Know your FLow

Life-Force Wellness Blueprint

This is a FREE Guide and Mini Workshop for Mapping your Chakras. These materials can help you understand why it is important, how to create your wellness map blue-print, and what to explore after your results. It is advised to book a session to help you best understand your results. However, from these materials it is possible to map it out yourself. With the session you get access to a personalized chart with guided insights, including private (client only) workshop content and podcasts. Whether you are considering a session or simply here to explore, WELCOME!!!

Let’s Explore!!!!

Check out the podcast below to learn more about the blueprint process and why it is important.

Purpose of the Life Flow Blueprint: It is about learning to create a calm, conscious life flow within. The more we do this in our own lives, the more it naturally flows from our roots and branches; improving our circle of life. To create a conscious life flow we must understand our inner-wellness; the layers of our physical, mental, emotional, and social health. All of which are linked to Chakra Energy. Understanding the flow of our Chakras can help us understand the flow of our wellness.

What is the Blueprint?

Quick look at the Process:

  • You will follow the instructions to complete your blueprint.

  • You will follow the links to read about the traits that connect to the results of your life path number and star signs.

  • This will help you better understand much of the Rootin’ content; in everything we do we infuse the Inner Power knowledge & suggestions.

  • Your life path number and astrology signs are calculated based on your birth-date, time, and location. Think about how much had to align to bring you into this world at a specific place, time, and day. Those factors are linked to certain alignments of energy. These factors give insight to your Chakra Wellness by helping understand ruling/target areas.


  • Mapping your Chakra wellness is a safe way to connect to your energy without having to get deep into personal details. Sometimes our personal details are the things that are stressing us out and what we are in need of answers for. Chakra wellness can help us get to the Roots and Rhythms of it. Having such a resource in place can help you better understand how to deal with your personal elements. Understanding wellness through medical diagnosis and practices can get very complex, but when you dig deep it is all linked to common ground roots; root causes and factors. Dig even deeper and there is a common flow to it all: Chakras. Chakras help us understand target areas of our energy flow; our energy flow contributes to all layers of our health. Understanding all layers of health can be quite the journey, but Chakras are a great way to get right to the root of it. It is not a cure and not intended for diagnoses or treatment, it is simply a resource to help you in your journey.

We do not transform the world within and all around all at once. Everything is a journey; thought by thought, breath by breath, and day by day we evolve our flow.


Things to know before starting:

  • Liability: This is not a guarantee, prescription, etc. THESE ARE WELLNESS OPINIONS & SUGGESTIONS. Please read our policy page.

  • Credibility: The Spirit Quest is a concept and term used in many cultures, I believe the common root of the concept to be, a process of gaining consciousness of your spirit and how it flows.These are not original concepts, but it is approached and organized from an original creative process. Many of these cosmic wellness insights are ancient and new age “common knowledge” for conscious life guides, therefore, the principles and resources come from a number of sources, but it is translated and created from my own intuitive and authentic process, which you can explore more about on the policy page and in the stories on the Seeds of Our Soul Blog Posts.

    Also, learn more about me: here ! I have a BA in Kinesiology, MA in Curriculum & Instruction, which were important and helpful to all of this, but most of it comes from life experience; life and spirit struggles. There were so many things I had to get to the root of in my own life. My purpose has always been and always will be in the pursuit of helping others. By understanding more about my own life and struggles, I knew it would help me be able to maybe help others breathe a little easier in our chaotic world. Faith and trust in the world are important, but sometimes we have to do the work to really get to the roots of our self to restore the faith and trust in our own abilities to get through the challenges of life.


how to create your Life Map

  • Follow the resources below to help you calculate your: life path number and sun, moon, and rising sign.

  • Decide or explore whether you would like to complete the blueprint journey on your own with the Free resources or book a guided session for a personalized experience with access to more tools and insights.

  • If you choose to do the blueprint journey on your own, everything you need is on this page.

  • If you choose to book a guided session:

    • Follow all the instructions below. Then, book a session! However, I totally understand this info can be a lot to process. If you get started with the content below and are having trouble figuring out what’s what, feel free to book a session any time! I will help you figure out the map information + do a guided session with the results.

Let’s get started


Step 1: The Chart

Right click on the image below to save and print. If you are unable to print, have something to take notes with.

This image is FREE to use for PERSONAL USE, as long as it remains credited to Rootin’ by keeping the logo on it or shared with a link to this source, which you can find out more about later: we would love for you to share your journey with us and others by using: #myblueprintjourney @rootinforyourlife  . If you are a professional entity, (business, publisher, school, studio, etc.), and would like to partner with us for curriculum, sessions, or workshops, please see the Partner with Us page: here

Step 2: Calculate your Life Path Number

What is this?

Our number system holds great power and is more than just a method of counting. Whether you believe in it from the format of a mathematical equation or a symbolic guide to the soul, both concepts have properties assigned and rooted to each number. Our birth date is more than just a sequence of numbers. The numbers have meaning, just like how our life has meaning. Numbers are codes of insight. Solving the calculations opens a door to understanding more about the blueprint of who you are and your life purpose. 

These numbers are not just our life path number, but they are general guides to energy themes. Numbers are rooted to time, power, and energy. Therefore, when we dig into the concepts of synchronicity we will talk a lot about timing. If certain numbers are showing up in your life frequently, then most likely there is a message attached. The number may be linked to an event, a person, a role, a new chapter of life, etc; all in the purpose of guiding you through or towards conscious awakenings. 

Your Life Path Number:

This is your role where you have the potential to thrive, but it is also where you face the most challenge, therefore, sometimes causing the most frustration. This theme is test after test of how you will act and react.  Which direction will you choose to flow, and if you cannot flow, what will you create from this test? The energy themes of this number are to shape you into your role and purpose in life. Like all things though, it takes time to take root and it is a process of discovery and development to create the right flow. The more you provide the right energy to this flow, the more you will grow. 

