July 2021 Root & Flow #dailyroots

Welcome! Let’s Root Love Grow ™ Together!

Root & Flow


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Just like the moon, we go through phases. Our energy shifts through the tides. We must root through our world, rest, and release in order to manifest and restore our energy. We must get back to the roots of our own flow before we continue branching out. This a cycle we must do each day, month, season, and year. Moment by moment we must be conscious of our world within to the world all around.

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Week 1: Still on the Flow week from the end of June; tips to restore our energy.

What is something on your bucket list ? Something you would like to experience in nature? (Zipline? Traveling somewhere? Scuba diving? Surfing? Getting outside a little more each day? Hiking? ) Outside time is so important; from the little moments to the big moments.

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Let go of the conditioning that keeps you from living your best life! Don't spend a lifetime waiting for the perfect conditions. Perfectionism is an illusion, but a cycle we can so easily find ourselves in when we are trying to get to next level, "measure up", etc, but we don't have to be and things don't have to be perfect for us to rise into a "higher flow" of life. Much of this depends on shifting definitions, perspectives, and priorities though. So many of our ideals are programmed from what we think we "should do", the way things "should go", what we "should look like", etc. Too often we work too dang hard to get into those states of life and still find ourselves not feeling like it's enough; missing more moments and feeling further away from it all again. This feeling will repeat again and again until we release it all. There will still be responsibilities we must rise to and goals we must work towards, but sometimes we need to shift the process of how and uproot our mindset. Easier said than done. This process can be challenge after challenge and you may feel like you are losing more things than rising or gaining. This is the nature of releasing energy that is not working. It is transformation. Look at the items in the first picture; they have fallen from the tree, have holes, torn a little, and are not in "perfect condition", but they are beautiful in their own, authentic way!!!

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Laugh with Carol @laughwithcarol (on IG) is a blog on my website from a lifetime of caretaking adventures with my mom. Life can get heavy and sometimes you just have to laugh to get through it all. We wanted to create a safe space where people in scenarios of battling illness or helping care for those who are could come for a good cry, a good laugh, and hopefully find a little more peace in the process.

Fridays at Rootin' are #wineandroot so today is #winerootandlaughwithcarol !

What's something you want to do more of this summer? :







Eat tacos?

Share your vibes with emojis in comments!

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What's your preference for creating inner peace when the moments get intense to collect yourself or what do you do daily to prevent all the overwhelming vibes?:

Practice mantras


Shower / bath ritual




Eat a healthy meal


Read with your child(ren)

Snuggle furbabies

If it's not working, then there could be many pieces missing to nurture the flow: maybe a little more time, patience, practice, understanding, development, love, etc is needed. Filling our cup of peace can be so hard and about time we do, we have to start again, because life is in motion. Life is chaos! Energy flows back and forth. Control is an illusion. Therefore, we must learn to be more present in the process. We must nurture the flow as we go. We must create peace in the moments, but the more we do the deep-root work, the more it will naturally flow or be easier to get back to when things do go off the rails.

What's something you would like to do more of or something new you would like to try?

Like I said in the last posts, peace is a moment. It comes from within & we must create it again and again! We are life in motion and all the vibes flow & flow. All the uplifting and challenging energy can become intertwined to the point we don't know if we're going this way or that, if we feel this or that, if we need this or that, etc! It's a process, not an easy process, but again: "the more we do the root work, the more things will naturally flow". I'll post some tips later today & update you on the #dailyroots for this week! Meanwhile, check out the Reiki principles in stories. This is how I start and end every Reiki session, but I say this often to myself when I feel the peace slipping away.

The focus, as we go into this week, is: getting back to the roots. What are your life essentials for having a good time, thriving in a daily routine, creating joy, self-reflection, and self-expression? Below, are a few of my #dailyroots!

