Welcome to the Free Guide of the Rootin’ Flow
This is an intro guide of some our feature concepts in the Root & Flow Method.
The feature concepts are reoccurring topics in our content. Let’s Dig in!!!!
If you would prefer to listen to a reading of this intro guide, check out the 5 podcasts on my Soundcloud Playlist: here or click below. (Suggestion: If you are in a space where you can, you may want to read along while you listen to visually explore the content and pictures.)
5 tracks:
Root Phase
Inner Power Phase (Love)
Grow Phase (Empower Every Hour)
Flow Phase
Every moment is a new moment, a new opportunity. Every day is a new day. When we greet the day with intentions and actions rather than expectations, we commit to creating our flow through mindful methods. Life is a series of days, nights, seasons, and phases. If we do not release stored energy, we struggle to manifest new energy. We are sponges. Every cell of our being soaks up everything we connect with. Much of this is a deep-layer process. The energy goes in to our minds and bodies, but not everything is seen or felt. It can be microscopic or in vibrations and processes beyond our senses and conscious state.
Every time you use a sponge, you must ring it out. Otherwise, it remains cluttered and weighed down with all the junk it absorbed while performing important tasks and connections. If those pieces remain, it can damage the sponge or cause moldy, saturated conditions.
We must "ring ourselves out" , release our energy throughout the day. It is difficult to do a deep clean; a complete detox. Sometimes, we need to detox all the negative energy stored in the layers of our life. Negative energy is a process. Energy is rarely easy to deal with, but the more you become conscious of your flow, the more natural it becomes to release and manifest.
We are creatures of habit. We often turn to distractions or outside sources to avoid dealing with our energy. When we do not create the time for constructive methods of releasing our energy, it weighs us down, clutters up our processes, and pushes/forces us into expression/expansion. When we are not conscious of our releasing methods, and have allowed things to take up energy in our cell storage, then every little thing is pushing on our nerves. This is when we say things we do not mean, act in ways we regret, or are affected by things of unrealistic importance. The pressure and build up causes nervous energy in the mind, body, and soul processes, which can lead us down the road of negative coping habits. Nothing is as it seems. The clear and obvious symptoms of not releasing are engaging in habits harming the mind and body (whether intentional or not): eating unhealthy, ranting on facebook, going off on somebody in-person, or in need of distractions to suppress these impulses. Negative energy often gets translated in the wrong way, because we are taught to not deal; shove it down, push it aside, keep it under the rug, let it stay out of sight - out of mind, or let it be someone else's problem. When this becomes habit, we are disconnected from our truest senses and are ruled by impulses rather than abilities. It can be as simple as being quick to judge or as addictive of taking something to make the pain / uncomfortable feelings stop or as extreme as self-harm or harm to others. This is a natural part of life. We all struggle with finding positive ways to constructively release negative energy. We have become more conscious as humans, which makes us feel all the vibes even stronger.
Therefore, we must do the soul-work with all the vibes. When we are connected to our higher self, energy becomes clearer. We can see Through the Fog to Empower Every Hour. We are able to cope with energy not being comfortable nor easy to deal with. We remain calm and true to finding and creating the good vibes to release our clutter in constructive ways. We are not sponges from the store, we cannot be so easily replaced. Therefore, we must care for ourselves through long-lasting methods.
Now, you may be wondering....
How do I detox?
How do I find and tune into my higher self?
How can I see trough the fog?
How do I release?
How do I manifest?
How do I Empower Every Hour?
The answer to all of these questions = we go forward with the Rootin' Flow. We continue to get to the root of it. We weed out what is not working. We cultivate the soil, plant new seeds or replant our roots. It takes time for things to take root. We discover and develop our Inner Power each day. We rise and shine to Empower Every Hour. We grow our flow a little more each day. This is a journey. We are all in this together!!!
This Intro Guide to the Rootin Flow is to learn about mindful living & the conscious journey of reclaiming your life flow & reconnecting with your roots of Inner Power. Being in tune with our Inner Power helps us to co-create our flow to Empower Every Hour.
We are all at different points in our life. We are all on our own journey!
Rootin for your Life is an intuitive wellness journey to help you navigate your flow by reflecting on patterns within nature and energy in your world within and all around to awaken conscious transformations or to simply ROOT LOVE GROW™ your Flow a little more each day. This Intro follows the ROOT & FLOW approach to introduce reoccurring concepts we use in everything we do. Be sure to read what the Root & Flow Method is: here
The goal of this Intro is to “garden” the mind. When we approach anything in life, mindset is the make or break of creating our flow. Being conscious of our mindset can help us to learn how and when to trust the journey we are on, to be more alert when it is not in the right flow, and enhances mindfulness of what to do about it. This makes us more accountable for our choices and attuned to our vibes.
Everything is Energy
Humans are often too quick to act, react, assume, and judge. We do this to ourselves and to others. Life is fast paced. We live much of our life looking at labels and sizing up what’s on the surface. We live life through individual perceptions, which can make it easy for negative traits; deception, fear, impulses, misunderstanding, complacent thoughts & actions, second - hand information, manipulative highlights, flashy objects, and obsessive validation to be the driving forces of our flow. It is a common occurrence to become disconnected from the true vibes within our roots and core of consciousness.
We get caught in the flow of being comfortable; staying in our comfort zone bubble, fitting in, being liked, following along, or the endless cycle of measuring up, because:
A. it is human nature to flock with your tribe to form a community of "survival of the fittest"; sometimes at the sacrifice of being true to self. It takes guts to stand alone ; to be true to you until you connect with like-minded members of humanity.
B. Sometimes, we get too caught up in the energy of our ego and shadow selves vs our soul (truest consciousness). Ego & shadow energy are not always bad, but if you are not consciously plugged into your soul, then ego & shadow energy can = a misleading Fog of Life.
