Tuesday, April 2
Pick an Hours of Power Challenge to do today or do the whole flow. Explore more about it: here
Wednesday, April 3
Today, review the Core Care Checklist and Insights:
Thursday, April 4
Create a Self- Care Block. Whether a wooden block, modified large dice, or DIY paper block, write 6 different self-care activities (1 on each side). Roll it to discover which activity to do today for self-care.
Friday, April 5
New Moon in Aries
Aries is a fast-action trailblazer. The new moon is about releasing what no longer flows and setting new intentions for new beginnings. Aries provides us with the energy of strong will and initiative to do so. It can feel like a war to release and renew. Aries is the “God of War”. The cosmic alignments and energy within right now is the energy to power through and rise above. Just be careful to keep that war-like energy in check; it is great to feel fired up to make improvements to your life, but don’t burn the bridges you need to continue on your journey.
Saturday, April 6
What’s your Zen?
Peace is Perception
Zen moments can be anything from that first sip of coffee in the morning to kayaking in peaceful places to writing in your journal in your garden to your meditation time. Zen is easier to come by in naturally peaceful moments, but true peace is maintaining a calm sea in the chaos of storms. When you are surrounded by chaos, how do you create your Zen? Zen is a state of mind. Peace comes from within.
“Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart. ”
Sunday, April 7
Mosaic Project
Be sure to check out the Mosaic Project: here
This week is the launch of the Root Detox preview. The actual workshops for such will be launching at a later time. We use the word “detox” lightly, because this is not about doing an extreme “detox” or buying products to cleanse the body. It is about learning the essentials of nutrition; the power you already have within and the clean, conscious choices from nature. It is about dedicating the time to making changes and getting back to the roots of wellness. Sometimes we need to just unplug, take a minute to evaluate our life flow, and rediscover our natural abilities to understand our health. We can guide you back to that natural rhythm. Stay tuned for the workshops to come!
Monday, April 15
Seeds and Herbs of Love
We do a lot of recipes with herbs. With herbs it is a world of flavor and possibilities! Here are some of my favorite herbs I am planting and will be creating recipes with in future posts:
-Thai Basil
Stay tuned to learn how to make your own spice mixes, rubs, dressings, pickles, baked goods, infused oils, tonics, and more.
Tuesday, April 16
Hours of Power: Egg Hunt
For a Family Fun egg hunt:
-fill eggs with exercises
-hide the eggs and when someone finds an egg - open it - read the exercise - do the exercise
If you want a competitive element to it: the person who finds the most eggs/does the most exercises (but must do them correctly) wins a prize.
-use pieces of paper to write your exercises - 1 exercise for each egg - include the amount of reps for each exercise, example: 10 push-ups , 10 squats, etc.
Wednesday, April 17
The Power Within
Intro to Reiki
Check it out: here
Thursday, April 18
Nature Journal
A feather or a leaf can be more than just a feather or a leaf; it is a connection to nature. To connect with something in a moment - for you to cross certain things in your path or to notice something stand out in the vast surroundings of nature - it has meaning. It can be your creative calling or a message from/to vibes and energy.
I like to journal my nature connections. This may be something you want to try. Learn more in my Instagram Stories in the future.
Friday, April 19
Full Moon in Libra
Balance and Freedom
Full Moons are all about the full light of energy; everything coming forward, outward, and into the light. During this time you may feel a boost of energy or naturally more outgoing. You also may feel all emotions in full flow and force, but this pull of energy helps to bring clarity and to set the tone for what you want to manifest in your life.
Libra is an air sign all about appeal, balance, justice, independence, freedom, fairness, and aesthetic.
This full moon focus on manifesting with the intentions of balance, mindfulness of justice, and an aesthetic eye (let your creativity free).
Saturday, April 20
Taurus Season Begins
April 20 - May 21
Sunday, April 21
Activity today: watch the sun rise for your morning meditation.