I love decorating for a party and going the extra mile for creating thoughtful gifts and special memories, but sometimes it is the essentials that make the biggest impact. Thoughtful and special does not mean extravagance. It is those personalized items and gestures that make the magic! Therefore, answering this question depends on who you are planning a party for. So let’s answer this two ways. 1: If the party was for me, I am quite simple. I love being outdoors, good music, good food, and in the company of good people. So let’s just gather around a fire with a whiskey sour (or mostly kombucha or sparkling water these days or a good warm, chai or apple cider), play some tunes, have some of Devin’s homemade Italian food, my mom’s vegan watergate salad, cake, play some tunes, and talk about the deep things in life (not the heart-aching stuff - save that for another day). Let’s talk about the magical things in life: the mysteries of the universe, the science of the Earth, etc. I just want to dance with my family and my pets, look at the stars, and soak it all up!!! 2: I keep a party bucket to be ready for any occasion. This bucket includes: gold or neutral colored candles, napkins that say cheers, wooden eco-friendly utensils, led battery small bulb lights, biodegradable plates and bowls, neutral, eco-friendly cupcake holders, toothpicks to create DIY cupcake deco, and hole-puncher to create eco-friendly confetti from recycled paper or leaves (if you are going to use it outdoors, use something biodegradable for the Earth). There are so many other things you can always keep prepped in your bucket: mini chalkboards for games and signs and so much more, but let’s save some for a full blog post one day! What would be in your party bucket?

What gives you joy? Sometimes we are missing the things right in front of us, because we zoom in on all the things that need to be done or how much there is to do. This can keep us focused on the messes vs the memories, so I believe in embracing the messes and finding the joy in it. This can be very triggering for those who need structure or have OCD, but it CAN be possible to still enjoy the mess by trying some coping resources like mantras to help with being present, setting boundaries, starting small, and releasing expectations as much as possible. My joy is seeing how much Bruce loves to help us cook, wash dishes, and do all the things that can get a little messy. We fully go for it, but we do believe in doing our best to keep things clean, so we set examples and boundaries by also showing how to enjoy the cleaning up part too. He has his own little broom and resources for helping. It is so dang cute!! My joy is also seeing the wonder in his eyes and the love for life when he comes across his favorite things or discovers something new.

Our essentials for enjoying life mostly center around nature.

We also love books!!! What’s something you could read again and again? Reading is a root resource for discovering and developing the journeys of life.

To learn more about New Moon Energy: explore here ! See our social media for more New Moon Insights!

Like we talked about above, it is so important to try to focus on the memories in life vs the messes. Life gets messy. Embrace it the best you can and create good vibes from it. This is a key ingredient for creating healthy relationships, which is why our approach to our relationship with food is about creating and getting messy in the process. Cleaning up is a part of our routine, but in the process of it we try to release the expectations and enjoy the moments.

There are times when we can and need to push beyond our limits and times we need to pull back to take time to restore our roots and rhythms.

Structure and routine has its perks and place, but our flow is not being too attached to it. Some days we just wing it. Our routine is not made by a schedule it is made by learning one another’s needs, roots, rhythms, and natural temperament and flow. When you become mindful of the moments and the energy in it all, things fall into place. Sometimes the saying “ fall into place” makes it sound like it is effortless, but this is not often the case with anything in life. All the things that are worth your energy require attention, effort, and mindful care. It is an adventure of learning how to apply the efforts, but you will know when things are meant to be because things seem to align and have a natural flow.

What’s your favorite outdoor activity? This summer we are loving Bruce learning how to care for flowers, swinging, our daily walks, and firepit family meals.

Laugh with Carol is about staying cool when life gets crazy! Life can get intense, but the best way to rise to those moments is through compassion and composure. This does not mean always being as cool as a cucumber, because we are humans full of emotions. However, how we express the emotions and the intentions of them is the power source.

Those eyes.

The woods.

Those purrs and whiskers.

Those tiny hands holding on to me.

That mossy ground.

Breathing you in.

Breathing life in. Fully.

