June 2021 Root & Flow #dailyroots

Monthly Root & Flow Open Wellness Journal

Welcome to my open wellness journal where I share little pieces of my life and offer doses of wellness. The root and flow calendar follows my 4 step wellness process: The Root and Flow Method. It is also in rhythm with the flow of nature.

Just like the moon, we go through phases. Our energy shifts through the tides. We must root through our world, rest, and release in order to manifest and restore our energy. We must get back to the roots of our own flow before we continue branching out. This a cycle we must do each day, month, season, and year. Moment by moment we must be conscious of our world within to the world all around.

Week 1: Still on the Flow week from the end of May; tips to restore our energy.

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Main tip for staying wild & restoring energy flow: be with nature and get your sunshine in!!!! The “ happy vitamin” or “sunshine vitamin” (Vitamin D) is so crucial to our health. It is important for bone development, immune health, fighting depression and low energy, and this mood and body system booster can help with mental clarity, metabolism, and more. It also helps aid in the absorption of other important vitamins and minerals, like Calcium.

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Keeping a nature journal is a great way to connect the world within to the world all around. Stay tuned to a full blog post on this, but a quick way to get started is to start jotting down your moments in nature and what they were connected to. Example: While enjoying a family walk, we spotted several Blue Jays today. Tune into these connections and you may start noticing certain things or patterns of synchronicity that appear or continue to flow in your life.

I have multiple nature journals. I don't keep up with them as much as I would like, but I try to write down little notes when I can in a running list. Then, on occasion when I can take a little self-care time, I read through those notes and journal it.

Pictured above are all a few significant pieces in my notes. I drew the owl when I was awakening and experimenting with my art style while outside listening to the owls. The “old woman” sketch came to me during some powerful visions and ancestry energy work. The full moon picture was when moved to our last unit and I discovered a connection of synchronicity to my ancestors in that exact spot. The picture of me was my meditation of giving gratitude to the Earth a few mornings after a scary event (discover more in my pregnancy journey / birth story post when I eventually get it out on the Seeds of our Soul Blog). This picture of Bruce is one that centers me and makes me feel the magnitude of life and nature.

There are so many ways to create nature journals from documenting personal experiences to energy work to collecting things like flowers and feathers. What’s your flow? Discover & develop your journal style.

Chakras are so important to understanding energy flow. Blockages in our wellness centers of mind, body, and soul can be disrupting our flow. Getting to the roots of our Chakras and how they are connected to our whole wellness can provide us with daily feedback of what needs attention or nourishment. Get a quick look at the Chakras: here

There are so many ways we can practice sustainability. The more we root it into our life, the more it becomes a natural part of our flow.

One thing I've been trying to do more-so lately is reduce my dishes. I keep some stashed for when we have guests, but when it comes to our everyday use, I try to only keep a select few. This helps with less dishes to wash and cutting back on water usage. Plus, it's a time saver to just quickly wash something right after using and have that same piece ready to go to be reused. This mug from grounds and hounds is one of my select mugs I kept for my daily rotation. Bonus, it helps keep my drink warm. Also, there coffee is great!!! Not an ad, just a fan, especially since a big part of their mission is helping furry friends. Check them out: here

Also learn more about #coffeeandcrystals: here

Fun sustainability tip: the egg crate in the pic was reused for a paint tray, but was also be good for sorting crystals or a xhildren’s activity for sorting objects or colors.

A simple meditation to help with the flow of thoughts and breathing:

When you take a deep breath to inhale, picture a big wave from the ocean coming in. Think of the way you prepare your breath before diving in. As you breath in think of your body restoring its energy by picturing the flow of air and blood running through the pathways in your body to keep the lights on. Take time to breathe in and really picture that as you are staring at the “big wave” about to come in. If your ready, “dive in”. Meditate / visualize what that feels like. If you have done this in the ocean before, think of that feeling of the wave washing over you as you become one with the rhythm of the ocean for a brief moment. If you're not ready to metaphorically dive in, picture the wave crashing at your feet. When you exhale after the wave has passed feel that sense of movement and shift of energy. If you dove in, honor that sensation of going after something you wanted to try. Feel it wash over you. Give gratitude to the moment. If you were not quite ready to drive in, but stood grounded letting the wave crash at your toes, this is good too. Give gratitude to the moment. Breathe out and release what you need to release as the water pulls back out to sea.

