Note: This page is incomplete. Please see @rootinforyourlife on Instagram for all the posts. Most all other months’ pages are complete because. As a one woman show with many hats, I am always a work in progress of finding the work/life balance as my life transforms from chapter to chapter.

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After a year of steadily creating daily roots for content (and not sharing them) & 3.5 years of being off of my social media, I finally decided to plug back in. My oh my has that time been FULL of so much LIFE; lots of learning, dedicating myself further to holistic practices, heartbreaking goodbyes, difficult decisions, healing, & moments of joy, wonder, & laughter. The greatest of such joy is now getting to call myself Mama after many years of dreaming it to be.

I had to start somewhere with plugging back in, so I figured no better time than my bday. Soon, I will explain more about how to join me in my main feature: #rootinsdailyroots & where you can find over a years' worth of archives of Daily Roots of mini lessons to help you Root & Flow. As I plug back in, I shall also share more about what I've been up to these last few years & what will be available on here! To get started, I just wanted to simply plug back in, say Hi, & kick off #rootinsdailyroots finally being on social media! Today's mini lesson focuses on: Taking Time to Smell the Roses !

What's something you try to do to unplug & be present?

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Your life is your art flow.

Every other Tuesday on the Root & Flow Calendar the feature is: Roots & Rhythms in which we discuss the movement of life. We are life in motion. When we create the time to engage the muscles of our mind, body, and soul, we are able to trace the roots and rhythms of all things.

Sometimes these lessons will focus on physical movement, like dancing our way thru the day. Dancing is deep in our roots of how we have connected throughout the ages as humans. We will explore other physical movement features as well .

We will also dig into how to trace the roots of common illnesses and how to map the rhythms and patterns to establish a journey of coping & healing.

The list goes on, but to keep this brief; WE ARE LIFE IN MOTION! There are roots and rhythms to it all. How we connect to it all is our perception, our art, our flow. We all may share similar roots, but the difference is in the details; our authentic experiences and expressions. All those little details are the sparks to keep life in motion. You are connected to all the roots & rhythms of this Earth & Universe, but you are one of a kind. Think about how many things had to align in a single moment for your existence to come to be.

Roots & Rhythms is ultimately to become more familiar with the study of manifesting energy & how to flow with the process.

Today's take away: You are one of a kind! You are life in motion!!! Think of all the things that had to align for things to come to be. Feel that. Breathe that in. Feel the world flowing within and all around. Close your eyes. Feel your pulse. Focus on the moment; the simple rhythm of simply being.

Thanks for being here! Feel free to tag some folks who may appreciate these vibes!

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Life did not always go according to plan, but we always did our best to be true to what we feel are important fundamental principles:





We feel these are the CORE of humanity. Following these nurture the roots. These can be challenging in the darker times of life, but that is when they are the most important.

We will eventually share more of our story in Seeds of our Soul. We have been together since High School and survived many life transitions together. We struggled to have children, but never stopped believing. We always had adoption on the table and even if were able to have our own, we still wanted to keep that on the table as well. We did our best not to put pressure on the circumstances, ride the waves, and navigate accordingly. After a long journey of holding on to hope, the dream came true; Bruce, our sweet baby boy, came to be. I was able to naturally conceive and do a natural birth. Once upon a time, something I never thought possible for so many reasons, but in the deepest layers of our soul, we felt like if we kept digging deeper and deeper and further dedicating ourselves to the journey - it could happen. We are so very grateful. This is the very short version of a very long story, one I hope to eventually share, but my point is: Life can get dark. Life can be full of disappointments time and time again, but there is hope. When we are struggling, co-creating life with compassion, creativity, courage, and consciousness may sometimes feel out of reach and that is okay too as long as you are doing your best to be a good human. You may not be a ray of sunshine. You may be struggling to be positive. You may have a hard time believing in good things. These feelings are okay. Life is not easy. Give yourself space, time, and rest. Keep doing the work that feels right to your soul. Sometimes you may not even be able to feel what is right. Pull back, take time to reflect on that. Release expectations. Navigate through the experiences. Root. Love. Grow.™

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Oh 2020, the year everyone's life took dramatic turns. Personally, for us, it was a year we experienced a lot of alignment & light after going thru some dark & difficult years of working our way thru some of life’s hardest things, making difficult decisions & transitions, & doing the energy work to keep believing in the good things we were doing & working towards. We were/ are still in the middle of rebuilding some of the facets in our life from such, but 2020 is when we got the most precious gift of life (that we had long hoped for); our sweet baby boy. However, no matter how educated in child development, happy, & grateful you are, parenting is challenging. The challenges of the pandemic tripled that on so many levels from figuring out the best birth plan to being your own village. We had moved back to the roots of our hometown to be closer to family for their sake & ours. This was always the plan, but it just occurred in unexpected ways & on the universe's timeline vs ours. We had many vibes & visions of it all. Spiritually “knowing” & feeling it helps for mental preparation, but walking through it all takes a lot of Calming the Sea Within. After years of living on military time, it's been so odd to be close to family without having to jump thru so many hoops & the anxiety of the phone calling you back in, etc. It’s been ironic being close to family yet having to keep our distance, but we are so fortunate compared to so many. I give gratitude to the universe everyday for many things, but everyone has their share of struggles. For us, we’ve always been very private & depend on our introverted processing for coping, navigating, or healing. We share when feel comfortable with the bridges we create, but the struggle of the pandemic is something everyone can relate to in some way. We have all felt these ripples in some way or another. There is less time than ever for self-care, but in times of stress is when it is of the utmost importance. Children are natural little empaths. They sense our energy. Some children are at the age where you can help them cope through conversation. Some, like my little babe, are at an age where energy is conversation and they are completely dependent on your energy for understanding how they should feel about the conditions within them and all around them; they mirror your energy. Therefore, Calming the Sea Within (like previous post) is critical for wellness and growing little humans that feel safe and confident in this challenging, unusual world. Juggling all the things is hard! Do your best in the ways you can. Try to be gentle, patient, honest, accountable, and compassionate with yourself and your littles in these times and all the times, because even when we enter new seasons; life is still hard. Working on sharing tips & methods soon! 😉

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