We must be the light to find our way through. When we connect our light to different levels of consciousness - we understand more about our journey. The truth is in the roots, the seeds of the soul, beyond the labels, and below the surface. We must dig deep!
& Living
With understanding life is a series of cycles and everything is energy, we understand why tending to our roots is so important. Even though we are linked to the history of human origins, connected to our ancestors and bloodlines, and/or rooted to our family in some way, our life of Deep Root Living & Healing ultimately begins & ends with us!
The roots of our past & the roots of our current surroundings may have a hold on us or a vibe we carry; it is a part of who we are, but our thoughts, perceptions, actions, & reactions <<< all of our vibes >>> are our choices. These are our own main roots! What are your roots?
Deep Root Living & Healing reflects on:
What matters most to you?
What/who do you want in your life?
How are you standing in your way?
How are you plugging into toxic energy or habits?
What or who is bringing toxic energy into your life?
What steps do you need to take to weed out & plant in healthier seeds or resources to grow or nurture your roots? (If we do not make these choices, life often has a way of making them for us, but the more we are conscious & are able to co-create the process, the less invasive it is to our flow.)
It is important to allow yourself & the natural course of time to uproot & unfold. There is no known timeline to resolving the answers to these questions; it is an evolving and repeating journey.
“It takes time for things to take root.”
Rootin’ is something we must do every season to cultivate our garden.
Energy is powerful. The seeds of our life leave an imprint. The seeds we plant leave an imprint. It takes time to weed out and recover from what does not belong or what damaged our flow. It takes time to renew our soil, collect the seeds we need, and to plant them in the right conditions. Then, we begin the discovery & development process of caring for them.
What’s your Story?
Be your own advocate
As discussed above, you have the power of choice; even when it does not seem like it. Even when freedom is limited, and circumstances are far beyond your control: the voice in your mind, the will you have to stay strong, the ways you find to persevere, and the stories of how you react or make your next move is your story.
Much of life is a flow of elements we cannot control, but how we react & prevent future patterns from unfolding is how we become our own advocates:
it is using our voice …
or retreating to return within to understand/ heal / create
or being the example (actions speak louder than words )
or surrendering to the universe to be open to synchronicity and trusting the process
Like the moon & the seasons, we go thru introverted & extroverted phases. Our flow is a series full of chapters.
We all have introverted & extroverted ways of experiencing, processing, & expressing life.
Phases of this process follows the ROOT &FLOW Method :
-Get to the Root of It: Root/Release(origins) : deep below the surface
-Inner power: Love/Rest (take care of self & learn from within before acting / reacting)
-Empower Every Hour - Grow/Manifest (daily maintenance + express & share the energy)
-Flow: - Flow/Restore (know your flow & when/how to restore/adapt your flow)
Be sure to read the Root & Flow Method to understand how our self-work phases are naturally aligned with the moon. There is a reason why we feel certain ways during certain times. Nature is our classroom.
Your life begins & ends with you ! Others may impact you , have power over you, steal power from you, or think or speak your story from flawed or misjudged perspectives. Those untruths, destructive elements, and destabilizing, insecure experiences can be haunting - torturing the soul in every moment, but you are made of the universe. You are infinite power! It may require a lot of energy for you to dig deep in your reserves or to discover new resources & methods, but they exist: somewhere in your world within & in the universe all around.
When we get pulled in the currents of others' flow, the harder it is to write our own story, much less - understand it. It is okay to connect with others for support and guidance, but allowing them to rule your life-force / flow, (how you perceive and apply yourself), can limit your self-awareness and advocacy. When we are able to tune into our flow, we learn our truest vibes and rhythms. We know our mind, body, & spirit better than anyone, but sometimes the deceptive sides of ego and shadow energy of our world within and the external world can make us feel otherwise. Such forces and power can make us feel completely estranged from what we really know, think, feel, need, and want. The soul is your true navigator. Be true to where the light shines in it. When do you feel like your best self? Be conscious of what people think of you, but do not let it dictate your path unless it lifts you up with positive energy and understanding or offers mindful, constructive feedback. If something in your gut does not feel right, then most likely something is out of alignment. Get to the root of it! Weed it out or restore it with Self-Love and compassion. Good things will grow when we find the will to keep rootin’ with compassion and love. It can be a long, painful journey of struggles, but you are not alone. We are rootin’ for you, but only you can be your answer.
Mindful Self Care
We all have a mind. We all have mental health. Our minds are complex energy. Just like we care for our bodies, we must care for our minds. Feed it with healthy nutrients; eat foods to nourish the mind and plug into sources that will positively expand the mind. Like with anything, the input / output values must be managed in a mindful, balanced flow.
Our minds are powerful. It has long been a saying; "mind over matter". When we are presented with life struggles, it is our mind that can pull us through. Like anything though, it requires learning, training, and charging. Also, like anything the mind is energy with negative and positive elements; what is fed is what will grow.
The term Mental Health is often used as a weapon of control to shame people, exploit vulnerability, and restricting identity. Because the mind is so complex, powerful, and vulnerable it is often feared. When we feed this fear and limit opportunities of positive support, education, and growth, we feed the collective expansion of negative energy.
Emotions happen! Our vibes are what guide us through this world; Sea of Life. We are often taught emotions are a weakness, according to stereotypes: "Women are too emotional" and "Men don't cry". (These are not true, we are ALL emotional.) Awareness about such things has come a long way, but we still have quite the journey ahead to embracing emotions as our greatest strength. The key is learning to be in tune with emotions; to not be controlled by the chaotic flow of waves. To do so we are often taught to mute it or depend on something for coping. It is human nature to fight or flee in such a way. It is true that how we are wired could be contributing to emotional disorders or imbalances, but this is not always a negative thing. Again, because of our instincts we are often quick to perceive it as something negative, but in reality our emotions are our unique identity. Learning to embrace and survive the struggle is a daily war and an opportunity to find your gifts. When we shut off our emotions it is easier to conform to normality or expectations and block out understanding of individuality and mindful, soulful living.
