Astrological Wellness


The stars can be a guiding light in understanding how we flow in accordance to the flow of the universe. Everything is energy. Each form of energy is characterized by its common traits. The position of the energy can offer insight into its state of being. When we study the roots and rhythms of nature, we discover patterns and blueprints in all things. Most of the knowledge regarding energy practices as a guide to understanding our world within and all around is ancient, but it has advanced into the modern age and we have become even more consciously aware of the influences and connections to all things.

The alignments of the positions of the Earth and stars are codes for understanding our systems of energy. Those who practice with these codes become more aware, observant, and attuned to it. It is such an important resource in the toolkit of understanding life. No matter the beliefs of the origins of how this world came to be, looking at the stars and connecting with the elements; earth, fire, water, and air, is something we all experience. This is different for each and every one of us. Life is an authentic journey. Even though we all share many similar roots and rhythms if we look back far enough or go deep enough, we are still experiencing so many different things each moment of each day. Our perceptions and understanding of our world within and all around is ultimately what shapes our flow of life. Many factors may be out of our control, but there is a universe in our mind, body, and spirit. This universe is our Inner Power. It is up to us to discover and develop how we care for it.

Like everything, astrological wellness is simply a guide. The stars can be a map to better understanding pieces of who we are and our relationships to our worlds within and all around, but much of that will depend on our perceptions and practices. They are there, exuding energy. The more we “exercise” the muscles of understanding this energy flow, the more we become conscious of how they influence the phases and seasons of our life. Otherwise, we may feel the push and pull on some level, but be unaware of how it shifts the tides of our moods, energy, behaviors, relationships, and states of being. It is also important to note; some people may experience the influences of this energy in stronger doses. People who are empaths are have a highly sensitive nervous system MAY have a stronger connection to the “electrical” charges and fibers of this world and universe. Being so plugged in is a powerful life experience, but it can also be daunting and heavy. Typically, people in these positions and personas of life have a lot they are constantly processing in their worlds within and all around to be able to handle the life flow of so much energy; so many things happening at once in their mind, body, and soul. They are often magnets for others as well; helping create connections in some way. It is especially important for these people to become more awakened to the influences and powers of the elements in the nature of all that is; the natural roots and rhythms of who we are and the flow of the world.

Example: Any time I drink a glass of water or take a shower, I do my best to be fully present in it and give gratitude towards it. These are resources that should not be taken for-granted. I call it “going home”. When we think about it, we are made up of 70% ish of water. In regards to astrology, even if we are not a “water sign”, water is vital for our existence and flow of life. However, the more we are connected to the water signs in our natal chart, the stronger we may feel the push and pull of this form of energy. (A natal chart is a map to the alignments of all of the constellations / zodiacs at the time of your birth. Each “house” / position of the stars within the universe are connected to a piece of who you are. This map can offer a lot of insight on your roots and rhythms of life; how all of the elements and energy flow aligned in a single moment to bring you into existence. No matter your beliefs in the “powers that be”, let’s simply acknowledge that is pretty cool to think about “wow, this is the way the whole solar system looked when I was born”. )

As a highly sensitive empath with a pretty potent natal chart & life path “blueprint”, I feel very connected to every little fiber of this Earth and force of this universe. It was A LOT of energy to process and so many things, I am still processing. Astrological Wellness has always been important to my flow of life. For a long time, it lived in my shadow states of being; the subconscious layers of guiding my perceptions and choices. I always felt a calling to it, but I never imagined it would become a main focus of Rootin’. When I went through the BIG awakening, often referenced in the Seeds of our Soul Blog, many moons ago, these insights and the drive to process it and translate it in an authentic way started pouring from me. Since, it has been a transformative journey of learning how to embrace and integrate it into my flow of releasing, being, and becoming. Understanding astrology changed my life in every possible way. It was but one door in the great house of life, but it was a room full of shadows, full of light. It was a front row seat in an interactive ride of the highs and lows of life in full force at once. We know this about life; it is and will continue to be a journey of highs and lows. Often though, we are seeking how to engage in it and navigate our way through it. Setting intentions and trusting the process according to your beliefs are important aspects of energy work, but we must be a co-creator in that process. We are responsible for writing our story. Sometimes, this requires deep, inner work to keep seeking and discovering methods that best resonate with our truest inner world. Defining such, too is a journey, always shifting and evolving. Often, new and uncomfortable. We are life in motion. We change with the phases and seasons in the cycles of life, but sometimes we remain too rooted to what was or we become too attached to our expectations of what shall be or what we think we need or others need. We try to define our world through these windows of perceptions. Being fully conscious in the present state of our life flow can be challenging, but it is the most important place in time to build a bridge from the past to the future. Astrological insights may not be all the pieces you need to help you format your flow, but it may offer some important elements for your authentic practice and art of living in this wild world.

What to expect from this guide

The charts below are ones I created 2014/2015 when I was in the midst of a deep awakening and realigning of my life. In the “conscious community”, many call receiving these insights a “spiritual download”. I will share more about the creative process and my experience with such in my podcast series. Let’s keep moving for now though.