Keep in Mind: We are life in motion. We are an ebb and flow of energy. Balance only last a moment. Therefore, our flow moves from one state to another. Therefore, it could be in a positive flow one minute and triggered into a negative flow the next. Understanding this helps us to be conscious of the state. Understanding our flow and role can help us better navigate our way through it. Some of the flow traits may or may not resonate with you, because our environmental factors and other blueprint pieces contribute to the traits and habits in our flow. Therefore, this is a general outlook of possibilities. 

How to Calculate:

-Everything is in a single digit format, with the exceptions of 11 and 22, so we must get your birth-date into a single digit. 

-Start with the month: anything over a single digit , like November ( 11) must be formatted into a single number. How? 

Add the two numbers together. Example for Nov. 1 + 1 = 2  

Hold on to this number.

Now, let's look at the day you were born, and do the same thing. Anything over 9 must be formatted into a single digit. 

Example: 14  , 1 + 4 = 5 

Hold on to this number. 

Now, everyone will have to add the numbers of the year they were born together to get a single number, example: 

1982 = 

1+9+8+2 = 20 (add 2 + 0 to get 2

Finally, take all of your single digit numbers, and add to get closer to your life path number. 

In the example above, our single numbers are: 2 + 5 + 2 = 9   

The Life Path number is 9. 

(If this # came out to an 11 or 22, this is a master number, it is suggested to not break it down. ) 

*** Note about 11 and 22: These are Master Numbers. They have deep meaning and power associations. If you have one of these as a life path number, there are many more challenges and tests to endure on your life path in order to prepare you for the "Master Role".  

Write it here on your chart: (example)

Explore your number:


Keep in mind: The number represents a role or theme of your life. Your accomplishments and obstacles of your life path are often rooted to the theme of the number. We grow from challenges. Therefore, this number attracts the scenarios that are difficult; forcing you to react. Such challenges can "make us or break us". Sometimes we have to break again and again to put the pieces together in a way they were meant to best align with our soul, like we discuss in the Mosaic Series. Sometimes it comes from "trial and error". Understanding your number, your life theme, can help guide you on how to put the pieces together or to be more aware of the type of energy you attract and exude. It is also important to understand your number and how it is rooted to your behavior patterns. We all have an ebb and flow of negative and positive; it is nature. However, what we feed is what grows. We are always a work in progress. We all flow between negative and positive forces, but the journey is learning how to be aware of them and navigate our way through them. When the negative flow becomes more of the normal flow, then it is important to seek safety protocols and work towards more balanced, positive methods of pursuing this role.

Also remember, your life number is but one piece of the many factors that determine your flow. However, it is a very important piece. 

Scroll to your number! Then, go to the end of the numbers to find Step 3 in your blueprint journey!



Achieving ascension is of the utmost importance to you. Much of your flow of life centers around your ideals on the concepts of driving energy forward; sometimes for better, and sometimes for worst (even if unconsciously so).

As a leader you have the power of confidence and initiation, and you can either carve a path of light, love, and freedom or negative vibes of judgement, superiority, and control. People naturally follow you for such qualities; be sure to be mindful of such a gift. If this has not felt like the case, then your leadership qualities may be of the deeper layers; your inner strength and resilience to navigate through all storms of life. Inner strength is often a quiet strength; a light deep within that attracts people from all walks of life to you seeking nurturing and guidance. You may find yourself in scenarios in which you are giving more than what you even have or often on the giving end. You may find yourself speaking out for the good of others, but find it hard to lead or advocate for your own life. These differences of flows and qualities come down to the different styles and themes of leadership, and all the factors of life that can shape such. 


Leadership can easily be abused, used, taken for-granted, etc. for a self-serving agenda or false intentions. Sometimes you may find yourself or you may be unconsciously, instinctively sabotaging leadership roles or the natural patterns and outside forces of your life may constantly attempt to or succeed at standing in the way of such. Even when you do not wish to be the leader, you may find yourself as such; it is the natural flow of synchronicity. Make the best of it, and you will find positive paths. Fight or force it, and negative energy will be the building blocks, which are misleading and hollow resources that only last but for so long. Also, be careful and mindful with the words, actions, and energy you put out. People naturally trust you with their flow of life, and if you do not do your research, take the time to consider possible results or place yourself in another's shoes, or impulsively disregard the conscious flow, it could have deeply damaging effects. If you are a leader of inner strength, then you may be in themes that cause you to lead for others at the cost of your own health. Self care is vital for a healthy balance. 

However, get to the roots of your energy, create a positive flow, nurture and care for your own bubble of energy, and remember life is a series of tests of reactions to elevate your consciousness, and not only will freedom find you, but you will create a positive path of freedom for all. 


Initiator / Trail-blazer

Energetic / Magnetic 

Organizes and/or harmonizes 




Learning there is more than one way 

Learning to be a team - player 

Learning to lead by example; walk the walk if talk the talk 

Learning the difference between self-care and self -centered

Learning healthy self-care is vital for life to flow

Learning to advocate for matters deepest to your soul in a mindful, inspiring way


These emotions are normal emotions; we all flow between negative and positive forces, but the journey is learning how to be aware of them and navigate our way through them. When the negative flow becomes more of the normal flow, then it is important to seek safety protocols and work towards more balanced methods of pursuing this role.

Divisive or Manipulative 

Too Dominating or Competitive

Struggles with confidence and ego

Too dependent on validation 

Only listens to selective feedback 

Too result oriented or focused (missing the journey )

May allow self to be led by others, because with leadership being your theme, it is also your biggest fear.

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Peace is of the utmost importance to you. Much of your flow of life centers around your ideals on the concepts of peace and universal unity. You strive for everyone and everything feeling valued and loved.  

