My Feb 2022 Daily Roots | Open Journal

I had the visions in my head and notes in my journal, but February (as I should have known) was a month for being fully present in the behind the scenes process. As it is the month of another year around the sun for me, it is my return to the inner root and core work to further release and realign my energy. In this process a lot of synchronicity always happens. The full spectrum of life flows in full force; the uplifting and heart-aching!

This February marked a lot of important things!! I decided to pull back from doing the daily roots to focus on all the things. To summarize much of what I was planning to share I created a video. I did it through a different app than normal and it is not synching properly with this website. Now that the month has passed, I decided to put a pin in it and share it as I co-create the timing. I was going to delete this blog post, but keeping it is my way of raising awareness that this is the point of Root & Flow Intuitive Wellness. Sometimes, the growth on the surface (everything to be seen and shared is abundantly apparent). Other times, the growth is more focused on what is beyond or below the surface; the work within (things that may be unspoken, unseen, or not shared except to the connections you choose). This was an important month for my inner growth and my daily rituals in my sustainable goals and connections. This world is a heavy place and doing the work to best create our flow in it and care for our family is vital. So I didn’t meet all the expectations. I normally set way too many for myself. I did give everything I possibly could give though to those who need me most + doing all I could do to keep taking the steps to create a better world as a whole. I will be sharing those roots and rituals in upcoming features.

Lisa Horoszewski