesterday’s lesson note. Reiki is a journey: keep reaching for the light, but do not force it. There will be times when you feel it. There may be times you do not. There will be days that flow and days that are a struggle. Keep reaching for the light, but do not miss the moments of darkness of when you are needed or when your spirit needs a rest.

These are my daily roots! Thanks so much for tuning in if you are here!

Roots of Love,