You will constantly find yourself wanting to hug the world one second and completely mad at the world the next. The dream of peace and unity is the heaviest of burdens, because it often feels like an impossible expectation. You constantly flip from extrovert or introvert, because it completely depends on your Empath Connections. Mediators are typically psychic or highly intuitive in some way, because they are so plugged into the needs of the universe, world, humanity, and all forms of energy: from the roots to the stars to everything that flows between, beyond, and around. 

Such vibes can make you often feel or seem like the most insightful person in the world one second and a complete maniac the next. Sometimes you feel and seem like the most social beacon ever and the next you feel or seem like the most anti-social person ever, (but you just need time to map the road to peace and want to be in a hole of darkness with nothing but music or a book or pet/person of significant soul connection to resolve the journey forward). The mediator role can be a lonely role, because it is often a behind the scenes position: the middle of the road where everybody gathers for resolve and understanding; you organize, you instruct and guide, everyone dishes out their life-force, you sort it out the best you can, everyone goes back to their own flow, and you are left to clean up from the gathering: the residue of energy that remains. 


Mediators have the most patience and perseverance, but they often have the weight of the world on their shoulders, which leads to roads of burn-out, rebelliousness, and chronic isolation. 

Why burnout? They feel everything from the world and want to take it all on to get it to a better place. 

Prevention: Choose your missions wisely. Pick your battles. Do not allow yourself to be used. Know that not everything is your responsibility and not everything has a resolution (at least not one you can create). 

Why Rebelliousness? They often feel like others are asleep and they are talking to a wall or are on repeat, so their patience wears thin. They often feel used, overlooked, or abandoned, so if their soul and their work gets mislabeled, used, stolen, or is in question by someone who holds power, but not truth, then they may feel an overwhelming sense of hopelessness and helplessness This invites destruction of some sort, most likely to self, because as a mediator, they still want what's best for the world. 

Prevention: Set boundaries. Learn when to walk away. Protect your soul and work before sharing it. Know that your karma and your life flow/work will create and be the truth of your reputation, even when or after others have tried to steal or damage it. 

Why Chronic Isolation? When a mediator has a lot of questions they need to figure out or a lot of vibes they need to sort through, they retreat to introverted, soul - examining methods to do so, which requires dedicated attentiveness, focus, energy, effort, time, and patience. If they do not do this, they take on all the feels, vibes, questions, and thoughts from everyone and everything (not knowing which is even their own anymore), which is a the overwhelming and frustrating equation - resulting in the explosion of the time bomb. 

Prevention: Self care, soul quests, and positive expression of self is vital to maintain life balance. 





Problem - Solver 





Observant and patient 


Learning the balance between observation and action 

Learning when it is time to let go and move forward 

Always finding or creating opportunities, but learning how to prioritize and balance time, focus, and energy

Learning to balance relationships and set boundaries

Learning to make peace within self first

Learning not every problem is yours to solve 


These emotions are normal emotions; we all flow between negative and positive forces, but the journey is learning how to be aware of them and navigate our way through them. When the negative flow becomes more of the normal flow, then it is important to seek safety protocols and work towards more balanced methods of pursuing this role.

Overly - emotional or sensitive 




Extremes of Self : Self - Sacrifice to Self - Absorption 

Abrupt changes / over - reacts / Explosive Energy 

Too patient; stuck in head or observation patterns 

Too independent or rapidly fluctuates from independence to dependency

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Communication is everything to you; it is your compass of life. Much of your flow of life centers around your ideals on the concepts of communication. 

Communication is a tool or a weapon. It can create. It can destroy. 

Like anything, it is a give and take relationship with a balance that can be hard to find.

Communication themes are often a trigger for you. You heal through communication and depend on it for validation and guidance. You have endured the most pain through communication or lack of communication, and you have re-gifted the most pain through communication or lack of communication. 

Communication is delicate; it is not easily understood nor defined, and it can easily be abused, used, taken for-granted, etc. 

Communication will be your strongest ability when you nurture your skills and cross over your fears. 

Get to the roots of your energy, create a positive flow, nurture and care for your own bubble of energy, and remember life is a series of tests of reactions to elevate your consciousness, and not only will freedom of expression find you, but you will create a positive path for all. 


Too much sensory stimulation can drain your communication power. If you are plugged into media or people for long periods of time throughout the day, then your processing centers are either fried or fogged. When you are fogged, you enter into the fatigued abyss of exhaustion, depression, disillusion, or distortion. Everything can seem darker and blurred. When you are fried it is a whirlpool of chaotic energy, which has your thoughts, emotions, actions, and reactions swirling around like a tornado.

At the roots, communication is simple, but as it branches out, the harder it becomes. When we are in comfortable bubbles of like-minded members, communication flows and is rarely challenged. However, challenge is a good thing, because it is what helps us grow and plug into our soul self rather than relying on our ego self. Also, staying within a bubble enables programmed behaviors that may not be good for us nor others. Challenge is a form of checks and balances. Diversity is complex, but vital for communication growth. 

Issue 1: High Risk for Sensory Overload. 

Prevention: Life balance: Unplug from everything (media, music, people, etc.) for periods of time daily to center energy and thoughts. Communicating with yourself and the natural world around you is vital. Daily you need to look deep into yourself to be honest with yourself. As a communicator your ego and shadow selves are often trying to convince or deceive your own soul. Nurture your soul to be the main self driving the car. 

Issue 2: Chooses or remains in environments that are comfortable to control communication. 

Prevention: Part of self care for your bubble of energy is learning to expand your bubble of energy to learn how to flow with bubbles you do not understand yet. 



Calm, clear, and conscious communication

Confident, but mindful tone and body language 

Listening to learn and understand not just to relate or react 

Insightful and honest 

Empathetic / Healing / Inspirational

Motivational and inviting

Safe and Nurturing 


Learning mindful methods of diverse communication and ways of life

Learning not to take everything so personally 

Learning not to act out of impulse or deeply rooted aggressive/defensive behaviors

Thinks before speaks and acts 

Practicing listening skills by being actively engaged 

Works to get to the roots of a conversation or concept rather than skimming the surface or pressing fast forward 

Embraces being a work in progress; owns poor choices and bad behaviors, and steadily takes steps to mend and develop positive pathways


These emotions are normal emotions; we all flow between negative and positive forces, but the journey is learning how to be aware of them and navigate our way through them. When the negative flow becomes more of the normal flow, then it is important to seek safety protocols and work towards more balanced methods of pursuing this role.

