Feb 2022 Daily Roots | Intro to all the Root & Flow Concepts

Welcome to Feb. 2022 #rootinsdailyroots from the Root & Flow Method!

Learn to intuitively discover roots and rhythms of wellness a little each day to create your authentic flow of wellness. The daily features and monthly guides are created in alignment with the roots of energy and flow of moon phases. We are life in motion moving with the world all around us. The world around us is a universe full of energy. Nature is a classroom offering insights in every fiber of its being, but sometimes we forget to look or listen, because we are so busy trying to keep up with all the things and we get too attached to the expectations and outcomes. The goal of the Root and Flow Method is to help us be more present in the process. It is to honor the experiences over the expectations and celebrate the journey over the outcomes.

To discover more about intuitive wellness, the Root & Flow Method, and all the offerings to explore it, listen below and be sure to read the Root & Flow with us page: here !

This week we start off in the Love | Inner Power Phase where we are still in a more introverted state exploring life below the surface. We have moved from the root work into the core work where things still may feel a little harder to access and assess, but are essential for engaging and sustaining a flow. Mental, physical, and spiritual core work is some of the hardest work we will ever do, next to the root work, but the more we develop the resources and practices that work for us, the more things will naturally flow and align. When we experience new blocks or challenges in the flow, then we have more experience with how to navigate through it.

The obvious answer for me is when I am with my favorite little human; my son. This is so very true, but to add to that it is when I am able to focus on the #messesandmemories & #experiencesoverexpectations. As an anxious person, still healing, still living in this heavy world where watching the news of all the things weighs heavy on the heart, and hoping for the best for my son and the Earth as a whole, it can be easy to get swept away in the heart-ache and the worry. Being with my son is certainly my happy place, but I never want him to feel the pressure of being responsible for my happiness. That is my responsibility. I have to bring the right ingredients to the table for the joy to be felt and shared.

Part of creating that happiness is listening and learning to trust my intuitive wellness process. Therefore, February’s blogging ends short:

I had the visions in my head and notes in my journal, but February (as I should have known) was a month for being fully present in the behind the scenes process. As it is the month of another year around the sun for me, it is my return to the inner root and core work to further release and realign my energy. In this process a lot of synchronicity always happens. The full spectrum of life flows in full force; the uplifting and heart-aching!

This February marked a lot of important things!! I decided to pull back from doing the daily roots to focus on all the things. To summarize much of what I was planning to share I created a video. I did it through a different app than normal and it is not synching properly with this website. Now that the month has passed, I decided to put a pin in it and share it as I co-create the timing. I was going to delete this blog post, but keeping it is my way of raising awareness that this is the point of Root & Flow Intuitive Wellness. Sometimes, the growth on the surface (everything to be seen and shared is abundantly apparent). Other times, the growth is more focused on what is beyond or below the surface; the work within (things that may be unspoken, unseen, or not shared except to the connections you choose). This was an important month for my inner growth and my daily rituals in my sustainable goals and connections. This world is a heavy place and doing the work to best create our flow in it and care for our family is vital. So I didn’t meet all the expectations. I normally set way too many for myself. I did give everything I possibly could give though to those who need me most + doing all I could do to keep taking the steps to create a better world as a whole. I will be sharing those roots and rituals in upcoming features.