This week we move into the Root Phase that aligns with New Moon Energy. This is a more introverted state where we need to take our time to get to the roots of things, reflect on what we need to release, and plant the seeds to the goals we want to soon manifest. Your definition of soon could be within a month, 6 months, a year, or a few years. Remember, life is a journey; a process. Be present. Release expectations. Soak up the experiences that nurture your growth. Release what does not.

Speaking of that …soaking up nutritious food is an important element of healthy growth. We eat to live, and sometimes that means grabbing what we can. However, eating is an experience and can be a powerful resource for healing and connection. This note is to simply plant the seed to think of food as an experience. Take a little more time to crEATe!!!!

Gemini, the whimsical air sign of communication and adventures. Nurture that new moon energy with the chart below.

New Moons are an important time for cleansing, getting things in order, starting fresh. Our homes where we dwell and the home of our minds, bodies, and spirits are all important places to show a little tlc to. What projects do you want to tackle? What are some ways you would like to clean out your energy and realign your wellness?

It’s amazing how good folding some close these days can feel. It was never a big deal until I became a mother and then it felt like an accomplishment. Tarot cards may seem phony or odd to some, but to the energy workers who have an open intuitive pathway, it can be a significant resource. I have many special stories, including the cards we picked as a family today. Bruce’s empath waves are strong! I will eventually get more of these stories up in the Seeds of our Soul Blog.

Note: he’s not looking at the eclipse. It’s a photo from another day. Be sure to check out the chart above and the new moon energy link: here to understand a little more about these vibes!!! What are you going to do today to channel / nurture the Gemini New Moon Energy?

Explore Laugh with Carol!!!!

The mosaic project is a featured concept at Rootin’. Many things in life can make us feel broken, but how we piece ourself together is our art. I purposely left out the word back. “Back together” implies trying to get back to the way you were, get your body back, or travel back to a moment; all of these are unrealistic. They are all rooted in the past. We have outgrown that space, that place in time, that body, that state of mind. Too much has happened. The things that changed us, even the things that broke us, are such defining pieces. They may have been extremely challenging and will most likely forever be difficult pieces in our life, but how we define ourselves in the moments moving forward is what matters. As much as we may want to leave all those broken pieces behind, they are forever a part of our story, fragments of who we are. How do we use those moments, pieces, experiences to create our flow; our art of living? How do we rise? Sometimes broken pieces make the most beautiful mosaics.

This post is just a little seed of this topic series. So much of who we are can be wired through our programming and conditioning vs our own authentic voice and fulfilled needs. Those experiences can become louder and louder within us. It can be driving forces to why we continue toxic patterns or unhealthy habits. Breaking those cycles; choosing our voice, needs, & unique perspective can be challenging. It requires a lot of root work. It takes time for things to take root, especially after uprooting and having to root through what should stay and what should be released. It is all a process with a lot of components. The more you do this though, the more you will discover and develop your own flow. Learning new ways is to not completely discredit or disregard your past, but it is to acknowledge that we are all flawed humans and the art of living is to keep doing the root work to create a better life flow for ourselves and all. To create a better way, a better Earth for our children.

This week we move into the Inner Power phase. The Love of ROOT LOVE GROW™ ! Today, is my anniversary! What synchronicity! The vibes of this week are still introverted between the new moon and full moon. It is a time to reflect on your life flow, proceed with caution and care, rest with your needs and goals, nurture the things that matter, and slowly begin to rise back to the surface.

What are some of your favorite creative ways to serve or experience food at events? I love the creative trends of different ways to serve donuts! I love eating smoothies out of coconut bowls & freezing some into ice pops. So many ways to share & enjoy food!

There are so many more ways to start the morning off with a positive charge; below is just a few ideas. You can rotate which ones you do. It may seem like a lot to pick 5, but remember….its’s about doing things in doses. Sometimes the best way to start changing our lives is to be more present in all the “little” moments. They can start shifting our entire flow of life. So….

Unplug that device in the morning, feel your breath (that’s what Bruce is doing in the pic above lol), walk (even if only 5 minutes), snuggle the ones you love a little longer, eat fresh, etc. Piece by piece, breath by breath, moment by moment, day by day …it adds up! Release the things distracting you from being present in the things that matter.