There are times when we need assistance in coping, there is nothing wrong with that, but we must be conscious of when this starts to control our life, and creates a false reality or dangerous dependency. We should think of coping tools as bridges and stepping stones, but too often we plant them as seeds. We keep cultivating these seeds until they form deep roots. Negative coping dependencies can become weeds. By the time they have taken root, we have become so dependent - we are unaware of how it has invaded our daily gardening habits and flow. It becomes instinct to grab what is quick and convenient. Then, it produces and branches out in so many ways that the only way to keep up is repeat the cycles. This is a dangerous road of distancing self from human nature and consciousness. However, we all have our coping methods and our battles, therefore we must keep the lines of consciousness and communication open. Wellness is often the power of perception. Each of us have our own path of what works and does not work, therefore we can be supportive to one another, but we must be mindful to not disrespect others’ choices. It is a trial and error journey of discovery and development.
The universe is energy. All life is energy. We are made of this energy (whether rooted to your scientific or spiritual beliefs - Energy Matters. ) It is so complex; we are not meant to understand nor know everything about life and beyond, but we are meant to explore and discover through our mindfulness to gain understanding and expand our knowledge. This is the gift of consciousness. The common ground of all these beliefs are: we here right now in the present, in the flesh made-up of stardust (atoms), bacteria, hormones, water, cells, and matter. We are energy. We connect to all energy. We are the elements. We are nature. Nature speaks to us; we must learn to listen. When we do this, we will learn how to Calm the Sea Within. After-all, we are 70% water!
When we try to digest overly processed products or information we are not providing for our true needs and cravings. Such sources are often full of empty nutrients or value, because they do not supply natural energy to the mind nor body. True energy requires great, authentic effort. What does your body really want? What does your mind really need? What is it that you are really looking to discover? Our cravings are often linked to the top 3 topics above. If these are not in a mindful, balanced flow, then this concept of wellness is also out of flow. Like I always say: We are all on a journey of wellness! It is okay to be out of flow - we are life in motion - we are the ebb and flow - we are works in progress ... just keep Rootin' , lovin', growin'!
Life is so fast & vast; in constant change of phases. This flux triggers our human instincts to fight or flee our way through it; to seek or obtain our light from external forces, but we too are life; we too are light. Sometimes we spend so much time trying to find the right light or obtain it from other sources - we forget to just turn on our own switch or to charge our own batteries. Sometimes we spend so much time fearing the darkness or trying to escape or avoid it, we forget it is a part of life. We must face it to know it. We must rest to restore.
We are all rooted to similar patterns of life, but our unique programming and coding makes us authentic. Our life-force and journey is in the details. How we nurture those details are how we grow our life-force. The origins and processes of details are below the surface and beyond the labels. Our life patterns and expressions are only windows into our worlds.
The hardest thing in this world to do is to be true to you, because of all of things above. Being human is extremely fragile and vulnerable. Therefore, we often give into our survival of the fittest and tribal instincts to conform and conquer. We often allow ourselves to be ruled by expectations and methods of measuring up rather than staying rooted to our truest natures, which is to authentically flow with the world. Our consciousness craves this. Our mind, body, and soul thrives when we are able to connect and create in this way. Our human instincts for survival and community are important, but having or creating the opportunity to go on your own version of an authentic Spirit Quest is important for understanding how you are rooted, how you love, and how/what you need to grow. A Spirit Quest does not have to be the physical miles traveled, sometimes it is expanding our worlds right from our own mind.
These old sayings are very true. There is great wisdom in ancient knowledge. Life is not about reinventing the wheel. It is about finding greater understanding of concepts and how they apply to your life.
Many aspects of our life are out of our control, but your journey begins and ends with you.
Take deep breaths. Find your flow through the power of breathing. Purify your air. The conditions of the air are not always in our control, but when you can use the power of choice.
Find and create positive thoughts. This is not always natural nor easy, but deep within - they are there - waiting for you to open the doors. You may have to fight through the clutter to get to them - but your mind has the power of choices.
We are energy. Food is energy. We are what we eat. Sometimes due to conditions or resources this may be out of our personal control, but when you can, make the positive choices.
Like in everything we discuss, it is all connected! It all matters!!
Inner POwer
Like we discussed above, your Life-Flow/Force begins & ends with you! Even though elements of it were inherited or are similar patterns to others, you are an authentic, conscious life form flowing to and from each day. Your choices matter. They will flow onward. you have a one of a kind life-force blue-print. Think about all the things that had to align for you to exist: the stars, planets, numbers, roots (whether through the natural flow of life, science of energy, higher spirits, random chaos, or all of it), lots of factors had to occur for you to be alive, right here , right now! The act of birth, life, and death are often a struggle, but all those magical moments in between can truly be something! The moments when we stop, look around, and ponder on how freaking cool the universe is! That can be something to give thanks for the opportunity to be a part of and it may make the struggle a little more worth it! Connect or explore further into your Inner Power to explore your One of a Kind Power!
Life is a Sea of waves, currents, tides, and phases. How do we find stillness in this chaos? How do we stay calm when our fibers of human nature say, "fight or flee".
We close our eyes, we center our self, and we breatheeee....... deep... and steady. It is the will of our spirit, the strength in our muscles, and the trust in our intuition over our primal instincts to find the flow in our breath. Knowing your element or nature through your blue-print can help you understand how to channel, manage, and progress the strength and power of your breath.