The charts are organized and “color-coded” by their ruling chakras. They offer a brief summary of insights of methods and practices to help channel and understand the energy. It highlights key traits, but there is SO MUCH MORE to it all. Which is why, this guide will be an ongoing work in progress. I have files and files of private curriculum, recordings, and workshops to provide offerings. I had to go through my own process though of learning how to best apply these insights to my own life flow and the world around me before I felt fully aligned with being able to offer them in a thoughtfully, crafted - authentic way. After doing so for several years, I am now excited to share the journey in doses through the 2022 Beta Mode Launch!!!

As I make this guide available for the public, it will start by offering a brief look at a few essential things to note and summary of each sign. I will be steadily uploading resources and offerings to help further develop these concepts. Subscribers to the newsletter (free) get a heads up when new content is uploaded and a mini guided experience to it. Members (Root Founder Membership Program) get more content, guided group support, and priority booking for a full 1 on 1 coaching experience.

Ways to explore this content:

  • Keep exploring the guide below.

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Create Your Flow

Moment by moment, day by day!

We are life in motion! We are water. We inhale. We exhale. We feel the pulse, the rhythm within and all around. We feel the beat as the blood runs through our veins. We feel the warmth. We rise and set with the sun. We release and restore with the moon. We look to the stars to seek connection. We ground into the Earth to trace the roots of all that is and was. These vibes are the nature within and all around. We all shift from phase to phase, season to season as the universe flows. Sometimes, it is calm. In this calm, we find beauty and clarity. Other times, there is a wild chaos. Such a force can throw us off balance or completely disrupt what we feel is our state of being, but we are life in motion. We must keep doing the work as individuals and as a collective to create the calm balance in each moment. The more we do this, the more it will become the nature within and all around. It will take time for things to feel the ripples of it all. “It takes time for things to take root”.

Welcome to the Root & FLow™ Astrological Wellness Guide

Things to keep in mind:

  • We are more than just one sign:

    • A. The way the entire solar system was aligned at the time of our birth can have an influence on our energy predispositions. Our sun sign is the main zodiac sign most people reference when they ask, “what’s your sign?” Our moon sign, emotional energy, and all planet and star placements can offer energy insights. A natal chart reading can help you discover these. It can be a lot of information to digest, but it could be the box holding the pieces to the puzzles of things we were seeking. It can take time to put those pieces together. “Release the expectations, focus on the experiences”! I offer a “blueprint” reading; an authentic wellness approach I created from the collective resources of these universal insights to help us take a closer look at your sun sign (main, daily flow) and your moon sign (your emotional energy). I map them out in regards to chakras and their physiological traits that COULD influence the flow of wellness. In this guide, I offer an inclusive overview of each sign. In the blueprint sessions, I offer more personalized resources and guidance.

      • You can explore the FREE getting started guide to the BLUEPRINT ROOT & FLOW ASTROLOGICAL WELLNESS : here !

    • B. Discovering these insights can be reassuring and empowering. However, it CAN also have the opposite feeling. This can cause some to feel powerless; like everything in life is mapped out, so “why bother making choices”. You may feel both of these feelings at times in regards to a lot of beliefs and topics. THAT IS OKAY! We are allowed to have gratitude and grief and a sense of empowerment and uncertainty all at once. There are many things that are in our control and out of our control in regards to our relationships of the world within to the world all around in every moment, in every circumstance. We are not meant to have all the answers. Making peace with such is a process; a steady work in progress. If discovering these insights is something that makes you feel powerless, then this too is an important discovery in the journey of wellness. This can be an indication to focus more on the root work of doing the deep, below the surface work of why you may feel powerless. Such topics fall more into our survival flow of root work. We all experience “survivalism” in different ways and must continue the root work to further discovering and developing our flow in regards to such.

    • C. Even though these alignments and positions of the elements of our nature within and all around influence energy traits, there is a lot of “gray area” . Much of our wellness still depends on how we plant the seeds and nurture the process of all things within us. Every little thing matters. Every seed of thought, every muscle fiber, every choice of providing for our needs, and every intention and action of doing the work to become more aware of how we flow all adds a factor of energy and authenticity to our journey. It is our art of living!

  • Even if the sign does not have a strong connection to your flow of energy (natal chart or relationships to others), it is still important to have a general understanding of all the signs. We all experience the flow of energy on some level at all times. The push and pull of such can shift as we flow through each moon phase, zodiac season, and planetary alignment.

  • Making the most of each moment is valuable life experience, but it is also important to not feel over-ruled by the moments. If we become too attached to the expectation of the moment, then anxiety can over-power our flow. Some astrology readings CAN have a way of making us feel like we are missing the moments and opportunities to manifest our life flow. Being conscious of all of the opportunities is an enriching resource, but as long as the Earth is spinning, time keeps flowing. It is important to make the most of the moments in the ways we can. That looks different moment to moment, day to day, and person to person! Aligning is a steady process of pulling back and gaining momentum; like the phases of the moon. We must release to rest and we must rest to rise. We do this in nearly every process of life; in the ways we communicate, the way we digest food, the way we build muscles, the ways we experience the days and the seasons.