Talking over others / Interrupting or Talking loudly (aggressive or passive aggressive) 

Harsh tone and/or Dominating Body language

Not listening / lack of patience

Inappropriate communication / unaware or disregards responsible social behaviors

Insensitive to others' flow of life / lack of understanding of diverse communication 

Isolated or little to no communication 

fear-based communication 

Passive communication

Limited confidence with communication 


3, The communicator, your natural alignment is: The Solar Plexus. Like all Chakras, it can be used for positive or negative development. If it is open and nurtured into daily alignment, your connection to the world within and all around is naturally infused with confidence and positive power. If it is blocked or suffering, then major insecurities can create. This can throw your gut health and instincts all out of alignment.

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Instruction is of the utmost importance to you. Much of your flow of life centers around your ideals on the concepts of giving and receiving instruction.

Since you can remember, you have probably been in roles in which you help instruct others how to do or figure out something. You crave instruction, so not only do you like to teach, but you like to learn. Teaching is often a collaborative effort; "it takes a village". When you feel like all the roles are not being filled or the gears to this operation are missing you can easily lose the love you have for such or you are frazzled on what to do or where to turn. This can lead to you taking complete control to do what has to be done or giving up on the hopes and dreams you had/have for yourself and others. However, most of you never permanently lose that drive; it eventually keeps finding a way back into your life - it may just be through another door or behind the least unexpected doors. 

 Get to the roots of your energy, create a positive flow, nurture and care for your own bubble of energy, and remember life is a series of tests of reactions to elevate your consciousness, and not only will the right instructions find you, but you will create a positive path of for all. 

Remember, teaching should not be a "tell all", it should be an "advise all". When we try to do the work for everybody rather than encouraging others to achieve it through their own flow, then life is a lot harder than it has to be. When you are at your best is when you are able to inspire others to nurture their unique gifts, and you have a team of diverse, but well - oiled support to do so. 


Teaching is a difficult task, because we (humans) ourselves are learners; we are all students of life. Not everyone operates and flows in the same way, so teaching and offering instruction has to encompass a wide array of life flows and learning styles. This task can be overwhelming and complex. The time, resources, energy, and opportunities to offer environments in which this is possible is hard to come by and/or create. Be aware of these issues that may frequently show up: 

Issue 1: Setting or having to fulfill too many expectations. 

Prevention: Focus on goals and methods, not results and rankings. "Life is a journey not a destination". (Ralph Waldo Emerson) You may have expectations you have to meet and accountability for such is important, but do not lose or miss out on too much along the way.

Issue 2: A habit of offering unsolicited advice. 

Prevention: Your teacher nature sees the learning opportunity in everything, but sometimes it is not your answer to present. Answers are meant to be found from the journey within. You can offer support and guidance, but by handing the answer out or placing judgement on what is not understood can rob the lesson and learning opportunity of its truth and value. Care for your own bubble of energy, lead by example, share your insights from a soulful place, and trust the universe.








Multi - tasker / successful life balance 


Learning not everyone thinks, acts, and reacts in the same ways 

Learning sometimes teaching is learning; we are all students of life 

Learning to lead by example 

Learning to prioritize life skills (patience, kindness, etc. ) at the core of all curriculum 


These emotions are normal emotions; we all flow between negative and positive forces, but the journey is learning how to be aware of them and navigate our way through them. When the negative flow becomes more of the normal flow, then it is important to seek safety protocols and work towards more balanced methods of pursuing this role.


Control Freak

Judgmental / Overly Critiques 

Chaotic / Unorganized 


Hoards materials or opposite: obsessive standards for organization and display

Too narrow; lacking mindfulness of diversity and individuality

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Freedom is of the utmost importance to you. Much of your flow of life centers around your ideals on the concepts of freedom. 

Sometimes you may find yourself or you may be unconsciously, instinctively sabotaging your freedom or the natural patterns and outside forces of your life may constantly attempting to or succeeding at standing in the way of freedom. 

As a freedom seeker you have the power of influence, and you can either carve a path of light, love, and freedom or negative vibes of judgement, superiority, and control. 

Freedom is delicate; it is not easily understood nor defined, and it can easily be abused, used, taken for-granted, etc. 

Get to the roots of your energy, create a positive flow, nurture and care for your own bubble of energy, and remember life is a series of tests of reactions to elevate your consciousness, and not only will freedom find you, but you will create a positive path of freedom for all. 


Truth is freedom, but what is truth? It is often human nature to try to control the truth to create our own perception of freedom. It can be a dangerous self-serving agenda, even when it is with the best of intentions. Sometimes we try to protect the truth or protect freedom, but by doing so it triggers our aggressive and defensive natures, which not only limits and harms our own flow, but does so for many. Sometimes our ego self carves a path of truth and freedom for ourselves and/or people of a similar flow, but feel others are not equally deserving or trusting enough to hold such a gift. 

Freedom comes in all flows, shapes, and sizes; it is a matter of perception and opportunity. Sometimes it is out of our control, and sometimes it is not a matter of control. Freedom has to come from within, because the world will continue to flow this way and that. How we sail that sea or survive the journey, is 100% a matter of our mind and soul. 


Issue 1: You may hold on to truth and freedom too tightly.

Prevention: Avoid expectations of what you want. Be present for what is. Learn from what was. Do not assume or take things at face value. Find your own truth and freedom. From this you will learn how to manifest what you want and need no matter how many walls try to block you from such. 