We have often heard, "just breathe".......... and you may think; "how does this help, I am always breathing". (I use to think that too! ) This was the problem; I was thinking, not feeling. My anxious, racing emotions and my need to find or create the logic was always standing in the way; swirling around and creating more chaos. Sometimes the Sea has naturally returned to the state of stillness, but we are the current in our own whirlpools. The outside world has great impact on us and we have great impact on the outside world.
Inhale.... Exhale...... with the Ebb... & Flow.....
Through the fog there is beauty
Through the Fog there is Beauty is a main series and concept in the Inner Power Feature of Rootin' for your Life.
Life is a struggle. It is a journey of pain. This is a natural part and balance of having the opportunity to experience life. When we are in our deepest struggles. Life can be dark or clouded with fog. During such a time, our senses are heightened, on high alert, this makes us vulnerable. The nature of life is often predator, prey, and fight or flee, but we can be and are more than our nature, because we are conscious. Whether it is conscious instinct or a higher consciousness - animals, humans, and the Earth itself have the abilities to be in synchronicity, harmony, and clear chemistry; in these moments there is Beauty. When we are able to tune our senses in the darkness, guide ourselves through the fog, and embrace our vulnerabilities rather than fight or flee them, we become connected and aware of the rhythms and flow of all things within and all around us. We can see beyond the darkness. We can hear the whispers. We can smell the chemistry. We can taste the elements. We can feel the energy. We have a greater sense of knowing. All of these things no longer scare us. When we were disconnected from the energy flowing through us and all around us it triggered our impulse reaction of fight or flee, but when we take a moment to be in the darkness and calm in the fog, we strengthen our senses, our patience, and our consciousness. It requires great practice and perseverance. Our survival instinct wants us to fight or flee. The negative forces of our shadow and ego energy of survival want us to be consumed by darkness or be the darkness that consumes or hogs or steals the light. These negative forces from the fear and loss of connection to our truest energy can trap us in illusions, which empowers the fog to further distort our senses and keep us from clarity, beauty, harmony, and security. Positive and negative energy are flowing in every moment. We cannot always control the energy that flows around us, but we can learn to control the energy that flows through, to and from us. It is important to not fight or flee these impulses. Like in Calm the Sea Within, it is important to feel this energy, to not try to control it or allow it to control you, but to connect with its rhythm to ride the waves of timing. Sometimes we ride the waves too long and forget how to swim and sometimes we do not even get in the water, because we are being controlled by our natural survival instincts and not our natural abilities of consciousness. Learning our consciousness requires a great deal of practice with our own rhythm and flow.
into the forest i go
Life Force Blue-Print
LIFE IS ENERGY! We are Energy. It follows certain patterns and blue-prints, but the authenticity is in the details. Whether you are rooted to scientific or spiritual concepts of life, energy is a part of that equation. These blue-prints are from the origins of life.
Matter is Energy. You Matter! Your unique details are the codes of who you are and how you flow. Your blue-print is a pattern of similarity, different, but the same. It has common traits of energy, but the power of choice and consciousness is what makes each of our pathways and milestones so diverse. How we understand and apply the factors of our blue-print is what makes our journey unique.
In general, it can help you better understand your life flow through your mind, body, soul rhythms, chemistry, and physiology. Our blue-print is the internal knowledge in our world within and all around. It is how we connect to ancient human origins and how we navigate to new sources of energy.
The Blue-print is a Rootin' for your Life method for charting your astrological sun, moon, and rising sign, element, and the numerology of your birth-date. These things can offer insight into your life path and flow. These factors are linked to the flow of Chakra energy. This opens the doors to the layers of wellness and the traits associated with each.
Chakras : In general, Chakras are an ancient map of energy with 7 zones of energy. Each of these zones are connected to a layer of flowing life energy. Life is about balance and motion. We are at our best when we are in a harmony of alignment, but because we are life in motion, it requires great effort and consciousness to continue to find and create our balance in the flow of life. When each Chakra is nurtured and aligned, life is in full color, vibrancy, and vibration. When our chakras are over nurtured or neglected, the fog clutters our flow, and we feel a disconnect to our mind, body, and soul. It is harder to understand the rhythms and chemistry of the world within and all around. Our chakras can help navigate us to the foods, lifestyles, and activities we need. Colors are codes with valuable traits. Whether we see them from our external senses or know them from our other processing methods, they guide our flow.
Your Life Path Number: Think about all the things that had to align to bring you into existence at a certain date, time, and place. It was of great significance. You are of significance! You are how the universe uniquely came together in a single moment to create life. How the planets and numbers were aligned are the equations and physics of how you flow. The Numerology result of your birth-date equation offers insight into your Life Path/Role. Numbers are energy, and have great power. Each number is linked to patterns and traits of time. Time is infinite, but patterns often repeat themselves. From a history of patterns certain traits become linked to the value of numbers. There are many ways in which we can connect to the world of Spirit and Science; numbers is one of them.
Your Life Path Number is the path that makes you and breaks you. It is where you have the greatest potential to shine. It is full of opportunities to rise into your true nature and purpose. However, opportunity does not come without tests and struggles. Life is often a series of learning through trial and error. No matter how predictable the patterns of life become, it begins anew in every moment with the power of choice. We may have great insight and education on the journey of life, but any moment is the chance of life taking us by surprise. The more you understand your life path number, the more you are able to pass the tests, and not just survive the struggles, but rise into your true purpose by embracing your nature.
Astrology: Planets are swirling masses of energy. These units of mass and elements of energy are insights into life in motion. The mapping of alignments, phases, and traits are linked to how we flow. The relationships of energy are a unique guide of nature.
Sun Sign: This is where the Sun was located when you were born. This is your daily flow; your surface traits. Your surface traits are your learning styles, personality perceptions, impressions, and expressions, your definitions and interests in life, and your instinctual needs and cravings.
