Welcome to rootin’ for your life
Together, we Root Love Grow ™ !
Rootin' For Your Life is a conscious living and intuitive wellness hub to offer guidance and connection to help create a flow conducive to authentic discovery and development while tending to the essential roots and rhythms of life.
Whether you are looking to change the flow of your recipes, mindset, or the flow of your whole life....or simply seeking for inspiration… Come ROOT LOVE GROW™ with us!
The focus & Flow
“It takes time for things to take root. ”
The main focus is to help you Be your Own Advocate of understanding how the roots and rhythms of your world within flows with the world all around.
Life is a complex root system. Every root is on its own journey of digging through the earth, developing a path, and sustaining a flow for not only itself, but the full Circle of Life; the world within us and all around us.
THE ROOTIN’ FLOW or the root & flow method
ROOT LOVE GROW ™ is our trademark mantra. With any flow, whether creating a recipe, doing a workout, meditation, life session, DIY project, etc, this is the approach; 4-step process. As we root through life with doses of wellness throughout the day, the more it becomes a natural flow.
It is to ensure a mindful approach of establishing or re-establishing fully conscious and intentional actions and reactions. Everything is a journey going through seasons, cycles, and phases; the spiral of growth. Nature already has a wellness map for us. When we learn the harmony of our natural roots and rhythms in relation to the seasons, moon, and the world all around us, the more natural synchronicity flows in the world within. Every vibe has flow and meaning. What defines the journey of understanding such is our power of perception and character. The roots of who we are, our self-awareness, work ethic, our abilities to change and grow, and our commitment to keep improving our flow and understanding of life are all factors in how we co-create our life.
Quick look at the Root & Flow process meanings:
ROOT (Origins & Instincts)
LOVE (Intentions & Vibes)
GROW (Conditions & Consciousness)
FLOW (Actions & Reactions)
It is important to note that being able to do the Root & Flow Method ™ is a privilege. Many things in this world can have us in survival mode or repeating patterns of programmed survival beliefs. We all experience it in different ways at different levels. Some are going through the heaviest depths of truly trying to survive horrific circumstances such as war or human exploitation in some way. Survival mode is deeply rooted within us all though; it is the nature of life. Whether on an instinctual or conscious level, everything from a little plant to a “secure” human is thinking: “what do I need to do?” “How am I going to make it through this"?” “What do I need?” “How can I obtain the resources?” Everything from genetic memories to life experiences to narratives we have been continuously exposed to can have us in a constant “fight or flee” state of being; compete, compare, and survive! “Meet the expectations!” “Measure up no matter what it takes!” We are all coming from different walks of life, different angles of the “playing field”, and different levels of the “steps of life”, but we are all expected to reach and rise to the same perceptions of “success”. Make it make sense! Some are in a state of existence and tragic circumstances where they do not have the option of breaking the ties to survival mode; they are truly having to give everything to find a way through the moments for the sake of themselves and loved ones. Many do this while holding on to their humanity and what they feel it is to be a good human. Sometimes, those swept up in the false narratives of preserving the “world”, “culture”, and “human existence” lose their humanity in the acts of “survival”. Some fighting for survival appear to live “normal” and even “successful” lives, but have unimaginable battles to face behind the scenes. Some are wondering where their next meal will come from while others are planning their next luxury expense. There are many gaps and divisions in regards to how we experience this life. Therefore, my intuitive wellness approach is ultimately about trying to raise awareness of this. It is an honor and a privilege to be able to Root and Flow™. Such opportunities look different from moment to moment, day to day, and person to person! We are all rooted to the nature of survival in some way and I hope to do everything I can in my power to help create stepping stones for a world where folks do not have to “fight” or “flee” or worry about safety or food, BUT we are far from that world! We have come a long way, but there is still much work to be done! Together, we can Root, Love, Grow™ a little more each day to create a flow!
If you would like, click on the recording below to listen to an overview of the purpose & origins of my Root & Flow Method!
Rootin for your Life came from all the pieces of my own chaotic wellness journey. The process of putting the pieces together helped me learn how to Calm the Sea Within and to work at creating a path of accepting life as a work in progress.
pic by Devin, quote by Lisa
Who am i?
Hi, I am Lisa; the dreamer, writer, creator, artist, designer, owner, and operator of this adventure.
In a way, Rootin’ is like my open wellness journal. All of these concepts came from my own struggles and joy in the journey. I too do my best to ROOT LOVE GROW™ the FLOW a little more each day.
About Me: Lisa
I am a Paw Mama. Update: Now a mama to a sweet baby boy. 💙Peace Warrior! Free Spirit. Empath. Healer / Life Guide through holistic, natural, animal, and ancestral messages and practices. I am a Creator / maker /visionary. All my life I have been tracing my roots, dancing, doodling, painting, writing, exploring, building things, and creating programs / guides /workshops / classes to share the vibes of life with folks!
My “Blue-print”:
I am an Aquarius Sun Sign + Between Cancer & Leo Moon Sign (Air, Fire, & Water) & A Leo 🔥rising sign (ascendant). (Oh, the tug of war yet Oh, all the colors of the rainbow!) (Want to talk vibes? Phew! I have plenty to go around! On top of all that, I am a Life Path #11 - We'll talk more on that later - for now - just know - it is A LOT of Intuitive - Extreme Energy!) Understanding all of this helped me better understand the roots of who I am and put together the pieces of the puzzle of my life traits and patterns.
