Phases of the Moon
In vibe with THE Root & Flow
The Root and Flow™ Monthly Calendars are charted based on the phases of the moon. This is a natural rhythm of the cycles of nature. The Sun and moon rotate around our Earth influencing its daily alignment. This energy and natural rhythm is within us as well. When we become aware of it, we become more aware of our natural cycles and phases.
We look to the stars to grant us wishes, we pray to the sky in the ways in which we choose, we say good-night or howl at the moon; these acts can simply be symbolic or the initiation of ritual. The factor that truly determines the flow is: the presence of self! Are you going through the motions and simply following the rituals or are you fully present; digging deep to understand the roots of it all and doing the work to create the flow in every phase of your life? Are you rooted to the past or dwelling on the expectations of the future? Are you hoping for a magical breakthrough or miracle? Are you dwelling on all that has / could go wrong vs what has already gone right or is waiting for you to look in the right direction? Life will keep shifting with our without us. Life will continue to go through all the ebb and flow of phases, with or without us. What makes the difference on how we feel, perceive, and acknowledge it all is: our presence.
We are the co-creators and co-pilots. Wishful perceptions have the power to create our intentions, but the only path to manifesting the results is through the work of it all. Look deep into the resources and gifts you already have. Dig deep into the consciousness to shift the power of perception. We must plant the seeds, give it time and energy to take root, tend to the roots, give it time to bloom, and weed-out what is crowding its space and process. Life is steadily shifting and moving forward, when we stay too rooted to the past or too focused on the future, we miss out on all the new moons and the process of how they become full!!
The tides are higher and stronger during the new and full moon, because of how the sun and moon are aligned. The gravitational pull is strong. The main difference in the phases is the position and availability of light.
Like the moon, our body and energy is a powerful instrument of life !!
the phases
Together, we root love grow ™!
New moons are a time to root through what is deep within. It is important to work towards releasing what is not serving your wellness. This is a time to allow the leaves to fall to return to the roots. Pull back into an introverted state. Self-care is especially important during this time. Be aware of how anxiety can be stronger during this phase due to the gravitational pull of high tides and the positioning of light. Worries and insecurities can feel stronger during this time. However, the influence of energy and attunement to the vibes is still very much so the power of perception. The New Moon is a time when we should be planting the seeds for new beginnings; setting intentions for the shifts we plan to pursue throughout the cycle of this month. When we dwell on the anxiety created from the roots of the past and the worries of the future, we eliminate opportunity, cling to wishful thinking and expectations, and dwell on all that is dark or wrong. When we release these programmed patterns of thinking, we awaken to how this phase is aligned with energy that can help us do the work to dig to the depths of what matters most in our life. It helps us remember how to release the forces of what makes us feel stuck and helps us return to the present process.
The New Moon Energy helps us to re-establish the important roots of our life. It is a time when the energy is darker and heavier, which can have us feeling the need to reconnect with and prioritize the essentials of sustaining our life. This is an important time for cleaning out stored clutter in the mind, body, home, and environment. It is important to not over-book or stretch yourself too thin; time is the most valuable resource you have and how you invest your time determines your whole flow of life. Setting intentions is vital for learning how to create focused energy for what belongs on your path. However, there is much to know about setting intentions. It is not about just asking for what you want or the expectations of wishes being granted. Expectations or looking for immediate results or big answers/signs/gestures can cause us to miss out on the process. It is important to set intentions from soul-work, then do the work to stay true to the intentions, be present, be aware of how every piece is a part of the process - it is all a matter of perspective, then we must create time to reflect on the potential messages from each piece, and we must work to create a path and a mosaic from these pieces.
The Waxing phase is the time between the intentions of the new moon and the manifestation of the full moon. This is when the seeds are taking root and need care to keep growing. The energy can be calm and steady during this time as the strong tidal shifts settle. This is still more of an introverted state as the root and core work is more about the behind the scenes, below the surface, and inner care processes.
Sometimes, the energy burst of the new moon can have us dreaming of all the possibilities, however we often feel more tired during that phase; energy is going to the deeper states of life. The waxing phase is typically when we begin to feel more energy and clarity returning. Therefore, it is a good time to revise intentions. It is also a good time to enrich and nourish our processes with physical wellness routines and expanding the mind and spirit with learning and practicing new things. It is a time to believe in abundance and seek motivation and inspiration to love the process and the journey.
The lights are on!!! The energy is blooming and rushing to the surface. There can be a lot going on during this time. It can be known as a chaotic time, but also a time when things are coming to fruition. When we embrace the chaos and do the work to Calm the Sea Within we can discover abundant clarity during this time. We are typically more in a natural extroverted state when the moon is lit. We may feel more called to be social or more active in our pursuits. However, do be aware it can be the potential to have bursts of energy and restless bouts, but then a hard crash following. Therefore, it is important to channel the energy and nurture the flow by doing more of what makes you happy and fulfills your energy. Pace yourself and be brave! Dance with all your Roots & Rhythms. Empower Every Hour with all that makes you happy and well!
With everything in the light and on the surface, this can be a time when we see our shadow issues clearer. The answers and boundaries we need to pursue to resolve the roots of our stress can be easier to discover and seem possible to put in place. Abundant energy can cause tension, but this surge of energy is to help us face what makes us uncomfortable. It can also feel like a race against the clock to get all the things done, because we know this abundance in energy and clarity will soon fade. The full moon can be a time to shine, but the access to energy depends on the amount of energy you have been conjuring and channeling in the phases prior. However, also be mindful of expectations. Sometimes, when we are too rooted to expectations, we miss out on the opportunities and achievements right in front of us. Everything is a journey and a process; the full moon does not mean everything you expected will manifest. It is simply charging your batteries to keep you powered in your journey.
This is a time when we harvest what has grown. We must close this chapter and prepare for the next. What are the things you would like to carry forward and what things would you like to reduce or eliminate from your flow? Clarity can be its strongest during this phase, because everything has risen to the surface; it is the energy of closures and the preparations for further developing your path. The flow has been restored; come full circle, but a new cycle is also beginning to develop. Life is a spiral of growth!
Once we get to the flow phase, it is a time to find comfort in what you have worked through or accomplished in the prior phases. It is also important to continue to release what does not belong in your energy or life. There is always work to be done. We are creating progress as we shift from phase to phase, but know it may not always seem or feel like it, because energy and life is not linear. We are not on a steady path forward. We are life in motion shifting from day to night and season to season. We are part of the ebb and flow; the waves of energy plunging forward to stand out then receding back into the vastness of life, again and again.
The waning phase can have us feeling at peace with all we just did, but it can also feel like what you have recently obtained in progress is fading or like you are loosing a grip on what you have discovered or developed in your life. This is life shifting from the extroverted state back into the introverted state where things return to the roots. The energy is shifting from being out on the surface to all the things deeper within. Your recent progress remains, but your focus and priorities are yet again re-aligning, because each phase is a different mojo and method of working on what matters.
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This was a picture I took when I first committed to my Spirit Quest many moons ago (it is a significant experience & location to my Spirit Quest - stay tuned for a blog post). Deco your space with this from our Society6: here !! Then share it with us @whiskeymoonroots on Instagram!