Moon Sign: This is where the Moon was located when you were born. Your moon sign is your layer of emotional energy and personality. The moon creates waves and our emotions are waves. It is very important to understand the flow of your moon sign, because it is your emotional identity. When you understand this, you can learn how to Calm the Sea Within by being in-tune with the rhythms and alignments with the world within and all around.
With all of this information, there will be greater understanding of your:
daily and emotional personality and traits
life and learning needs and styles
mind and body chemistry and physiology
relationship dynamics
influences, interests, behaviors
why certain themes and tests reoccur
why you naturally connect with or avoid certain environments
Life in Color
All life is energy. Energy moves, flows, ignites, and reacts. To find the right balance of composition is always a work in progress.
We have 7 energy centers within our mind, body, and soul that make us whole. If any energy center is not receiving the right care, blocked, or being disrupted, it can impact the layers of our health. This can create holes or clutter in our journey. We must resupply a harmonizing energy to the holes or work to clean-out the space. Each energy zone is connected to a certain layer of body systems and energy processes.
The Earth is life in motion as well with layers of processes and elements. It too has Chakra Energy. This energy is reflected into us and connected to how we flow. We reflect our energy back out into the world and connect with all things through energy. Energy is not only (((vibes))), but physical resources as well.
The Chakra system originated in India between 1500 - 500 BC. It became a focus of many sacred practices. The chakras (our layers of energy) are referenced in nearly every form of sacred spirituality in some way. As more studies have come about through Science and the diversity of Spirituality, the Chakra system is an essential concept of Holistic Medicine / Lifestyles. It is a universal language of understanding our "blue-print" of energy. Mind, Body, & Soul is the motto of texts since the beginning of time; it just gets perceived and translated in unique ways through the roots of our diverse cultures and principles. Whether you believe in our energy manifesting from the high powers of god(s) or goddess(es), the scientific dialogue of the stars, the vibes of nature and Mother Earth, or just the existence in this moment, the common root is: we are here and we are present with a mind, body, and soul. Whether you believe in vibes or something more elaborate regarding the soul, there is a power of connection from the world within us to the world around us.
Even though the Chakra System is a guide to understanding our energy and the flow of our energy in our Holistic health (mind, body, soul), like all other guides; it is just a blue-print. We are still responsible for channeling, engaging, developing, managing, and balancing that into our own authentic lifestyle. We were given the opportunity to live, breathe, and create our life. We were given the tools of a unique mind, body, soul, and the resources of the natural world to map and develop our flow. How we care for it is our responsibility. Every moment, person, element, and environment is full of negative and positive energy; the natural equation of life; the ebb and flow. What we channel and cultivate is what will manifest. Engaging our Chakra Energy to develop balance is critical to understanding the connections of negative and positive energy within the processes of our mind, body, and soul. Each layer controls different aspects of our energy processes. This energy must be cared for and aligned to flow in harmony.
rainbow over my house
Arms and legs are extensions (sensory roots and branches). Our Chakra Energy is located in our core; from the core of our body that protects the major organs in our trunk, the tunnel of the trunk (the neck) that connects to our core processing system (the mind / nervous system base). Energy circulates. Energy is in our breath, in our blood, in the charge of our synapses, and in the flow of all cells.
Located in the base of your core/trunk. Associated with survival and primal instincts. The roots of who we are as humans and the roots of who you are in your bloodlines. It is in the layers of crimson color of blood and fire. This energy drives our survival; our roots, foundations, and resources of security and existence.
Located in our sacral/pelvic area of the trunk. These are our deepest vibes and feelings; how we perceive the roots of who we are to formulate our identity. It is our chemical and hormonal energy that is deep within. It is how we create or destroy life. Do we give and nurture or do we take and use? This is represented by those deep, warm orange layers of being alive (much like the life force of the sun).
This is our power / inner power in our mid abdomen the core center of balance; where many main organs connect, where we draw our breath from, and where we store a lot of our energy. Power can be used as a tool or a weapon; to empower or control. This is our light / life-force; how we consciously choose our energy and perceive life from our roots. It is in those yellow tones of light! Like all light, it has to be charged with positive power to stay bright.
This is our heart / chest cavity area; where things are starting to grow and bloom. Our body systems are pumping from the pulse of our heart. We are feeling more vibes and layers of emotions. This is the core processing of relationships. The heart center flows from simple and complex connections. Understanding our heart chemistry, functions, and energy is vital for creating the right connections and sustaining a healthy flow.
Our Life flow comes in and goes out. We breathe in, we breathe out. We take in food, water, or toxins. We breathe out positive energy or toxic energy. We express ourselves and communicate our energy through the vibrations of our throat. The throat is a strong, sensitive place. It can be so fragile; protecting our main arteries and tunnel of nerves and windpipe. Yet it can be so strong linking our main body to our mind; holding our head up and engaging in life. This is represented by a turquoise / aqua blue. (Think calm sea; think before you speak, take deep breaths to steady your flow). Calm the Sea Within.
Our main senses (touch, taste, smell, sight, hearing) are vital resources for processing life, but they can become easily polluted, which can make it difficult to get an accurate read, understanding, or value from the resource. Our third eye "six sense" is essential for translating energy and being true to flow of energy. Truth and energy is in those vibes, gut feelings, moments of intuition, dreams, and deeper cognitive processes in the layers of consciousness. This aura is in the colors of dream layers: when our third eye is closed, it is dark, deep purple, blurry/foggy (hard to focus/ know / remember). When it is open, it is in lighter, brighter hues of purple, lavender, crystal. Through the Fog there is Beauty.