An important part of being wild rooted is understanding energy, vibes, intentions. Pets and children can be such powerful empaths, guides, and healers. It is important to listen to them. Nurture the inner child deep within. As we age and enter further into the heavy world of responsibilities, we can become disconnected from the voices within and all around. Stress and distractions can take up all that space. It is so important to unplug and plug into the big picture and all the little moments. Those moments may seem meaningless, but maybe because the connection to wonder, attention to detail, true communication, and mindfulness has been lost. These are roots we must get back to within us.

Nature is such a powerful, spiritual place. It has so many offerings to provide for us and enrich us. Nature is home. It is a classroom. A sanctuary. It should be celebrated; respected. The geese have been such fun guests this summer. Turtles have been a guiding theme of significant moments in our lives the last several years, so I created a little art therapy piece for anyone who would like to do a little coloring or painting. I will share more about turtles on the blog some day and more art therapy pieces. Meanwhile, feel free to print and color, but please credit me by tagging my website or social media.

What would your dream reading space look like? Some of these are pictures from my actual space and some are goals /vibes. Of course I had to include my little cutie in his LOTR onsie.

Many talk about their love language, but let’s talk about the darker, harder, heavier sides of things. Shadow work is so important to understanding triggers, needs, and what may be lurking in the subconscious. It takes strong mental effort to decipher between truth and illusion. It is not easy digging into the twist and turns of the mind and spirit. There can be so many things we carry with us influenced from our own experiences and what we absorb from others. Having a method to do this kind of work is so important. When you find the right one, you will feel it. You should feel secure yet vulnerable. You should be awakening to realizations. You should feel the depth of it all, but be inspired to create a better life flow from it. Dancing, writing, hiking, etc are all examples, but there are so many ways you can connect to your shadow spirit. Discover and develop your journey. Be mindful, substances or medications can alter the experience. It could cause some added disconnection between the world within and all around or if it is something needed / right for you, then it may aid your experience. To each their own. This is simply to plant the seed that as much as we want to do the activities that lifts our spirits, we need to find activities that help us deal with the deeper things. I'll be talking about this often.

Helloooo Summer, you big, bold, golden season of life!

Today's meditation is to focus on that golden energy? What makes you feel golden? Fresh flowers? Nourishing foods? A dip in the water? A good nap? Slow down. Do those things with the ones you love.

Personally, I feel golden when I see my child beaming with the joy of life. This age when everything is new and exciting is magic. Watching him run the sand through his fingers, wave a stick around, splash in the water, figure out how to pull the carrot out of his garden, and sleep with his adorable little sounds and peaceful breathing. These are the golden years. I don't want to miss a moment. Yeah, so, I'm tired, and all those little things I use to take for granted like going to the bathroom alone or taking my time to eat are gone, but when they did exist I was mostly thinking of how much I wanted to be a mom. I am so happy and grateful to be in these moments. They can be hard, but my oh my are the warm and golden! So for me, motherhood is the best I have ever felt. It makes everything so much more significant. The fresh flowers have more meaning, because he picked them. Getting to sip warm coffee is amazing, because time is fleeting and precious.

If you have children, do what you can to share the glow of summer. Making them a priority doesn’t have to be all these big moments. They simply want love and connection. Try to perceive life through their eyes.

If you do not have children, do a little more of what makes you happy.

This week we enter the grow phase. This means the full moon will be rising. We did the root work and hopefully took a little more time to reflect and rest in an introverted state. Now, it’s time to branch out a little and do the work to manifest your goals and share your vibes. Keep in mind, manifesting doesn't mean everything is just going to come forward, work out, and come true. It is more of a mantra to focus our energy on our big picture of life and keep taking the steps we can to make it happen. The full moon energy can sometimes bring things to light to help us acknowledge how far we've come and clarity in where we need to go or what we need to do.