Issue 2: You may have issues with trust. With freedom as your theme, most of your life tests have challenged your freedom in some way. When we do not feel free, trust is the hardest concept to feel, obtain, or create.

Prevention: You may over-use the outlets that make you feel safe and free, whether it be coping mechanisms or people you turn to. This is most likely due to having to or feeling like you have to or its better to avoid dealing with or challenging the problems or people depriving you from truth and freedom. These roots of habit are easy to pick up and run deep once they are planted. Set boundaries and/or do what you can or need to do to find freedom. 




Spontaneous but Mindful

Believes in Freedom for All 

Values Self but understands the impact to others

Believes in the Diversity of Freedom 

Understands Honesty is essential to Freedom, but there is diversity in communication 

Freedom comes from within 

Freedom is a mind, body, soul experience 


Learning Success has different definitions, and different flows for different people 

Learning to be grateful 

Learning to be mindful time not only runs on their clock 

Learning sometimes freedom requires unlearning programmed behaviors 

Learning freedom is defined by self not by others 


These emotions are normal emotions; we all flow between negative and positive forces, but the journey is learning how to be aware of them and navigate our way through them. When the negative flow becomes more of the normal flow, then it is important to seek safety protocols and work towards more balanced methods of pursuing this role.

Extremes of control: Type A control or complete lack of control

Jealous or Judgmental

Greed or Lust for lifestyle & materials 

Impulsive or presumptuous

Fear based

Rates freedom by Success

Captive to others' ideals 

Pushes ideals on others

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Caring for, inspiring, and guiding others is of the utmost importance to you. Much of your flow of life centers around your ideals on the concepts of caring for others.

Often you will find yourself doubting your abilities to be in the role you are in or to obtain the role you dream of, because you care so deeply about what others are doing and thinking, and how they are acting and reacting. This is not because you seek validation or want to fit in; it is because you want to take care of everyone and everything. You want every moment and person to be worthy. Therefore, you can find yourself in patterns or stuck in patterns of analyzing and critiquing the moments and people around you. You can find yourself steadily practicing possible outcomes or details for care and guidance, but sometimes you get stuck in the loop of preparing, which can make it harder and harder to go forward at times. 

As a nurturer you are always the one people can depend on to care. 

Balance will be your greatest struggle; sometimes you care too much and it effects you too deeply, sometimes you smother those you love the most with extra care, and/or sometimes you give more than you have. 

Get to the roots of your energy, create a positive flow, nurture and care for your own bubble of energy, and remember life is a series of tests of reactions to elevate your consciousness, and not only will enrichment find you, but you will create a positive path for all. 


Your tests in life will often center around the concept of nurturing: how you give it and how you receive it. These two issues may be reoccurring in most or all of the test.

Issue 1: You are deeply rooted to your survival, fight or flee, instincts. You can be calm and composed when you have had the proper time and tools to care and collect your energy, but without such you are ready to roar or run. 

Prevention: Self care is always a priority. You cannot love or nurture another until you first understand these concepts within yourself. When you feel strong, secure, peace, understanding, and love this will naturally radiate from you. Your intuition will know what to do and others will naturally trust you, but most of all you will trust yourself. Questioning your abilities is important for self-reflection and growth, but not believing in your abilities builds walls of doubt and worry. 

Issue 2: You may cling to those who make you feel cared for or nurtured. 

Prevention: Be sure you are putting your trust in the right people and circumstances, but most of all be sure to trust yourself to find and/or create the right care and circumstances. Sometimes we develop false senses of security when we want to believe everything is or will be okay, but this can be limiting and dangerous. It is important to not lead or not allow your beliefs to lead you down the wrong roads or to stay on a certain path because it "is the only way". There is always another way and that way must come from your own flow. 


Nurturing & Encouraging 

Offers mindful comfort and insight 

Believes in love and care for all

Values Self but understands the impact to others

Balance between giving, creating, and taking

Balance of Independence & dependence : understands importance of community, but also understands importance of self:

-sets boundaries to not be taken advantage of 

-uses or creates resources to nurture own life flow 

-does not depend too heavily on leaders or community members for answers and resources 

-understands that it is okay to ask for help though - nurturers want to take care of the world, but sometimes forget that they need care too 


Learning to balance time between self, roles, and community 

Learning to create, give, and find resources in balanced ways (money, time, energy, food , etc is a system of checks and balances; a mutual relationship ) 

Not obsessing over others' needs or opinions at the sacrifice of self 

Learning to prioritize self care and prioritize who and what give nurturing energy to 


These emotions are normal emotions; we all flow between negative and positive forces, but the journey is learning how to be aware of them and navigate our way through them. When the negative flow becomes more of the normal flow, then it is important to seek safety protocols and work towards more balanced methods of pursuing this role.


Dependent on others for validation and answers

Inferior complex 

Health and/or resources are chaotic or struggling because of lack of self care / allowing others to use care 

Overly emotional and unstable behavior patterns 

Strong Aggressive or defensive behavior patterns 

Flips in personality, wants, needs, and thoughts (because take on and relate to everyone and everything) 

Fear & worry based patterns 

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You are the detective of insight and information.  Much of your flow of life centers around your ideals on the concepts of truth and knowledge. 

Most of your time is probably spent pondering or putting pieces together. You are inquisitive, but because you are inquisitive, there are always more and more things to figure out. Nothing starts and ends for you; you know everything leads somewhere and sometimes the somewhere is an evolving circle, and that does not stop you from investigating how and why it fits and flows together in the way that it does. You crave understanding, truth, and knowledge and it craves you. You may frequently find yourself in debates or in the middle of giving or receiving unsolicited advice or information. 

Your greatest struggle is most likely sharing your time, information, and energy in positive ways. You can easily get caught up in your own flow, but because you are linked to a flow of information - you may lose ownership of identity and take on different or others' identities or truths. Examples: Sometimes you act a part for the purpose of expression or research, and as much as the part becomes you - you may lose a part of yourself to it (this is why actors often have identity crises). However, when utilized correctly, this can make you like a chameleon, which can aid your skills of understanding and discovering. 

