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Day 1

Welcome to Day 1! Let’s get started with the Reiki Journey! Be patient. Remember, “it takes time for things to take root”.

The tasks for today are:

  1. Remember your daily tasks: the Reiki Principle, clean eating, & the full body mindful movement routine.

  2. Be sure to listen to the podcast for insights of the day!

  3. The Exercises Below:

Exercise 1: Connect to the Power Within

Below is a slideshow of a few self-healing Reiki Hand-positions (a quick glimpse). Feeling our breath, listening to our pulse, and placing our hands in areas where we store or release energy can help us connect with the Roots & Rhythms of our flow. Find a comfortable standing, sitting, or laying position to focus on deep breathing, listening to your pulse, and moving your hands to areas where you feel called. Try to release the thoughts. Be fully present, listening to the rhythms of your mind, body, and spirit.

Exercise 2: Find your tree

Find your sacred space in nature. (Be sure it is property you are allowed on). Each one of us form connections with different things. In a forest of many trees, we may feel called to one tree. The reasoning is for you to explore and discover. If you live in a city atmosphere, maybe there is a tree that stands alone that you often walk by or admire. Wherever “your tree” may be, study it. Reflect on the thoughts above. If you would like, create your own doodle or notes about how the tree helps you understand life and energy concepts. This tree also may be a good spot to practice the Reiki Principle (the mantra meditation in slide 2 above). If you are not able to get out in nature or prefer to be inside for this exercise, consider bringing nature inside. Dedicate a space in your home to be your sacred space to be quiet, still, reflect, and meditate. Consider a plant in this space to be able to connect to the vibes of nature; Roots & Rhythms .

Day 2

Welcome to Day 2! I am grateful for you! Thank you for exploring this Reiki workshop with me! May the circle of abundance flow!

The tasks for today are:

  1. Remember your daily tasks: the Reiki Principle, clean eating, & the full body mindful movement routine.

  2. Be sure to listen to the podcast for insights of the day!

  3. The Exercises Below:

Exercise 1: Connect the Dots Chakra Activity

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In other workshops and activities, there are many ways we connect the dots with Chakra energy from Chakra walks to Reiki with crystals to deep meditations to food connections. This activity is a simple way to get started with connecting to Chakras. You can do this through visualization or you can print the above picture to write on. Work your way up from the Root to Crown Chakra (bottom to top). How does each Chakra make you feel? When you see the image, the color, the location, what comes to mind? Whether it is an image, a few words, a paragraph, or a door fully opens into a world of new thoughts, feelings, and images - be with that. Take your time with each one. Do not try to force it - just be with it and see what comes to mind. If nothing comes to mind, then it may be a blocked chakra or something you feel distant from, that’s okay. Keep doing this exercise daily to do the energy work to connect with the visualization of the flow of Chakra energy. The key to opening the door is dedicating time with focused and intentional energy work.

Learn more about Chakras: here

exercise 2: Reiki Seeds

See the graphic below:

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Day 3

Welcome to Day 3! May you find balance in each moment!

The tasks for today are:

  1. Remember your daily tasks: the Reiki Principle, clean eating, & the full body mindful movement routine.

  2. Be sure to listen to the podcast for insights of the day!

  3. The Exercises Below:

Exercise 1: Energy Management Chart

This is an example of something you can create on a bulletin or dry-erase board, journal, computer document, or you can right click on this chart below to save and print. Each day, note energy you are receiving: nutrients, advice, relationship/social interactions, negative energy (comments, thoughts, experiences), hydration, sleep, etc. Do the same for output, note how you use your energy: exercise, social interactions, work time, etc. In the balance section, reflect on the nature of give and take. Are you receiving enough positive energy to feel empowered or recharged enough for the energy you are putting out? If not, what can you change or what do you need to work towards or address?

exercise 2: Reiki meditation

This podcast includes instructions and a 2 minute meditation space with music (music I pay for trough a subscription service).

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Day 4

Welcome to Day 4! May your heart feel connected to all things and feel empowered by peace and love!

