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The story of who we are on this Earth is full of life, moments, chapters, thoughts, and elements unique to who we are and how we show up to experience this world. It is a journey of life in motion, shaping and shifting through the phases, seasons, and cycles of life. How we show up in it all is our art of living.

Welcome, I am Lisa Horoszewski and

I am Rootin' for your Life

As much as we want it to be sometimes, life is not perfectly written or sketched out. I too am learning the practice of presence in the process, how to be conscious of how I am writing my story in everything I do, how I show up in the moments, the movements of life. It can be a lot to think about. I have always been in the depths of thinking, sometimes too much. Thinking about our place on this Earth is critical however for not just going through the motions, but being able to consciously choose who we are, in our thoughts, our soul. Many elements and factors of life can be far from our control, but our thoughts, vibes, energies do ripple out into everything we do in some way. We all have different beliefs of what and how. This is a place to share and gather through the Art of Living in the ways we can.

Create your flow

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Journey through the roots of LifE in the nature within & all around! 

What is your art of living? There can be many ways to answer this question. Maybe something comes to mind with ease, maybe many things come to mind, or maybe the answer to this feels overwhelming, confusing, or distant. Our art of living can change seasons and go through many transformations. This is how we show up for all the moments of our lives. The little things to the big things can be an expression of art, writing our story of who we are in everything we do. How you say hello, how you share a meal, how you sip water, how you go to sleep at night, and oh so many things may seem like simple, normal, essential things. Just ordinary actions. Many of which others may not see, hear, feel, or ever know, but your presence in those moments matter. Actually, they may matter the most. Who we are when we are alone is how we are most shaping all that we are. How we exist within, the rhythms of our mind, body, and spirit, our relationship with that is creating the flow of how we perceive the world around us and how we show up in that. Of course, many elements and factors can be far from our control, but choice and consciousness can be a powerful thing. Personally, I believe everything has roots and rhythms to it, a depth of energy that ripples out beyond what we can possibly perceive and measure. This is not to trigger further anxiety of “ahhh everything matters” and then, hello overthinking every little thing! This is to inspire, “wow, by existing right here, right now, on this Earth, I am a lifeform of energy with a mind, body, and spirit that can in some way shape the world around me”. This is a great power. Unfortunately, many do realize this and use that power to control the flow of life in ways that continue systematic cycles of primal compete, survive, and dominate. Instead of channeling power of purpose in a way that truly nurtures the art of living and experiencing the true magic of life. Life is naturally competitive, hard, and full of devastating moments, but may we not add to that in all the ways we can. May we transform those structures of being into constructive and creative pathways of co-creating a life of true meaning, joy, peace, love, and serenity. This does not mean all will be well. Life will always be life in its fullness; moments that bring us grief, moments that bring us gratitude, and everything in between. Nor is it to shame all that is competitive, primal, or systematic. All of these things are a part of who we are and have their place, but it is about how we show up with all of that and within the structures formed by it. It is about the choices we make and can make.

Write your Story in Everything you do while holding & creating space for the unexpected, the work in progress, others at the table, the ongoing Wild Rooted Journey of Life, all that you were, are, and are becoming.
— Lisa

Sometimes, our art of living can be a magical day full of creating beautiful things and /or moments, sometimes it is how we handle grief and hardship - the peace we can find or create in such depths, the way we share in conversation, connecting with nature, creating a nourishing meal, so many little things and big things, life in its fullness. Peace does not always mean a calm composure, sometimes, most of the time it is to live, to fully feel our feelings, which can be a hard thing to do, because too often we have been taught not to feel our feelings. Learning and creating constructive rituals and practices for doing so is such an important part for continually learning how to navigate the Wild Rooted Journey of Life. What worked once before may not work for the new, different storms that arise, but the more we practice learning how to have more presence in the process, simply learning how to check in with ourselves through the moments and days, can help us become more aware of a resources and elements to further build our toolkits or mosaics of life.


The edge of darkness

Rootin’ for your Life is about finding and creating joy in the art of living, but I know the depth of how difficult this can be when experiencing so much pain, grief, sorrow, and trauma. These emotions and experiences are a part of the human journey, but they are often dismissed. Methods of the mainstream world often encourage to keep them deep within. Doing so can lead to chronic illness, anxiety, depression, panic, insomnia, isolation, suicide, etc. To root through life, we have to garden through these emotions, every day, every season. Your journey is uniquely yours. Only you can truly understand the waves, ripples, and perceptions of all the experiences and feelings. You are not alone though. You are connected to all the roots and rhythms of this world in some way, and it can take time for those connections and pathways to become clear.


The Wild rooted Flow of wellness

My goal is to offer holistic, intuitive insights and doses of wellness throughout the day in the home, office, classrooms, near, far, and wherever you are. I love bringing a community together, but sometimes it can be difficult to create time or align schedules for all to flow. Therefore, I strive to not only build a community, but to bring the community to you. It is important to take time to reconnect with self and the world within before connecting with the world all around. Your flow starts & ends with You! Everyone is on their own unique journey. My approach is not to provide you with the answers, but to offer methods of exploring the roots and rhythms of creating a conscious life in a way that resonates with your roots, rhythms, and flow of life. It is your story you are writing!

You are the co-creator of your Life!! You have the power within & all around to Re-connect with your life flow in the ways you can! 

Let’s Root:

Together, we Root Love Grow™  

We are one of many! We all come from different branches and rhythms within the roots of life. We all flow very differently with our own perceptions, experiences, and vibes, but we are all connected in some way. Our thoughts, feelings, choices, and energies ripple out into the currents, elements, and movements of the world. We are shaping and shifting it in more ways than we often know. There are also many roots and rhythms shaping and shifting the worlds within us. Much of which is deep within the patterns of our life and may not become conscious to us until we do the deep root and core work of trying to process the energy of all that we are. It is important to do so in doses as it can be very overwhelming. My ultimate goal is to offer this space as a safe place to do so.

Journey into this adventure to reconnect to the world within and all around! This life adventure is about experiences over expectations, moments, messes, memories, and mantras of creating a sustainable, authentic living!