Professional Roots & Rhythms:
Certified USUI RYOHO REIKI Master Practitioner +
Certified Animal Reiki Practitioner
BA in Health Education, Kinesiology, minor in coaching (Virginia Commonwealth University & West Chester University)
MA in Teacher Leadership, Curriculum, Policy, & Instruction
I have experience in an array of school systems, environments, and jobs. (I was a military wife. We moved often.) A highlight of my career was being a director for a non-profit to prevent childhood obesity that operated in 8 schools and served 300+ families. The program trained children for fun runs, 5ks, and 8ks while learning about wellness and enriching character building.
I have always worked with people of all ages (infants - elderly) and all walks of life in an array of community service initiatives and programs, jobs, and in personal and professional related experiences. I grew up in a rural -farm environment where working was a way of life. I grew up with my hands in the dirt; working side jobs from cutting grass to childcare to helping my folks with furniture to waitress while helping with the farm, non-profits, and juggling academics, sports, dance, band, & extra-curricular activities. I also grew up helping my mom with nursing home activities, community programs, and planning fundraisers for Relay for Life. I was a busy bee with many, many hats (good thing I like hats !!! ) Life balance was more of life on the go.
Even though I did my best to try to root through it all, there were also a lot of tragedies, hardships, and difficult times, but those are what planted the deepest Seeds in my Soul and grew all the roots of Rootin’ for your Life & The Root & Flow Method ™. I have always done my best to have a positive outlook, but in the truest nature of reality; I had to walk through a lot of unspoken darkness; events, feelings, moments, and seasons that were soul shattering and life changing. These things helped prepare me for the realities and responsibilities of life from a young age, but not without going through a lot to eventually learn how to do the energy work that would meet my needs of understanding my authentic perceptions and experiences. “It takes time for things to take root”. Sometimes, we bury things so deep that the process of them rising to the surface requires an incredible amount of life triggering events and our conscious recognitions and efforts to dig to the depths and uncover it all. Sometimes, there are codes and distant memories, whether ancient or of our own rhythms locked so deep inside, that they do not become available until we get to a space in time on our Earth walk and collection of experiences where we are aligned with access to the keys to unlock them. This too requires energy work. Sometimes, the keys have been there all along, it is just a matter of the conscious efforts and resources for self-discovery and development.
Rootin’ for your Life has been in the works of my journals and blueprints for 22 years (since I was in 4th grade)! There were monumental moments that planted those seeds and grew a major root of focus, but really, every event of my life was a confirming piece of this purpose. So many Seeds of my Soul cultivated this as my life path!
Living a holistic, conscious life has been a gradual journey of living and learning. I battled a lot of things from the earliest ages. No matter how well you were once able to root through them, there comes a time when you eventually have to fully uproot and go through a major awakening or life transformation to uproot it all and reconfigure how you root and flow™. Eventually, you come to terms with once you open those doors, being a conscious co-creator of your life flow vs going through the motions and in the fast lane of trying to meet expectations or follow what you believe to be the pathways, you realize the work is an ongoing process. Nothing is a one-time thing; it continues to show up in different ways. Everything we have ever experienced does define us and is a part of who we are, but what matters is how we Write our Story with it every day. It will look different from moment to moment, day to day, and from person to person. It is about consciously acknowledging when we are repeating patterns of survival mode; instincts of fight, flee, aggressive and defensive actions, overly ego need to succeed and preserve life, or overly-shadow driven fears and toxic inner narratives vs “I am honoring the things I can in the ways I can”. It is all a very personal, sacred journey. Some moments we are having to dig deep to not feel consumed by it all or falling back into those cycles and patterns we broke through. Other moments, we are rising by truly embodying all that we are and understanding how to apply that to everything we do. Sometimes, these things can be seen, felt, and understood from the surface. Sometimes, it is in the moments that are all below, beyond, and in between, the behind the scenes, that maybe only you and those you choose to share your flow with in that moment can see, feel, and understand. Figuring out how to Root & Rise each moment is a process!
The theme of how I choose to write my Story
I am a minimalist; I prioritize conscious friendly living supportive to our environment, animals, and humanity. If that means adapting my lifestyle, redefining my priorities, reexamining my cost of living, making lifestyle sacrifices, or learning more about how to sustain the life from the bare essentials of nature, then this is what I personally believe must be done in order for my soul to feel clean, happy, and free. Abundance, happiness, and success are perceptions. For some it is defined by material things, for some it is spiritual wellness, for some it is quality moments, for some it is nature, and for some it is a balance of it all. How we write our story is defined by how we choose to root and flow™ each day in the ways we can.
Vibes & Dreams
Everything on the website; workshops, content, and graphics have been carefully created and curated by my own two hands from personal and professional experiences of life. I do my best to offer a mindful, inclusive, and safe space to ROOT LOVE GROW™ a healthier, happier life for anyone crossing this path.
The goal is for the seeds planted to grow into a resource & retreat center for Rootin'.
Meanwhile, I am living life breath by breath, moment by moment; on my own journey of breathing deeper, further awakening and revitalizing the senses to be fully present and conscious of my own flow.
Pic by Devin's Grandfather from WWII , edited with quote addition
Root & FLOW WITH me
“To Plant a Garden is to Believe in Tomorrow.”
Be a part of the Rootin' Journey!
“The seeds we plant today - grow the roots of tomorrows. ”