Energy Roots: 4 Essentials to Release to Rest

An hour long video of 4 activities to help you connect to your world within. Watch this video in doses, listen to it while you cook or shower, or watch it all at once. These concepts and activities are tips to help calm the Sea of energy from the day.

Enjoy the video to better understand the concepts of release to root. The video also includes an exercise flow and more insights about the concept and journal activity.

For a brief look:

We need to release our energy before we can fully give into rest. Even when we are exhausted, craving rest, we may have a difficult time settling our energy. So many things from the day / life can store energy in our mind, body, and spirit. It is important to acknowledge this energy. We do not have to identify or completely unpack the energy to release it. There are many things that can be difficult to address and require more time and a rested, focused state of being. These exercises can help us simply release and relax our energy while creating a foundation of routines and rituals to help us further develop releasing our energy. This is when you may feel called to or naturally start being able to identify the energy keeping you from true rest (inner peace and rem sleep). Below are the 4 steps using the Root & Flow method to help create a routine before bed. I elaborate on them in the video.

  1. The journal activity: sometimes we are so focused on what we didn't get done, we forget to celebrate all that we did. Sometimes we also forget that most things are a process, a journey. I am a list maker. I use to overwhelm myself with how much was on it; unrealistic expectations. Sometimes I would surprise myself with how much I could get done, but most days all the unchecked boxes kept my anxiety pumped. I created this method to focus on what was still a work in progress and to honor and celebrate what I did. Experiences over Expectations!!!!

2. Self Care: take time to connect to self and release / clean off the energy from the day. Even if you don't have time for a big moment, the little moments like: washing your face, brushing your teeth, etc can go a long way.

3. Zen out, don’t just zone out. We often call tv time relaxing, but often it is a distraction while blocking us from connection, releasing our energy in constructive ways, and adding more subconscious energy to digest. There are many things to do to unwind and relax: sit outside, zen sand garden, doodle, journal, and so much more. Reading as a family, talking with a partner, or meditation are valuable resources. This step can be difficult when tv has been a main feature in our lives, so stay tuned to dailyroots and more blog posts for insights on device detoxes.

4. Jumping right into bed after sitting for a long period of time or the race of the day can be hard on our body systems. The tension in our muscles and joints need to be released. The video offers a series of mindful movements to help do so.

Reiki cam help you create a deeper release. Below are a fee pictures of energy centers that aid in regulating our body for sleep. We often store a lot of energy in our hearts + our blood and oxygen are circulating from these chambers in our body.

Place your hands on your chest. Feel the pulse of the roots and rhythms of your life. Release your thoughts. Focus on the best. Close your eyes. Breathe deep. Gradually sync your breath with the beat. Allow yourself to drift deeper and deeper into it by not focusing on the time, the “is this right”, “what do I need to release”, “this was frustrating today”, “what should I meditate about”, ….let it all ….go….!!! Simply be present with the breath, the pulse, your life flow. Drift deeper and deeper into it for as long as you need.

“The weight of the world on our shoulders” is a phrase for a reason. As a human being we are often trying to establish our place in this world. Our relationship to world within us and all around us is always changing. Discovering and developing this while tending to our responsibilities can feel like such a weight sometimes. We carry this pressure in our posture. The tension in our shoulders and neck are from the complexities of our lives. Connect with this. Follow the similar thoughts above. While doing the breath work gradually relax your shoulders and align your posture. Do the same for the neck in the next picture.

The tension in our eyes and minds can be tremendous from the day. Relaxing these muscles and limiting exposure to elements that can stress them at the end of the day is so important (ex. devices). Follow the same breath work thoughts as above.

Thanks for Rootin' with me!!!!

Lisa HoroszewskiComment