The tasks for today are:

  1. Remember your daily tasks: the Reiki Principle, clean eating, & the full body mindful movement routine.

  2. Be sure to listen to the podcast for insights of the day!

  3. The Exercises Below:

Exercise 1: Visualization

In previous podcasts, we discussed the power of mindset and perception. A big part of setting intentions and establishing perception is: visualization. It is often the driving force leading us in our pursuits; we go towards the things we visualize. Before things come to fruition, they often manifest in our mind. Example: If you find yourself daydreaming of a better job, then your senses or subconscious may naturally be closing and opening doors. You may be paying closer attention to life’s possibilities and beginning to map out a path towards those possibilities. If you find yourself settling into a job or something you are unhappy with in life, you may be limiting yourself from potential possibilities and the power of visualization. Sometimes, we make ourselves believe or we are told, “daydreaming is for children”. Many believe in order to grow-up you have to accept life as it is and do what is expected rather than pursuing what is in your dreams. As we discussed with releasing expectations; obligations, responsibilities, and goals are important, but being fully present in your journey is truly what matters. Otherwise, we live life with our ghosts (the things we wish we would have done in life). It is important to be realistic and grateful for the moments and opportunities that helped shape your life and let go of things not meant to be, but it is also important to never stop believing in the possibilities of your dreams. When you keep those sparks burning, you will keep sub-consciously or actively co-creating a path towards those goals. It may take months or years, but eventually some of them may come to be. It may be to travel, change careers, accomplish a wellness goal, etc. Anything that matters to you, matters! Never stop believing in its potential! Visualize it! Keep revising your path by working on being fully present to your world within and all around! Here are three tools you may want to use:

Resource 1: Daily Planner Sheet

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Resource 2: DIgital Collage

Aesthetics (vibes, pictures, colors, and style) can help us organize our visions and bring them into life in our mind. You may want to try creating a digital collage weekly or monthly on pinterest or a photo app to help you picture your life flow goals and vibes.

Resource 3: Vision Board

I have multiple methods for creating a vision board. My simple method is keeping a little bulletin board of pictures and vibes I change out every so often. Actually, I have multiple bulletin boards; one in the kitchen with recipe ideas, a bigger one in the office with important mantras and priorities, and more to help keep me in flow. A method that requires a little more time is: scrap-booking. I keep a journal with pictures of my goals and progress to not only see where I want to go, but to remind myself of all the miles I have already conquered.


Exercise 2: Reiki Symbols

These are a few video clips of examples of drawing Reiki symbols + freestyle meditation drawing.

Reiki Symbol 1 is the main Usui Reiki Energy Symbol: The Power Symbol - Cho Ku Rei

It means: “Placing all the powers of the universe here”.

Note: In the videos, I use music from a subscription I pay for, the drawings are on a Buddha Board, and the stones are from Rocks with Sass!

Reiki Symbol 2: The Harmony Symbol of Usui Reiki: Sei Hei Ki

This symbol is used to help focus on mental and emotional energy with the intention of creating healing and harmony.

Symbol 3: The Distance Symbol - Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

It means: “no distance, no present, no future”. It is used to focus on universal energy connections. This meditation focuses on the roots and rhythms across all of time and space. When we release ourselves from the definitions of our own existence and open ourselves up to the flow of the whole universe, we are called to energy vibrations throughout time and space that provide us with new feelings and insights. This symbol can help practitioners focus on sending energy across a distance.

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Day 5

Welcome to Day 5! May you feel restored with the vibrancy of new energy connections!

The tasks for today are:

  1. Remember your daily tasks: the Reiki Principle, clean eating, & the full body mindful movement routine.

  2. Be sure to listen to the podcast for insights of the day!

Day 6

Welcome to Day 6! May you discover the energy rituals that make you feel full of life and connected to all things!

The tasks for today are:

  1. Remember your daily tasks: the Reiki Principle, clean eating, & the full body mindful movement routine.

  2. Be sure to listen to the podcast for insights of the day!

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Day 7

Welcome to the final day of the workshop!!!! I have enjoyed sharing this journey with you!!!

The tasks for today are:

  1. Remember your daily tasks: the Reiki Principle, clean eating, & the full body mindful movement routine.

  2. Be sure to listen to the podcast for insights of the day!

  3. Schedule your session. If you are in this workshop, then you have received the purpose of this workshop is to prepare you for receiving a 20 minute distance Reiki Session. You may schedule the session at a time most convenient for you. However, I offer specific times and days best for my schedule, so please try your best to schedule within those suggested times. The schedule and how to book a session is in the introductory information: here

  4. Create your own Meditation. The Reiki Principle is a valuable mantra to live by and is important for the Reiki journey, but we each have words and thoughts we personally connect with to help us navigate our way through life. Reflect on what words and thoughts give you personal peace and guidance. Create your own personal mantra or principle in a similar format to the Reiki Principle. Write it and carry it with you for times in need or start saying it aloud as a mantra and meditation each day to help you begin and end each day with a calming, peaceful energy. We must release and restore our energy!!!