Get to the roots of your energy, create a positive flow, nurture and care for your own bubble of energy, and remember life is a series of tests of reactions to elevate your consciousness, and not only will freedom find you, but you will create a positive path of freedom for all. 


These two issues may be common challenges. 

Issue 1: You may find yourself so tuned in to one trail (one person, topic, or problem) to figure out, that you miss the flow of everything or everyone else.

Prevention: Life balance. Be sure to diversify what and who receives your attention; including how much care and attention you give your own needs. 

Issue 2: You may waiver from extreme dedication to unreliability or completely leaving a trail cold. 

Prevention: Your passion for what lures your intellect is what will grab and hold your attention. It is important to try new things, and truly give it a chance before turning your back on it. If it is something you are able to easily figure out, you easily become bored, but keep in mind life is full of perceptions and surprises. You may think you have something figured out, but then the most unexpected was just around the corner. Life can seem like predictable patterns, but eventually the chain breaks or the flow is forced in a different direction. This too can often be traced to patterns, but every detail matters. The details are where concepts of individuality live.






Dynamic and Diverse 

Problem Solver 


Learning not everything is meant to be understood 

Learning truth is sometimes a matter of perception 

Learning to share time, information, and energy in mindful ways

Learning when it is time to let it go 


These emotions are normal emotions; we all flow between negative and positive forces, but the journey is learning how to be aware of them and navigate our way through them. When the negative flow becomes more of the normal flow, then it is important to seek safety protocols and work towards more balanced methods of pursuing this role.

Manipulative or possessive

Overly - critical or analytical 


Always logic over emotion  

Flips in personality, wants, needs, and thoughts (because in search for the truth you lose the truth) 

These patterns can lead to and cause : mood swings, extreme highs and lows, frustrations, obsessive behaviors, isolation, emotionless patterns, and lack of understanding / empathy

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Success drives you and is your middle name or you want it to be. Much of your flow of life centers around your ideals on the concepts of power and success. 

You are a fire of desire. Your desires often control your choices and often, you will do whatever it takes to achieve it. This can either warm the world with inspiration or burn it down. 

You have the potential to be a powerhouse of good, innovative, and inspirational energy or a powerhouse of chaos, destruction, and negative forces.

You can take on many roles; a person of many hats and trades. You may move from one role to another or place to place to explore where your power can best be developed or appreciated. You plug into many power sources to charge your batteries. Be sure you are being mindful of this though, and not getting your power by draining resources, including, other people's power and energy. When you find the right resources, the right balance, and steadily nurture your forces, you can be quite innovative, resourceful, determined, and able to provide a surplus of energy. 

Get to the roots of your energy, create a positive flow, nurture and care for your own bubble of energy, and remember life is a series of tests of reactions to elevate your consciousness, and not only will freedom find you, but you will create a positive path of freedom for all. 


Anything with potential power draws you in like a moth to a flame. You are often driven by primal, survival instincts to compete, conquer, and form collective bubbles of group pride and power. This can be a good or bad thing depending on the energy, actions, intentions, and circumstances. Power is not always what it seems and it is not always the answer. 

Being a driving force of power and being drawn to power can challenge and easily disrupt your connection to the conscious mind and soul. 

Possible Issues: 

Issue 1: You may leave a trail of problems that you do not realize until it is too late or there is too much to clean up or understand. 

Prevention: Think before you act. Do your research, don't just hire or depend on others to do it for you. Learn that patience, perseverance, methods of the mind and soul, being in-tune and carefully expressive with your emotions is also a form of great power. Glory, success, winning, and physical gains are not the only measurements of power. Do not feel weakness or shame for embracing these deeper sides of you. Physical power fades or eventually collapses. 

Issue 2: You may be in environments in which your physical, mental, and emotional power are constantly challenged. This can cause you to over compensate with aggressive forms of power (being a bully or rebellious in some way). Or on the other end of the spectrum, you could be the victim of abuses of power; patterns of people draining your life-force and power. 

Prevention: Learn how to develop a "tough skin", open and resilient mind, and persevering soul. Remember, the world is bigger than you are, and the life of others is just as important. Learn that you have a right to your feelings and flow, but so do others. Not everything is about the gains in power (security and status). Everything in life is trying to survive, and survival of the fittest is not always the best method. Even when you think "your power" works for you, it may be doing more harm than good to your flow and everyone being impacted by it. Power ripples near and far. If your power has been drained, find positive ways to re-create and re-claim your life-force and power. 



Positive Revolutionist 

Positive Advocate / Warrior 

Life Balance with Ease 

Successful in all ways 


Learning the world is a bigger picture than you 

Learning that your impact can bring inspiration and creation 

Improving the damaging destruction your behaviors can cause

Learning everything has energy and power and is not here for your taking 


These emotions are normal emotions; we all flow between negative and positive forces, but the journey is learning how to be aware of them and navigate our way through them. When the negative flow becomes more of the normal flow, then it is important to seek safety protocols and work towards more balanced methods of pursuing this role.

 Possessive, Aggressive, or Entitled "I deserve" behavior patterns

Trailblazing without mindfulness of possible affects 

Chaotic / Inconsistent / Gambling with Life & Success 

Obsessive with ratings, validation, notarization, and superficial behaviors / Egotistical

Insecure behaviors displayed through bullying, blaming, victim mentality, aggressive blows, and defensive walls

Destructive or Self-Destructive

Lack of perseverance and patience

Exhaustion / lacking energy

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The world of giving and sharing is most important to you.  Much of your flow of life centers around your ideals on causes important to the flow of life. 

You understand the flow of life is a collective effort; this is what guides you to lend a hand, but sometimes you may be driven to reach out too much or to make promises that cannot be kept. 