This is our core processing center of energy; our mind, our senses, all of our body systems coming to and from (working together to translate, process, and manifest energy). It is our center of knowledge. It is our center of connection to the world within us and all around us. It is our gateway to layers of consciousness and the spiritual identities of consciousness. This too is represented by similar auras of the third eye, but is in more of the crystal / white zones of energy because of how much of life we are processing. Our mind is always on. However, if it is in cloudy hues, then we need rest and alignment to focus our energy. If it is crystal clear hues with all colors beaming through in a calm, clear, and balanced way, then it is in alignment.
Alaska 2015
Empower Every Hour
Now that we have explored the deeper, inner states of life flow, we rise back to the surface; bringing our new layers of awakened consciousness to branch out, but we must keep up the Self - Care process. In the Empower Every Hour state, we focus on wellness discovery and development in doses throughout the day. ‘All the little things” that keep us glowing!
Express Yo’ Self
let go. flow. create. vibe with the rhythms.
Express yo' self, but before you can express yo' self in ways true to your authentic flow, you have to rediscover and reclaim the light within. It is there, but it takes time to power up. We are always growing and evolving our flow. Therefore, this process is a constant in our lives. Every day is a new day, a new opportunity, and each day there is something new to discover or possibly rediscover, but with new perspective. We must ROOT LOVE GROW ™ our FLOW a little more each day in our own way.
Energy is Contagious
In the beginning, we discussed how we can be sponges for energy to collect. We have that same power with what we express. All the people around us are absorbing our energy. This is why Self-Care and mindful moments are so important. It is easy human nature to get caught up in “what happened to us” , “what we are dealing with”. It is often difficult to understand what we may be doing to others or how things really impact those around us. Sometimes we dismiss our power, and sometimes we discredit our power. When we dismiss ourselves, we assume we are not having an impact on others or “we are right or have the right to do as we please without consequences”. When we discredit ourselves, we often do not realize how much of a positive impact we had or can have; sometimes we judge ourselves and others too harshly. Empaths are famous for being able to give all of their compassion to the world and everything around them, but struggle to have compassion for themselves, because of the sponge concept; they take on everyone’s energy - becoming over-saturated and unrecognizable to their own self. However, the more Emapths learn more about their abilities and how to protect their energy, they become very skilled guides of energy. Follow my Empath Journeys to learn more about this. However, everyone has a connection to energy. Everyone is energy as we keep discussing. Therefore, it is important for everyone to learn how to protect and channel their energy!
Whether you are an Empath, a sponge in need of some self-care, or unaware of the impact of energy, we have all heard; “smiles are contagious”. This is very true. However, the energy that is genuine is what spreads; the equation of intentions, actions, and applied consciousness are what create the outcome of the energy that spreads.
Hours of Power
Recharge your Batteries
#HoursofPower #dailyroots @rootinforyourlife is a feature of two Rootin' approaches. Devin & I have always believed in the common motto: "a body in motion stays in motion". Just like anything else, our batteries need charging. When we feel our energy dropping, we often turn to calisthenics. Workout time is important, but workout moments are equally important to sustaining a healthy flow and pumping up the energy. Doses of movement throughout the day can power the way.
We TRY to do 2-5 minute workouts every hour, (take a little break on/near the hour to recharge). Even if you are already in a physically demanding job, taking a moment to change the flow and pace to target a different muscle group, stretch, or focus on deeper breathing - can make the world of difference. Plus, every little thing - adds up. Whether at home, in the office, in the classroom, or on the go their are ways this can be done. Pick an activity or mini series of movements to do: take the stairs, wall sits, squats, jumping jacks, walk around the building, and more. Follow the Root & Flow Monthly calendars for tips & challenges.
Mindful Mornings
“Start the day off on the right foot”
pic by Carol Baird
Morning meditations are about taking accountability for your consciousness and life flow. You are not alone, we are surrounded and connected to energy in the ways in which you believe. Whether you believe in spiritual connections to higher forms of energy, nature, or know that our connections to our world within and all around matter, you know setting the tone for the day powers the way. Transform your life ... one thought... one breath... one step at a time. The butterfly did not grow its wings in this one step. It lived its live as a caterpillar, it went into a cocoon, and came out learning to fly one movement at a time. Life is a series of phases. We must do our best to live in the present. When we stress our life with expectations we hold on too tightly to the past or to the future. The caterpillar was not expecting to become a butterfly or forcing itself to do so overnight - it was simply following its intuition and being present. Sure, this gets more complex to do when we are developed with the amount of conscious pathways that we are, but this is what Rootin' is all about: getting back to the roots of nature - detoxing the clutter and expectations out of our lives to learn to be mindful and present in all the little moments of each day. Those moments matter. They are our journey. A key part of this is setting intentions by eliminating I want or deserve statements (ego or shadow based). We can co-create our life when we use terms like I can, I am, I will...(power from our spirit or Chakra Mantras).
Throughout all content, we talk about how Rootin' and life is a journey, a process. It must go through phases. We have different phases of our day. We have different phases of the moon. We have different phases of our life. We have different stages and roles of our life. As we grow and as life progresses throughout each day, our identity and existence (life-flow) has many roots and branches; flowing this way and that. Therefore, the Rootin' Journey is not a one time thing; it is a daily ritual of learning how to apply the ROOTIN’ FLOW to the many phases of life.
The World Within & The World all Around
What’s your flow? What do you want in your flow? How do you stay true to your flow? These are questions we must ask each day. Everyday is a new day & each day we, in our life, & the world as a whole is a little bit different . Where do we flow and how do we flow in all the new moments? Will today be the day we scratch the next thing off the bucket list or discover another layer to our journey? Today, are we just trying to keep breathing? Are we on auto-pilot or are we really conscious of our flow? Having these little conversations with the inner-self can help navigate mindful living.