This is what it is to Root & Flow; to notice the magic in the moments. The peace exist. It is right there if we are willing to welcome it.

Life gets crazy, but there are so many natural rhythms to remind us to Calm the Sea Within!

Close your eyes…



Visualize the waves crashing in and pulling back. The large, majestic Sea breathing in then letting go….

Go with the tides. Today, it was rainy and we love outdoor time, so hello mud!

We love, love, love nature!!! Nature and animals are our guides. I have so many stories about learning our spirit animals, how animals are healers, and all the things nature can do for us each day when we are mindful of respecting the balance of give and take.

I still plan to write a blog post and do some podcasts on my birth and motherhood journey, but some highlights:

-Absolutely no meds, because I am very allergic to most all things. Plus, I believe in Holistic and natural living as much as possible. However, there are times and cases when medicines are necessary, but that is a topic to itself. Another blog post. Another day. So… most of what I have always used for pain is: ice, rubs/oils, meditations, music, and sometimes swearing. Self Reiki and Hypnobirthing were a huge part of my labor at home.

-I went into labor a week early and did so at home for the first day (26ish hours before going to the hospital). I had always dreamed of a home birth, but my current home, covid world, and no access to a doula or mid-wife made that a challenging dream. Having a birth in a hospital was also quite scary due to past medical traumas and the current conditions of Covid world. Even with the due date closing in, I was undecided as to if I was going to travel to the bigger hospital out of town or go to my local one. I had prepped at both places the best I could and released all my anxiety over it and did my best to trust it would all happen as it was meant to. It did! I am grateful for my life and professional experiences to help me navigate labor at home for as long as possible and do some of the sacred birthing rituals I had hoped to do. Then at 4am, things were getting beyond real. The contractions were not easing up at all and I was pretty sure he was going to be in this world sooner than later. Devin heard my deep growls in the living room and came ready with the keys, like “it’s time to go”!! We drove to our local hospital and hoped for the best. They got us in a room right away and I ended up with a Dr. I loved. Things just naturally fell into place. On the other hand, the labor was intense. My water was not breaking and due to how my cervix was dilating I had to try to refrain the urge to push that was constantly taking over my body like a force of nature that words cannot describe. They did not want me to push until the cervix was further along, because his head was steadily making its way down, but the cervix was in the way. The pushing could have made it unsafe for his head to be there until we got the cervix to further dilate. The nurses did a great job at helping this process along and Devin did a great job at letting me squeeze his hands to pieces to ride the waves of the pain for 13 HOURS!!! Finally, around 5pmish, the cervix was out of the way enough for me to give into the pushing and it certainty felt like the Earth itself ripping open. In my months of prep, I did what I could to try to prevent tearing, but I tore through an artery. Hours after the birth I was still bleeding heavily, so yeah, there’s that, but every single oz of pain was beyond worth the love that was pouring from my soul and now in my arms. He was everything and more of what I had long dreamed of. My world was and is full of the brightest light because of this sweet boy that made me a mom.

Ready or not…. life will constantly push you out of your comfort zones. We must root and rise to meet those moments with the best version of ourselves. The best version of ourselves does not mean we have it all figured out and the life is golden look. It means authentically showing up. It might look messy or be difficult for yourself or others to even understand, but you are there, in the moment, fully present, being mindful of all the vibes, and doing your best to be your best, whatever that may be.

Ahhh this is such a significant moon for me and my family life flow and the patterns of our lives. This is connected to a cycle of seasons and astrological events and alignments that I certainly need and entire blog post or podcast to talk about, but for today’s #dailyroots check out our social media for wellness tips and charts!

The fruits and fibers that make life whole!!!!

…and for me… that is… I am taking a break from the #dailyroots for the next few months to focus on being present in my life flow while doing my best to work on continuing to create the workshops and all the behind the scenes stuff of Rootin’ that I hope to share one day!!! Thanks so much for being here!!!! Roots of Love!!!