Your greatest struggle is most likely sharing your time, resources, heart, and energy in mindful and balanced ways. Finding the balance of independence and dependency is always a battle. Understanding the practicality of individuality and collective energy can be a challenge. Caring without suffering too much pain from caring is a difficult road. 

Get to the roots of your energy, create a positive flow, nurture and care for your own bubble of energy, and remember life is a series of tests of reactions to elevate your consciousness, and not only will freedom find you, but you will create a positive path of freedom for all. 

You are a beacon of light, love, hope, creativity, and positive vibes, but first you must know how to love and care for yourself. It can be very easy for your beacon of light to dive into feelings of insecurity or hopelessness, because of how much you give of yourself. 


Everything in your drive is about wanting to help. Everything driven to you is about wanting to help. This does not always make it a good thing. Sometimes when we want to help we give into desperate measures of feeling like we matter to a cause, others, and/or the world. We block our conscious flow to convince ourselves our cause and intentions are just; this is the ego and shadow self leading the soul down twisted paths that get harder and harder to use our senses to be in-tune with our own understanding. Eventually, it can form robotic and unconscious behaviors that bring more harm than good into our lives. Your giving nature can also attract a lot of wanderers that do not always have the best intentions; be careful how much of your own energy you are willing to give. 

These are two issues that may be common themes: 

Issue 1: You have given too much and feel drained of energy. This can cause great panic, anxiety, and resentment, because you feel overwhelmed or terrified of having to rediscover or restore the energy that was lost or taken. Even if it went towards good things, when we are low on energy we are flowing in the negative space of sustaining our life and all life, which often triggers our survival instincts of flight, fight, or panic.

Prevention: balance of giving and receiving is vital for a healthy life flow. Create balanced ways to share your energy. When you are running low or are uncomfortable with how your energy is being shared, it is okay to set boundaries; to say no, to create safer spaces and methods.

Issue 2: Your intentions of wanting to help are just, but you may leap into a hole rather than a pool. How much do you know about what you are doing and why are you drawn to or into it? Be sure your own soul work consults the ego and shadow self throughout such decisions. Even when we have trust issues with the world, sometimes our giving nature still causes us to give more than what we can or to give the wrong situation the benefit of the doubt. This can cause us to feel like we are sinking, constantly being used, or stuck in a harmful pit or flow where we are looking out at the world; seeing all its needs and the way it all flows while everyone walks right over us without even noticing.


Balanced Giver 

Creates and shares light in the darkness (Beacon) 



Positive Force (magnetic or positive revolutionist energy)


Learning to focus energy to concepts most passionate about 

Nurturing creative abilities

Surrounds self with positive energy, but reaches out to help negative energy (able to empathize without absorbing it) (It is very important to learn methods for protecting your energy flow).

Learning to understand the need for structure and how to implement it without losing individuality 


These emotions are normal emotions; we all flow between negative and positive forces, but the journey is learning how to be aware of them and navigate our way through them. When the negative flow becomes more of the normal flow, then it is important to seek safety protocols and work towards more balanced methods of pursuing this role.


Co-Dependent on giving

The things you once cared about have become too difficult to do

Unrealistic expectations

Panic state

Resentment / Rage

These patterns can lead to and cause : anxiety, depression, overwhelmed behaviors, obsessiveness, dependency, extreme coping, inferior complex, judgmental, impulsive/compulsiveness (reactionary behaviors: burst of emotions, lies, fights, flees, etc.) 

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11s are a Master Number : Mediators | Inspired Healers | Intuitive Guides | Conscious Leaders

What is a Master Number? 

Master Numbers have a naturally higher vibration; a more advanced sensitivity and purpose of energy. However, this also makes the life journey amplified with intensity, challenge, depth of feelings and knowledge to deal with, and a magnet for extreme life tests. 

11s follow the root energy of the 2 life path: a mediator role of trying to find inclusive ways to bring the world together. They are able to read and translate energy from the forces of life: people, animals, nature, energy all around and beyond. They easily see and feel what is below the surface. Therefore, they can easily see through lies or false energy; in such cases they often distant themselves or try to carefully find ways to work with it. As mediators and Empaths, a channel for energy, they take on the vibes of what another is feeling. Therefore, the amount of energy they feel often feels like the whole universe is exploding inside. Learning to calm, channel, and set boundaries with energy is vital to the survival of an Empath. 

11s are often very psychic or have extreme experiences with intuition, even if it is something they are unable to explain. 

(Just to note: while I was writing this section about Master Numbers, I just looked at the clock and it said 11:22 - Oh, how I love the universe ! ) 

Normally, I would write about flow warnings & traits, but because of the complexity of 11s and 22s, I am going to dedicate blog posts for each one. 

Also, my Life Path number is an 11. Unlocking this about myself helped me understand my struggles and my purpose in ways I never thought I could. I believe in sharing by living through example, so stay in tabs for a personal blog post about this on the Seeds of Our Soul blog. 

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22s are a Master Number: Master Teachers 

What is a Master Number? 

Master Numbers have a naturally higher vibration; a more advanced sensitivity and purpose of energy. However, this also makes the life journey amplified with intensity, challenge, depth of feelings and knowledge to deal with, and a magnet for extreme life tests. 

22s follow the root energy of the 4 life path: a teacher role, as Master Teachers they often know the insight people need to elevate themselves or what is they need to learn about in order to further develop their life-force. Through teaching they are building bridges to higher levels of understanding of self and world. 

Even though this is a natural destiny, the skills do not come naturally; they must be developed like all other roles. 

(Just to note: while I was writing this section about Master Numbers, I just looked at the clock and it said 11:22 - Oh, how I love the universe ! ) 

Normally, I would write about flow warnings & traits, but because of the complexity of 11s and 22s, I am going to dedicate blog posts for each one. 

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Step 3: Map your astrological signs

You are made of Stars!!!