Spiral of life
A photograph of a display at the Winston Salem Art Museum
Life often unfolds and expands in a circular flow. The Earth flows around the sun. The moon flows around the Earth. Natural gravity directs this flow. We live. We grow. We die. Our life experiences and knowledge are passed down to the next generation of the Earth. Knowledge is fluid. It expands and evolves. The ultimate goal for parents and caretakers of the Earth is typically creating a better future. It is our nature.
The spiral of life is a sacred concept in many ancient origins. We will dig into all the different origins and meanings another time, but for now think of the galaxy swirling around expanding with people and things. Think of progress like going around the clock, but each time expanding ever so slightly, because the insight it picked up on its journey pushed it outward a few more steps. When we are on our journey and when life seems like it is simply repeating patterns or revisiting old ways or feels backwards or negative, it can seem like we are not making progress. In reality though, we are. Every moment is a new moment with something new happening. Life is the flow of patterns repeating, but there are pockets of progress; this we do not always see, know, feel, or understand. However, each one of us are co-creators of life, and the more each person's consciousness expands, even if it is just a step, that step still pushes us forward and outward just a little more than what we were before. The more steps we take, the more progress we make. However, it is important for us to stay conscious and be mindful of our steps, because it can be easy to get caught in the flow. Are we up or are we down? Life is all about perspective. If we take steps before we are conscious, it could be a downward spiral. If we collect and lift our energy before each step, it could direct us to higher views, feelings, understandings, and perspective. Your flow matters. Your flow is progress. Which way do you want it to go? You are the co-creator of the spiral of life. Life is a bubble of energy created for you, but you co-create how your bubbles flow within and all around. You co-create how you connect with other bubbles. You co-create how you contribute to all the other bubbles. Life is in motion, in flow, whether we want it to be or not. The spiral will progress. We can let the pages of our life storybook stay black and white, let someone else color it for us, or WE CAN COLOR it with our own insight and perspective; one scribble at a time.
Life is art. Life is a spiral of energy. It is in motion, in flow. It is high. It is low. It is up. It is down. It is dark. It is light. It is morning. It is night. It is birth. It is death. It is a journey.
Life is what you see,
sense or feel.
It is also beyond all that. It is the tingle of vibes. What you seek. What you have not yet discovered.
Each moment is a new experience, new perspective, or new color on your page.
Life is how you define it, how you fill in the blank. Be true to good vibes.
Each moment before us is unknown; it is blank until we walk in it.
Some of the page may already be colored in, but it is your flow that colors the rest.
The energy and elements within us and all around us work together to be and create the resources to sustain and nurture our flow. It is chemistry. Chemistry is very precise. When we are not conscious of how the elements create an equation or flow, then it can either be a magical surprise, discovery, or a dangerous explosion or disaster.
Life is often a process of trial and error, but the more we are able to be mindful of our flow and conscious of our chemistry, then the more we can feel the truth of our needs and power. Don't worry, there will still be opportunities for magical discoveries, because life is not completely in our control. This also means there is still plenty of room for natural disasters, sorry, but it is true! Life is a mutual relationship. There are elements and factors we can control and there are those beyond our reach and understanding. We are not meant to control and understand everything. However, we are also not meant to just be along for the ride with expectations for the journey and destinations. Both approaches restrain energy. Trying to control everything gives more energy than what is needed. Giving is often considered a positive approach, but the intentions of what and how we are giving is what matters. Examples: Sometimes, we give our opinions when they are not needed or developed enough. Sometimes, we give our energy to things that do not matter. Sometimes, we give too many demands and not enough trust or effort. The auto-pilot approach is a take approach. The take concept is often attached to negative implications. However, there are positive ways to take. Examples: Sometimes, we need to take time to understand. Sometimes, we need to take a journey to gain new perspective.
As you already know, life is a mutual relationship. It is a mutual relationship of give and take. You do not always get to set those terms and conditions, but you are the co-creator. You can keep discovering and developing your balance, flow, and chemistry through your conscious journey.
FLOW with the ELEMENTs
You are of the Earth.
You breathe the Air.
Your body is made of Water.
You are moved by the Moon.
You feel the warmth from fire and the Sun.
You have all of these elements flowing within you and all around you.
However, you may find yourself connected to or in need of some elements more than some of the others. Example: You may feel more at peace when you are in water or you may find patterns in your life where you always ended up living near water. You may crave to live in the mountains with the crisp air. You may need fire (like a candle or bonfire) to feel inspired and focused. This is your conscious chemistry. Your zodiac signs (cosmic map) are ruled by certain elements. This empowers your life-force and conscious connections. Life has tools and maps to guide us. They come in many different forms. However, when we look deep into the concepts and patterns - we see that each of those guides are important puzzle pieces. We can learn a little something from each piece. These pieces are all connected, but it requires trust, effort, and perseverance to keep working to discover and develop how they fit.
We are bubbles
#BubbleBreaks #dailyroots @rootinforyourlife are the Rootin' approach to:
-Focusing your energy and breath with literal bubble breaks
-Coping through moments of deep breathing exercises
-Learning the Rootin' Bubbles Concept to care for your own bubble of energy while keeping in mind how you belong to other bubbles in this world.
When I worked in the infant and toddler rooms at KinderCare many, many moons ago, one of our go to calming tools were bubbles. While blowing bubbles one day, I was watching them float through the air in the wonder and positive energy filling the room. That day I was thinking about the power of bubbles and how in a way we are all a bunch of bubbles within bubbles. From then on, bubbles were always a go to in my exercises with children, pets, families, and elderly.
The Bubble Breaks:
Concept 1 = (literal bubble breaks) Breathing breaks through the practice of blowing bubbles .
