
Welcome to the Root of It Workshop!!!

Thank you for being on this journey!! I truly appreciate your presence & support! You should have received a welcome email before starting this journey by signing up through the workshop listing: here . The workshop is set-up for you to explore at your own pace, but I am involved each day through email. May this journey help you grow roots of love, health, happiness, and peace. Thank you!!! Roots of Love, Lisa

Listen to the Welcome podcast below:

Here is another podcast with info for getting started:

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Quick Look at the Daily Features:

The workshop offers Hours of Power activity suggestions for each day, but the basic concept is to take breaks throughout the day to recharge your batteries for a few minutes at the time. Whether you do it hourly or every a.m. or p.m. or a few times a day, adding a few intentional moments of wellness and self-care to your routine can be life changing. All transformations begin with one moment, one breath, one step, and one choice.

These components are so important for intentional wellness:

-Center yourself with deep breathing and focus on a simple mantra or meditation to encourage positive or focused thinking.


-Mindful Movements to stretch and encourage a healthy flow in the body. Whether you have been sitting for long periods of time or are very active, mindful movements (stretches and/or gentle exercises) can help relieve the joints, warm the muscles/ease muscle pain, encourage oxygen and blood flow to help all body functions, etc.

-Choose healthy snacks for natural energy. Sometimes we are lacking in energy due to meals being too spaced out or a lack of nutrition in our food choices. Eating in smaller portions with a variety of high-nutrient, clean food choices throughout the day can help provide the body with the energy it needs to feel good and stay charged.

Try to incorporate these concepts throughout the day from a.m. -p.m.

Each day we will highlight a nutrient-rich food group / item. The workshop offers suggestions on how to use it, but the main intention is to encourage you to try the food choice and create your own recipe with it. You can use it in any meal, including smoothies and desserts. However, do your best to follow clean eating or root essential principles. Above is a quick look at the items, if you may want to get a jump on brainstorming your recipe ideas!!

Mantras are a powerful tool for helping focus energy. Our thoughts are a big part of our energy flow. Mantras are to help encourage positive thinking, but it is important to understanding positive thinking does not always mean we are as bright as sunshine and as happy as can be. Positive thinking means even when things are difficult, we are doing the work to keep finding ways to root through it with positive goals and intentions. We are allowed to have waves of emotions. What matters is we are conscious of those emotions and are working through them. Learning how to ride emotions like the waves they are is what is important. When emotions become too overwhelming and cause unsettling behaviors, this is when there are bigger issues that need to be addressed. Mantras are one of many tools that can help to ride the waves of emotions. Each day the workshop offers a mantra. Feel free to repeat it as often as needed. Feel free to save it or print it out by right clicking on the picture.


I am not knocking technology and the plugged in world, because (here we are!) However, it is important to create and take time to be unplugged as often as possible to get back to the roots of connecting with self and others through the art of living: reading, cooking, being in nature, creating art, sharing stories and conversation, playing games, and more. Discover Unplugged Activity Ideas in our Blogs & #dailyroots!!

Welcome to Day 1 !

Today’s Mantra:

Listen to Day 1’s Podcast:

Today’s Main Activity: Get Organized!

A key to creating our flow is organizing our intentions and goals. I am a strong believer in checklist. I have created a chart for you below of our daily features. Feel free to print, add your own notes, and check off things as you complete them. Right click on the picture to save and/or print.

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Feature today’s ingredient in a recipe of your choice:

We discussed the importance of Hours of Power and the basic concept of what and how to include it in your day. Below are two ways to help you explore the concept further.

This approach is one I often use in my own life and in the #dailyroots lessons. It includes Hours of Power 4 times a day with a morning ritual, pre-lunch, after-lunch/later evening, and p.m./nighttime ritual. The chakra mantras are on the right, because as you may have come across in some of our intro materials throughout the Rootin’ website: Chakras are an important part of everything we do at Rootin’. The activities in each time slot focus on channeling energy through mindful movements, focused thoughts and breathing, hydration, and eating choices.

The approach below focuses on mindful movements for each Chakra (energy center). Do these throughout the day to help open or balance your chakras and channel or charge your energy flow. Another approach is to dedicate one chakra to each day and focus on one chakra / group of exercises each day. You may also choose to create an exercise circuit by choosing one exercise from each chakra. Organize your flow how it best fits your goals and lifestyle.


Congrats! Day 1 is complete! Thank you for rootin’ with us today!

Welcome to Day 2!