Intuitive Wellness through the stars, cosmic vibes, & elements

Discover your Sun, Moon, & Rising Sign by following the directions below.


No matter what flow of creation and existence you believe in, we all see the same moon and stars. We each may perceive, define, explain, or practice with it differently, but the stars are a part of our energy flow. They are a part of the big picture. Therefore, just think of it as important puzzle pieces to further knowing your mind, body, and soul. Self-discovery and development is important for any relationship; faith & spirituality, the world, others, significant others, etc. Having a deep relationship with yourself is key for connecting and communication.

Nearly every culture has mapped life through the study of the stars in some way. It is a norm in our society to reference our sign. It is often in a flow of trending culture. However, understanding your sign can offer so much guidance and insight on your life patterns, behaviors, thoughts, and health. Our constellation travels through the houses of energy, we too feel these phases and patterns. 

Understanding this energy is so important to being in-tune with your Inner Power. Your star signs are connected to and can reveal many of the roots and rhythms of who you are based on the energy that was flowing through the world from where the stars and planets were when you were born. The world is in motion; we have days, nights, seasons, etc. with each moment being a current of patterned energy to sustain the flow. 

For the Blueprint:

For the Free version, instructions are provided below how to map your Sun and Moon sign. These are important to help discover more about your layers of wellness. We use the Chakra system to understand the layers of wellness.

In a guided session, we also include mapping your rising sign to help us look even further into your layers of wellness.

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What is the Sun Sign?

When people ask: “What’s your sign?” You reply with your Sun Sign. This zodiac is your main persona; your state of being. It is the layers of self and personality, and a main influence in your day to day cognitive functions. These traits are deeply rooted into how you flow. This is where the sun was located when you were born.

Why it is important:

Even though you have other signs in your Natal Chart and other factors of your blueprint responsible for influencing your flow, your Sun Sign holds a lot of insight on your daily wellness: your exercise style, motivations, behavior patterns, communication skills, nutritional flavor profile, learning style, and more can be linked to this sign. If you are struggling with how to connect with or apply your energy, it could be due to not embodying the navigation tools of your Sun sign. For an example, many people state they have difficulty getting into meditation; it could be due to not being in harmony with how you flow. If you are not in the right environment or applying a technique that soothes your soul, then it could just cause more frustration, which defeats the purpose. Some people prefer a dark, quiet space, but for others this could be more unsettling. When examining anything in regards to your wellness and state of being, it is important to trace the roots and traits of your sun sign; it is vital for the discovery and development of self.

What’s your Sun Sign?

Use the chart below by finding the sign with your birth-date. The sign is positioned next to its element symbol, constellation symbol, and ruling Chakra. We will get into the meanings later. For now, simply make note if this on your chart. See how to complete this on your chart with the example below. Plus, keep reading below to discover your moon and rising sign.

Example of writing in your sign information and circling the elements, symbols, and Chakras the signs are linked to. The black boxes on this include some of my insight notes.


Your Moon Sign is where the moon was located when you were born. The moon represents our emotional layers and personality.


We are very emotional creatures, therefore, it is very important for us to understand our emotional behavior patterns and profile. Exploring your Moon Sign and its traits is key to emotional wellness and harmony. This awareness can help you do the emotional work each day to navigate your flow.


For your Moon Sign, you will need to know where and what time you were born, then use the calculator at cafeastrology’s website: here to learn more. (Please note: this is not in official partnership with them, this is simply a resource I found to be most effective and insightful for figuring out the moon sign).

What is a Rising Sign?

Note: We do not chart the Rising Sign in the Free Resources. I include it in on charts and summaries in the guided sessions. Therefore, you may not want to do this step unless you are considering booking a session to help you understand all these insights! Either way, I encourage at least reading what this is. Plus, keep reading to explore brief summaries of your Astrological Signs in relation to Chakra Wellness.

What’s your Rising Sign?

This is the zodiac house (constellation system) that was rising in the Eastern Horizon at the time of your birth. The Rising Sign (Ascendant Sign) is linked to social wellness traits and patterns of energy; the power of perception. The way we view the world and the way the world views us.

Why is this important?

Understanding this sign or layer of yourself can help you better understand why you naturally feel the way you do about certain things in the world or your social life. It can help you get to the root of why you take certain things to heart or why you come off the way you do. Learn more in the guided session!


Note: You may have noticed the mention of elements (Earth, Fire, Air, Water). Each zodiac sign is linked to an element. Your element can really help you understand the flow of your wellness style. Example: You may have tried meditation methods before, but felt like they were not for you; maybe it was simply because it was not in the right “style”. Fire spirits typically like fast results and to do things while on the go. Therefore, their lifestyle habits: exercise, diet, and meditation typically flow better for them when they provide some sort of immediate feedback. (This is just one example and can vary depending on other traits, because remember: you are more than just one element! Your sun sign may be Fire, but your moon sign may be water. Therefore, if it is your emotional energy (moon sign) that needs attention, then you may benefit from channeling water flow methods over fire in the moment. These are the type of things we dig deeper into in the Guided Session & upcoming workshops!!!!


Note: The dates on each chart are in regards to your main zodiac sign (where the sun was positioned), but these charts also apply to your moon and rising sign. (The dates do not match up, because those were calculated based on what zodiac house the moon and horizon were in at the time of your birth.) Keep in mind the sun, moon, and rising are all important for the layers of your health. My method for helping you understand the flow of it all is by mapping it through the Chakras. Each zodiac sign is ruled by a Chakra. Find the chart for your sun and moon sign below to get a quick look at wellness traits. Example: My sun sign is Aquarius. My moon sign is between Cancer & Leo. Therefore, I use the Aquarius, Cancer, & Leo charts to help me map my wellness flow.

After exploring your charts, scroll to the end for the closing info and/or to book a session!!!!





Thank you for exploring the wellness blueprint insights with us! If you need help with this process or want to discover more, consider Booking a session:

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