Breathing is the root of energy, your Inner Power, Empowers Every Hour, and navigates your flow. Learning to channel and center your energy through your breath is vital for all wellness practices and an essential part of the Rootin' Journey.
Like we talk about in Hours of Power on the Empower Every Hour Feature, it is important to refocus your energy and recharge your batteries throughout the day. When we force our flow to do the same activity, whether sitting in an office desk, in a classroom, or hard at work on your feet, it can drain our energy. During such a time, it becomes harder and harder to stay engaged. Breathing can recirculate your flow. Taking a little time throughout the day for "bubble breaks" can help revive energy.
Concept 2 = (metaphorical bubble breaks ) Constructive methods of sustaining your flow in your world within (your own bubble) and creating healthy growth and connections (bubble expansion and connecting with other bubbles).
As we talk about often, we are all connected. We are connected through the roots of this Earth. We are bubbles of energy within bubbles of energy. Our own energy flow is a bubble. Our family circle is a bubble. Our groups are bubbles. Our community is a bubble. Our state is a bubble. Our country is a bubble. Our Earth is a bubble. We are all bubbles of energy flowing in our own authentic ways simultaneously. We are also bubbles within bubbles. Think of all the cells in our body like little bubbles flowing around. Think of yourself with a bubble of energy around you produced by your output of your energy and the energy you allow into your bubble. Picture, every time you encounter or connect with another bubble, the energy blends together and becomes connected bubbles or a fluid circle of energy. This is why we naturally protect our own bubbles of energy, because it is so easy to become connected to or absorbed by others' and other elements of energy. There are times when we need to protect and care for own bubble of energy and there are times when we need to expand our bubbles of energy by learning how to safely flow with the world all around us. Sometimes, this includes outside of our comfort zones.
Life can be magical, but it is often uncomfortable. The sun is beautiful, gives us light, and keeps us warm, but it can burn our skin and make us sweat. We need it to survive. It can make us feel so good, but it can also be uncomfortable and dangerous. Going to a new place can be exciting, but it is also intimidating. Telling someone how you truly feel is important for your flow, but it can also be uncomfortable and difficult.
To sustain and evolve our life force it is vital to embrace the concept of getting comfortable with life is often a series of being uncomfortable. It is also important to be aware, if you are too comfortable, this is or could establish patterns of being too complacent. Being uncomfortable is our natural navigator for survival and growth by staying alert to what is going on within us and all around us.
Life itself is uncomfortable; birth is such a magical gift, but a painful process. This type of energy is flowing in every moment.
Understanding this concept helps us go beyond our limits, know our limits and when it is time to listen to what it is telling us, to explore and establish boundaries, to know when boundaries are holding you back, protecting you, or positively promoting you.
When we are too complacent or comfortable we could actually be delivering more harm to our-self and others by not being in tune with what we allow to occur inside and outside of our own space and energy flow. We may be missing important pieces to understanding why things are as they are and what our role is in that.
Being too comfortable often comes from the negative forces of our ego or shadow energy rather than the conscious flow of our ego + shadow + spirit.
Our positive ego helps us to define our worth. By being in tune with or boosting this flow it helps us know our limits, set our boundaries, and promote our value of what we can offer the world and what we need.
Our positive shadow energy helps us reflect on the deeper layers of our experiences and personality that could have programmed us to believe, feel, or behave in certain ways, to hear the inner voices of fears, doubts, and untruths standing in the way, and more. By identifying all of this through positive, constructive methods we are able to be conscious of our deepest layer of navigation. When this is not addressed it often rules our subconscious or bubbles up to the surface when triggered.
Our spirit energy is our will and way. This holds the most power of reaching beyond limits, establishing our worth and boundaries, and guides and aligns our flow. However, intentions are everything! Positive vibes attracts and creates a positive flow. It requires a great deal of strength to stay positive in our darkest hours. When we get too comfortable with the dark, too unaware of negative energy, or take the light and positive for-granted, then the easier it becomes for the spirit to become complacent with life in the world within and all around. It also disconnects the spirit from the ego and shadow self. Therefore, our navigation system is all over the place or grasps and clings to any energy or overloads and shuts down.
When we are too comfortable we could be over-protective and limiting our understanding of life. Being too comfortable could also be an invitation to danger. It could also be a lack of accountability for how your actions contribute to the flow of energy.
Life is all about balance, which we often talk about. It is important to keep creating a life that is comfortable, but life is in motion. Therefore, the understanding and perceptions of comfortable are always changing, because every new moment is the potential for something comfortable or uncomfortable to redefine your life experience, worth, limits, needs, desires, and boundaries. The more we are conscious of this process the more we can sustain a mindful motion of realigning our balance.
Part of this balance is working each moment to be in tune with our ego, shadow, and spirit self. When we are able to consciously harmonize these we are aware of what our driving forces are; what energy is lifting us to higher, positive places or which energy is trying to deceive us into feeling or thinking in low energy ways. Being out of tune with energy can keep convincing us that the wrong ways are somehow part of paying dues, part of a greater good, or will eventually just work out. Being complacent in energy let's the auto-pilot take over. Without knowing who (negative or positive ego, shadow, or spirit self) is behind the wheel, then eventually you get to a destination without knowing how or why you got there. We are the co-creators of our life. Our power resides in our perceptions and consciousness.
Life is getting comfortable with the uncomfortable. Birth, death, night, and day are all magical in their own right. They are natural. They are life. Birth can be painful. Death can be terrifying. The darkness is intimidating. The sun can be deceiving. The top of the mountain has a wonderful view, but the climb is an uncomfortable journey. Each day, we climb our own mountains of energy.
Wellness requires a lot of self-work, but you are not alone. Even though each of us have to fight our own battles, we can ROOT & FLOW together!!!!
Thanks so much!!!!!