Today’s mantra:

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I expand on this in this podcast, but main thoughts for today are:

Some seeds are planted in our soul for life lessons; everything in our life journey matters and has purpose. However, part of being human is the power to consciously choose our thoughts, actions, and reactions. We can co-create our lives by what we choose to believe and how we choose to plant the seeds in our soul. It is important to know what is being planted in your soul (“soil”) and why. It is up to each one of us to figure out what each seed in our life means to us. We must do the gardening to uproot what does not feel right or align with our soul and to nurture what does within our own “inner world”.

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Listen to Day 2’s Podcast:

Feature Peas Please in a recipe today:

Fun addition to Hours of Power:

If you are doing exercises, whether alone or with a group, rolling dice or drawing cards are fun ways to determine how many exercises to do.

Congrats!!! Day 2 is complete! Thank you for rootin’!

Welcome to Day 3!

Today’s mantra:

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Today’s main thought: Everything is a Relationship! Learn more in Day 3’s Podcast:

Berry delicious!!! Today, please feature berries in a recipe!

Hours of Power reminder: every little thing is part of your wellness journey. The big accomplishments are awesome, but so is:

  • When life gets overwhelming or before it does, we choose to take a deeeeeeep breath and center our energy; Calm the Sea Within.

  • Taking a step in the direction better for our wellness and mindfulness (take the step and keep taking the steps).

  • Making a choice for and from our mind, body, and soul.

Sometimes, these things seem small, but they matter! They are often the most important parts of the journey, because it is when we started a new journey or made a deeper commitment to our life path and living consciously. These are the moments we became fully conscious of our roots and created a shift in positive growth. Sometimes, these moments seem small and we may feel like we are getting nowhere or no one understands why or what we are doing, but “it takes time for things to take root”. Once they do, they are still deep below the surface and deep within. Therefore, the results are not visible. Value the roots as much as the results; all of it is important to your flow and your journey!

Congrats!!! Day 3 is complete!! Thank you for Rootin’!

Welcome to Day 4!

Today’s mantra:

Today’s main thought is about making things a part of our lifestyle. It is important to try new things, because we often learn through trial and error. However, when we are looking for long-lasting transformations, routines, or relationships, it is important to start with the root essentials and gradually nurture those roots into our life flow. Listen to Day 4’s Podcast:

Today’s ingredient:


Hours of Power Note: Breathing is a powerful tool! Breathing means we are living!!! Our breath is our vibration of life! Breath work is so important for understanding our energy flow. Deep breathing can help us connect with our energy flow. It is important to learn how to channel and release our breath with a calm power. Think about blowing bubbles: blow too forcefully and it pops the bubble. Blowing a bubble requires a deep, steady breath. Take breathing breaks throughout the day. Blow some bubbles or visualize blowing bubbles to help you practice your breath work!

Congrats on the end of Day 4! Thank you for Rootin’!

Welcome to Day 5!

Today’s mantra:

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Today’s main thought focuses on self-love. Self-love is one of the hardest things to do. Sometimes, even if people seem self-absorbed or selfish (in a negative way), it’s not necessarily because they are “in love with who they are”. These actions are often fear-based rooted to over-protective programming of self-entitlement or preservation. True, conscious self-love does not require validation from the outside world and does not seek for ego-based gains. Self-love is about being grateful for a place in this world, even when it is difficult. It is about believing in one’s inner power to navigate through the day. It is about creating choices healthy for the soul. It is about an abundance mindset. Human nature is often so rooted to fight, fear, divide, or conquer that feeling secure and safe with our place in the world is a daily struggle. Therefore, self-love is one of the hardest relationships to work on, but it is the most important one, because we are the common factor in every equation of our life. Therefore, our relationship with everything begins and ends with our relationship of self. Listen to Day 5’s Podcast:

Today, get some peeps to do some Hours of Power with you. Go for a walk or do a few exercises together or blow some bubbles and practice your breathing!

Today’s ingredient:

Congrats on the end of Day 5! You are awesome!!! Thanks for Rootin’!

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Welcome to day 6!

Today’s mantra:

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Today’s main thought: we are always learning. There are always new things to explore! Keep expanding your life flow! Listen to Day 6’s Podcast:

Today’s ingredient:

For today’s Hours of Power, find a new place to go on a walk or do your activities, add a new activity, or just take a little more time with nature and look closer; you may notice things you have never noticed before!

Day 6 is complete! Congrats!! Thanks for Rootin’!

Welcome to the Final Day!!!

Congrats on a week of getting to the Root of It!!! Thank you so much for being on this journey with me!! Check out Day 7’s Podcast:

Today’s ingredient:

In your Day 7 welcome email, you should have received instructions on how to book a session for a personalized closure to this workshop. Again, thanks so much for being on this journey and look forward to connecting with you in a session! Thanks so much!!! Roots of Love, Lisa