Oh cancer season; all the feels! The zodiac of emotional energy! This water sign is wave after wave of emotions. The tides can abruptly shift. They are often very sensitive to the environment around them, so many things can trigger an emotional reaction. They often carry their full life flow with them, like a crab carrying their house (shell) around. Therefore, they are often processing more than what they speak of. Because of this intensity, they need time to go within and recharge. Being overly stimulated or in extroverted scenarios for too long can be so draining and daunting. Cancer season can have us all feeling that on some level. If cancer is one of your signs (we have multiple zodiac signs in our birth chart. The sun sign is the zodiac most people refer to), then you may especially feeling these vibes. On the other hand, if you are recharged and you’ve done your energy work, then your intuition and clarity may be flowing with vibes of insight and ambition. Cancer is ruled by the third eye. When energy is blocked or drained, this can leave a cancer sign feeling so disconnected from life and self. This can cause them to further isolate and over process or not able to process the vibes at all. A xancee’s third eye is their lifeline to creating their life flow in all realms of wellness.

These full moon mantras all signal growth. Full Moon energy can have a powerful pull on bringing things to life. It can breathe energy into the things we are trying to manifest. The moon creates waves in the ocean due to gravitational pull. These vibes echo in the roots and rhythms of the Earth and our world within mind, body, and soul. Just like things washing up on shore from the tide, sometimes the full moon brings things forward in our life. Be mindful, forward does not always mean progress. Sometimes we are forcing our energy to keep “leveling up” in a direction that may not be best. Example: Your definition of success may not be the same as someone else's or at what costs are those “successes” manifesting? Sometimes the things that come forward or “wash up” are a wakeup call. Our life flow has a lot to do with priorities and perspective. Today, reflect on: what areas of life do you feel like you are shining? What priorities need more care? What can you do to create a shift in growth?

What’s inspiring you to rise this summer? Rise can be getting up in the morning, trying new things, or doing the work to level up your whole life flow.

This Capricorn is such an illuminating energy to help us manifest more practicality and focus on creating solid foundations that help us feel grounded and connected to the things that matter to us. Use the chart below for insights and learn more about moon energy: here!

Sometimes life can throw curveballs, lemons, and a downfall of rain all at once. Life is wild!! As we often talk about; control is an illusion. Life diesn’t have to be perfect to be our “perfect”! Embrace the wild! Release expectations! Be present for the experiences. Our path can be created from our choices and reactions, but there are still so many things far from our control. So, we must stay wild in the art of living. How will we define the moments? How will we remember them? When a moment is challenging you, take a minute, breathe, and ask yourself: “who do you want to be in this moment”? Choose to be your best self. So many things can trigger our raw emotions and reactions. Take a minute. Release it through your breath. Find your best self, then react. It's not easy, but it's possible!

Everybody is probably quite tired of indoor life after 2020. Although, introverts are probably just fine still living their best life indoors. Being outside and social wellness is so important, but hopefully some of the experiences this year brought about some awareness to how valuable life balance is. As much as I encourage outdoor living, creating time to thrive indoors is also important. Social connections are important, but so is self care and family time. Therefore, still create time to eat in, cook, create, do game nights, etc. Remember to slow down from time to time. Sip the coffee. Really sip it, smell it, feel the warmth. What are some of your favorite ways to enjoy life indoors?

Sometimes stress and anxiety are due to stored energy. This energy can become stagnet and heavier when we do not release it. Even worse, if we avoid it, it can come out in unintentional moments. This is human. It happens. Prevention is key. Empowerment is the path of prevention. These topics use to be heavily surrounded by judgement and shame in society, because expressing anxiety and emotions were often seen as a weakness. There is still work to be down to break the cycles of such beliefs. Learning to release the ego self and dance with the spirit of life is a main root in mindful wellness.

This week we enter the flow phase. We may still be feeling energized from the full moon vibes, but are also feeling the need to pull back a little to process it all and restore our life flow. This is a time when all the vibes are coming together; the need to release, to rest, and the continuation of doing the work to manifest. Plus, preparing for the next cycle of moon phases or the next month of life. Things can sometimes feel the same from month to month, but also so much can change in a month. Often, when we look back, we realize just how much change does happen from month to month. The more we are mindful and present of this, the more we can create our flow.

What would you put in your banana split?

For my banana split, I decided to go with a breakfast edition. The recipe below is without waffles. I hope to scan the recipes in soon, so you can print, color, & share.

Waffle recipe:

-2 eggs or 1 cup of applesauce or egg replacement powder

-2 cups of oat milk

-splash of baking soda, pure vanilla, and a little plant-based melted butter or coconut oil

-1 cup of ground flax

-as much cinnamon as you like

-2 cups of flour

Lisa Horoszewski