Monday, April 22
Earth Day
Earth day is a great day to raise awareness and to pledge new beginnings of environmental-friendly habits, but it is also important to try to make everyday Earth Day. In our every day choices and actions we should be mindful of our resources and Earth Conscious. However, today is a great day to start growing such habits.
For the rest of April, we will be suggesting little things to do to start this flow.
On Mondays, we typically focus on the roots of things and food. Today, think about the roots of where your food comes from. Really take the time to reflect on what goes into your food. If you are unsure, this may be something you want to research. Back in the early days of humanity, food had to come straight from the hands to the table. It was a process to have a meal. As we have progressed, food has become a convenience in many households. Not being a part of the process can disconnect us from the roots of understanding the value of life that goes into it.
Tuesday, April 23
Hours of Power Earthy Challenges
To learn more about Hours of Power, remember to check out Empower Every Hour info: here
Some suggestions to add an Earthy touch to it =
Do a trash clean-up adventure / walk while incorporating hours of power exercises
or recycle random objects into DIY exercise equipment:
you can fill gallon jugs with rocks or sand for weights
you can repurpose bicycle wheels into stationary bikes
or old tires into weights
It is a world of possibilities!! Create your own ideas or explore pinterest or google for ideas.
Wednesday, April 24
Greet the Sun
For Core Care this a.m. take time to collect yourself this a.m. Greet the sun with a full body exercise flow, morning yoga salutations, a walk, and/or a vitamin c breakfast smoothie.
Thursday, April 25
Green Spaces
One of my favorite things to do is to use recycled glass bottles to border the gardens in my yard or to turn them into vases and terrariums. Today, let your creativity flow. Explore the items in your recycling container or old objects to brainstorm the possibilities of what it could become.
Friday, April 26
Bubble Breaks
Rather than buying bubble solutions in plastic bottles, you can save a little money and be a little more Earth Conscious by simply using an eco-friendly dish detergent and water to create a bubble solution.
Saturday, April 27
#coffeeandcrystals: Eco Cards
Inspired by Tarot Cards, design an Earth Conscious Messenger Card. Create a card with a Guide that inspires you to connect with and protect nature. On the front of the card doodle what your Guide (person/messenger) looks like with a name at the top. On the back of the card write and describe what this Guide means to you and is a reminder of.
Sunday, April 28
Dancing in the Rain
Sometimes you just have to dance in the rain. Literally or metaphorically. Sometimes life feels like it is raining when it is one chaotic event after another, but even when life gets rough…sometimes you just have to dance: create your happiness. This can be the hardest thing in the world to do at times, but possible. When you feel the stress creeping in, create a little time to take a moment to turn on the music and dance. Maybe, it’s when you get home from school or work or maybe even while cooking dinner or before you start the day. Moving the body freely helps us move through life while finding our flow. You might even get the urge to literally dance in the rain. Be safe and create good vibes!!
Monday, April 29
Meals that Flow: Healthy Digestion
Thought for the Day: Earth Conscious foods are not only better for the planet, but are better for the flow of the body. Overly processed and preserved foods are loaded with harmful ingredients that not only harm nature, but harm the natural flow of your body wellness. Such things make it harder for the good things to flow. All of our recipes and lessons use simple, back to the roots ingredients. Eating well does not have to break the bank or be award winning meals. Sometimes its boring at first, because it’s about learning to get to the bare essentials of survival and learning a few essential ingredients and recipes that help you get in the healthy flow of meal planning and eating well. Once you find your rhythm you can keep exploring and adding to the survival kit.
Tuesday, April 30
Roots & Rhythms: DIY Dance Ribbons
Cut old fabrics and tie around wooden wands/rods to create your own dance ribbons. I purposely did not include pictures, because I want you to use your imagination and allow your creativity to flow. You can tie multiple fabrics together to create the length of the ribbon you would like or you can tie multiple pieces of fabric onto the wooden rod to create multiple flowing ribbons. Have fun. Be creative. Be free.
To create natural DYEs for fabrics you can use vegetable or fruit juices (from fresh or preserved, example: beet juice from beets in a can). Certain spices also create natural DYES, example: turmeric.